Hey guys, I finally thought of an idea! And thanks for the reviews, you guys are AWESOME! :D 3 Lots of love3 and if u guys have time read my story,"When Life Goes Wrong." That was my first fanfic. Anyways.. :D

Disclaimer: I do not own Vampire Academy


Chapter 10-Dimitri Gone Strigoi

Rose's PoV

Adrian I must say is the best partner in crime. I love working with him and I got a new prank. But this one is kind of cruel, oh well. Now let me text Adrian.



"Hi Little Dhampir. :)"

"Do you want to play another prank?"

"On who?"

"Dimitri Belikov."

"Oh my gosh, a chance to embarrass the almighty Dimitri? Hell yeah count me in. ;)"

"Great, I love you Adrian, you are the best partner in crime ever!"

"I love you too Little Dhampir, and I love being your partner."

"Meet me in front of Dimitri's dorm in 10."

"Okay, see you then."

This would be the second best plan I've had. I am so proud of myself for thinking of it. I headed out of my room and headed towards Dimitri's room. I stood there for a little bit and Adrian finally came.

"You're late," I informed him.

"Sorry, I was busy making myself look decent," he winked.

I rolled my eyes.

"Okay, I am going to pick lock this door and then you're going to use compulsion on Dimitri to make him sleep, then we're going to play with his face," I explained.

"Okay then," he smiled. I started to pick lock the key hole and finally it snapped opened. Me and Adrian walked in and shut the door. Dimitri was reading one of his favourite Western novels. He looked at us and started,"Rose, Adr-" I lunged at Dimitri so quickly that he had no time to react. I pinned him down and soon he would've been the one to pin me down if Adrian didn't move quick.

"Adrian now!" I commanded, and then Adrian came over and stared straight into Dimitri's eyes.

"You will fall asleep, and you will wake up 20 minutes later, then you will walk outside, and pretend to bite Rose, because you are a Strigoi," Adrian ordered.

"I will fall asleep, and wake up 20 minutes later, then I will walk outside, and pretend to bite Rose, because I am a Strigoi," Dimitri repeated and he fell asleep. I finally let go of him.

"Bite me? Seriously Adrian?"

He shrugged.

"Okay Adrian, let's give Dimitri a make over," I grinned.

15 minutes later me and Adrian were done. Dimitri looked like a real Strigoi.

"I must say, we did an amazing job," I complimented.

"I know."

"Okay let's get going."

Me and Adrian headed outside, close to Dimitri's room so he'll see me and pretend to bite me. We stood there and waited until we saw Dimitri come out. Me and Adrian started to walk away(part of the act) when suddenly Dimitri grabbed me and pretended to drink from me. I started to scream and I kept my eyes on Adrian as my head tilted to the side, he was trying his hardest to hold in a laugh. I was aware of the people starting to crowd around us because of my screaming. Soon enough I heard a shout from afar.

"DIMITRI BELIKOV!" Alberta growled. Dimitri turned to look at her and everyone gasped because he looked like a Strigoi.

"Y-y-ou turned into a Strigoi," Alberta breathed. And suddenly Dimitri dropped me, then me and Adrian started to burst out laughing.

"What are you talking about Alberta? I am not a Strigoi," Dimitri argued. Clearly he broke out of the compulsion.

"Yes you are, you look like one, and you bit Rose," Alberta stated.

Dimitri turned to look at me and raised a brow. "If I bit her then why is she laughing hysterically?"

"Endorphins make you drunky," Alberta said.

"Then why is Adrian laughing, I didn't bite him," Dimitri made a good point.

"Then why do you look like a Strigoi?" Alberta asked.

"Rose and Adrian broke into my room and used compulsion on me, and messed around with me," Dimitri sighed. Me and Adrian kept laughing.

"Adrian... Rose..." Alberta started.

Me and Adrian stopped laughing.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Run," Alberta warned.

"Is that our second cue to run?" I asked Adrian.

"I think so," he whispered.

Then we both got up to run at amazing speed, with some guardians on our trail.

"Let's repeat what we said yesterday," I said.

"Okay," he replied.

"SHIT!" I yelled.

"DAMN STRAIGHT!" he yelled back.

"TOO MY ROOM!" I screamed.

Then we both laughed at the deja vu. Too my room, again.

Haha, there you go! Short chapter, sorry. Enjoy! Review please! :D


-Leann :3