Chapter 17-Last Chapter !

Enjoy, for this is the last chapter!

This chapter is dedicated to my awesome homie Miranda.

Disclaimer-I do not own anything!

Last chapter recap-

"Oh poor Ian really wants that rock over there...huh..?" she snarled. I flipped her off of me and leaped towards the rock. I bent down and started to mold the gold over the shape inside it. It was a perfect oblong shape. It looked kind of like a egg. Finally after what felt like hours I felt the egg slip away from the gold casing .I held the egg as if it were the most sacred thing in the whole world. In a sense it was. This was the only way I could get Amy back. You see this was where I made the same mistake twice in a day. I didn't notice Amy until it was too late.

That's how for the first time in my life I was looking down the barrel of a gun held by my wife.

Chapter 17-

"Throw it to me Ian."Amy commanded. I looked at the egg. I put it behind by back where she couldn't see it, and cracked it open .

"Sorry, Amy…You know I can't do that." I said quietly.

"Then suffer the consequences Ian," She stated coolly. There was a flash of light. A bang. Then there was pain. Lots of it. I looked down towards my chest where I saw bright crimson blood flowing down my suit. Wow…I thought. This was Armani. I looked back up through hazy eyes to see her sauntering towards me clad in black. The sun shone behind her and made her look like an angel. Nice way to die I thought. I looked at her again. Walk a little bit closer. Just a little bit. I held the syringe in my hand like my life depended on it, which ironically it didn't. It was someone else's life at stake. Someone worth way more than Ian Kabra ever could. She bent down before me with a smile on her face. So close. But yet so far away. I picked up the syringe and stabbed it into her arm .I pressed down. It was so hard to do. I couldn't even hear anything over the rush of blood in my ears. My hand dropped. No… I didn't get all of it into her blood. It was too late now. I couldn't lift my arm up anymore. Hopefully it was enough. I looked at Amy through slanted eyes. I bet I looked like a snake I thought. How ironic? I saw Amy's eyes go wide. Those jade green eyes. Wait…what? They were changing color. No…her eyes…her beautiful eyes. Suddenly…I guess the real Amy was back, because she was crying and whispering I love you over and over again. My eyes were closing. I saw her pick the syringe up. It was moving toward my arm. My arm? What? I closed my eyes. I couldn't hold on any longer. I let go. But not before I felt a prick on my arm.

I woke up to glowing amber yes in my face. Amber eyes? My vision cleared and I saw a beautiful Amy crying silently.

"Amy…"I whispered through my hoarse lips.

"Ian… oh god .I'm so sorry Ian. I didn't mean to hurt you. I swear. I me-me-mean the true me didn't want to hu-hu-rt you. Oh god…I'm so so-so glad your alive.….."she stuttered. I just stared at her with a smile on my lips. She was stuttering again. After so many years. Which meant that she wasn't trying to kill me anymore. She was alive, and she was back to regular old Amy. Wait… I'm not alive. She shot me!

"Is this heaven Amy…"I questioned. I looked down at my nightdress. "Cuz if this is heaven shouldn't I be in like a toga or something,"I whispered. I looked up at her confused face. Her confused laughing face. Why was she laughing at me? Couldn't I get a break.

" goofball. This is earth. This is your hospital on our private yacht silly. You survived. I gave you some of the stuff in that syringe on the beach. I don't know how, but it worked like magic and closed the wound up. " she finished. She looked down at the bed. "Sorry...I just realized that you probably don't want me here. I should get off your boat. I'll go talk to the captain,"she replied tearfully. WTH?

"Are you mad Amy? Why would I not want you here? And before you said it was our boat and suddenly now its all mine ?"I questioned. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes.

"So you don't hate me?" She asked.

"No…Amy I never hated you. Ever. I might not of understood you younger, but I never hated you Come here sweetheart,"I beckoned. She came over and leaned against my chest. The doctor came in, looked surprised, and turned around to walk back outside. I told him to get the hell in here and tell me the news. So , Apparently the serum also cured me of the poison I got earlier. Which was great news, because I didn't want to die.

"Doctor…what about the baby?" I asked fearfully. I hoped with all my heart that nothing bad happened .

"The baby is perfectly fine . There's no need to worry." he replied. Whew…another load off of my chest.

"Do you know what happened to Janiece ? "I asked. That girl was going to pay. Big time.

"She is locked up in the prison ," he replied as he backed out of the room.

I got up on my sore feet, and Amy helped me change into a polo t-shirt and shorts. Today was going to be a vacation day I thought. To celebrate everything good in my life. I strolled onto the deck with Amy and her beautiful amber eyes in hand and stared at the tiny speck of land where the women I loved most shot me. Well there's always a first. Even for getting shot by your wife. Atleast everything will be calm and peaceful now I thought happily.

Atleast until the baby is born…:]

That's the end! Please tell me how you like it! R&R.:]