Hello again. I thought I would give you a little history behind what sparked this story. There is an advert showing in the UK at the moment staring a British comedian. In the advert his girlfriend asks him if he could have sex with anyone in the world who would it be? His girlfriend runs through all these names of famous beautiful women. He answers in the end Claire from accounts. His girlfriend is not happy! This also reminded me of a dinner that we were at one night where we all went through our top five famous people that we could have sex with and our partners weren't allowed to get upset. This sparked all this. I am not sure if this is going to be a multi chapter or what will happen or where it will go.
All reviews and suggestions are welcome. Please.
Here we go...
TOP FIVE – Chapter one
Stefan had decided that Elena needed a treat after all that had happened, in fact all the girls deserved a treat so Elena, Bonnie and Meredith were spending the night at the exclusive spa hotel (Stefan's treat) two towns over so that Elena didn't bump into anyone.
Stefan and Damon are having some brother's time; they are trying to bury the hatchet. So here they are sitting on the sofa in the boarding house drink a fine single malt whiskey. The fire is burning and the brothers have been talking for about an hour.
"Have you and Elena discussed your top five?" Damon asks Stefan
"What are you talking about Damon, What top five?"
"You know your top five" Damon stares at his brother incredulsy. Stefan and Elena are permanently joined together at the hip how they could not have had THAT conversation!
"Damon I don't know what top five you are talking about" Stefan states.
Damon sighs and figures that he better explain to his dense brother what he is talking about.
"Your top five people that you could bump into and have sex with and Elena couldn't get upset. Like if you bumped into Pamela Anderson and you were married to Elena you could have sex with Pammie without getting in trouble with Elena"
"Oh you mean like a free pass top five" Stefan says getting the idea
Damon rolls his eyes at his brother "yes I mean what the harm the chances of you meeting Pamela Anderson in Fells Church are slim, the fact that she would find you attractive enough to have sex with are none existent. It just a harmless bit of fun"
Stefan realises nothing with Damon is ever really harmless.
"Do you have a top five Damon?" Stefan asks.
"More like a ten, but with me it's irrelevant one no woman can resist me anyway so they would be forming a queue. Two I don't have a girlfriend to need a free pass from and Three I would never get tied down" answers a confident Damon
"Come on Stefan shout your five out without thinking about it" Damon suggests
Stefan cringes a bit "Not a word of this conversation to Elena? Promise" Stefan asks Damon. He knows what ever Damon is Damon never breaks his promise.
Damon hold's up his little finger "I'll even pinkie promise" Stefan smiled inwardly. He knew that Damon had picked that one up from Bonnie. It was a very Bonnie thing to say. Stefan grabbed pinkies with Damon. Damon looked solemnly at his brother and announced "I promise"
Stefan had been thinking about his top five all the time he had been having this conversation with his brother. Damon looked at Stefan
"Top five now" Damon said
Stefan answer automatically "1, Drew Barrymore, 2, Cameron Diaz, 3, Charlize Theron, 4, Beyonce, 5 Bonnie"
Hope you like please review. I promise this will end up as DB.