Title: Good-bye for now

Category: Rizzoli & Isles

Ship: Rizzoli/Grant

Genre: Romance/Angst

Summary: How the moment at the stoop should have ended.

A/N: Just a small piece to get the creative juices flowing again.

Disclaimer: Don't own anything but my thoughts, if a sale for Grant goes up though someone tell me, I'd love to own my very own Donnie Walhberg.

'Have fun in Washington' She whispers, her wet cheek pressed against his. His breath warming her where the rain had left her cold, her lips skate across his cheek leaving a ghost of a kiss as she pulls back quickly before she loses her head and sink into him the way she wants to and as she said she would miss him she truly hopes he couldn't hear the way her voice cracked.

Her hand is still on the knob, the door is still ajar and as she looks down at the small puddle collecting at her feet, droplets running down her face she realizes two things; one not all the moisture on her face is product of the rain and two she's really going to miss him. The man that as a child had been the definition of pain in her ass, the source of some of her most embarrassing adolescent moments had grown up to become a man that made her ache. The idea of him leaving without her knowing what could happened between them left her with a feeling she wasn't even comfortable putting into words. A feeling that had her opening the door and stepping once more into the pouring rain, looking down she found him still sitting down on her steps just as she had left him.

"Liaison between Boston and Homeland security means you might have to come back here once in a while," She blurted out in a rush, watching as he slowly raised his head and turned to look at her, his lips lifting into a half smile that use to irritate her with the knowledge that he was amused at her expense and now made something in her stomach flutter.

"Right?" She asked again taking a step back, bumping into her door frame as he stood and climbed the final step before standing in front of her. "Joe"

"Right," he answered softly, once again brushing her hair back, his thumb drawing small soft circles on her cheek. "Janey…"

"Don't called me Janey," She whispered out of habit as his lips brushed hers, this time not turning away but opening her mouth, letting his warmth seep into her. Her hands seeking him out to pull him closer to her as he pressed her more firmly into her door frame. How long they kissed she wasn't sure and didn't bother to care just like she didn't bother with the fact that kissing in the rain was totally cliché and had she been watching it instead of living it she would have rolled her eyes and pretend to gag.

Finally when they need air he slowly broke their kiss, pressing small kisses at the corners of her mouth. Forehead against forehead she watched through dazed eyes as he kept his closed and gulped down big puffs of air. Slowly he opened his eyes and she watched the sadness there match his smile.

"We've wasted so much time," He spoke is a gentle voice and she allowed her tears to mix with the rain as she nodded softly.

"I could stay," He offered hopeful and Jane found herself smiling as he looked more in that moment like the boy she had grown up with then she had seem in a long time and found herself pressing her lips to his once more pulling him into a hug but whispering into his ear 'No'.

"Right" He answered dejected, his words muffled as he pressed his lips into her shoulder and as he held her close, Jane found the small comfort she was looking for just as her head found the perfect place in the nook of his neck, it wasn't forever. Armed with that, she told him, her words dancing on his skin.

"It's not good-bye forever Joe, it's just good-bye for now."

Her words were a tiny whisper drowned out by the storm coming down on them but as he arms tighten around her even more she knew he heard her.