Chapter 5: The First Date.

Naruto was walking home from the training grounds in darkness, only lit by the dull glow of street lamps. He had always liked this part of the day; everyone was inside having dinner so the streets were quiet and peaceful.

He walked up to his apartment and opened the door, 'home sweet home' he sighed tiredly. He walked straight into the bathroom, had a shower and went to bed.

He was looking up his bedroom ceiling, and just before he dosed off he whispered "Hinata" and fell asleep with a smile on his face.

Hinata was walking into the Hyuuga complex, as she approached he bedroom she ran into her father in the hallway.

"Where have you been?" he demanded.

"T-t-training father, I spent the night at Tenten's" she said as she looked at the ground.

"Hmmph.. I don't know why you bother training Hinata, your weak now and you always will be" he said with obvious dissatisfaction with her.

He walked down the hall leaving Hinata standing at her bedroom door.

She sighed, as she opened the door and walked in 'Father never changes..' she said to herself.

Hinata was lying in her bed, on her side, staring at her far bedroom wall, thinking about today's events.

'I can't believe Naruto-kun's father was the yondaime..' 'He trusted me with his secret, which must mean he really likes me!' 'Hell yeah!' She thought to herself.

She rolled over and went to sleep.

Naruto awoke to the loud beeping of his alarm clock.

Beep! Beep!

"Errmmm… what the-.." he was cut off by the sound of his window opening.

He jumped out of bed and grabbed his special kunai on his bedside table; he was ready for a fight.

He was very surprised to see his own kage bushin jump through the window.

He calmed down.

"Oh, who're you?" he asked politely.

"Hey boss, I'm the kage bushin you sent yesterday to ask baa-chan about you and Hinata being in the same team" he explained.

"Oh, well? What happened?" he answered.

"She said its fine, but she's warning you to be careful, there is a new village participating in this round of exams, the Hidden Bone Village from the Land of Barrens" said the clone seriously.

"Also, your kunai's are ready, here is 50" he said whilst giving Naruto a bag, "Baa-chan said if you need more or you run out, just ask for more" said the clone before he dissipated.

'The Hidden Bone Village..' 'What a weird name for a village' he thought.

He looked over at the clock on his bedside table.

"Might as well see if Sasuke wants to spar" he said to himself, before he got read and jumped out the window onto the street.

Hinata awoke feeling very.. Peculiar. She had just finished having a very erotic dream about Naruto.

'I feel so horny! What's wrong with me!' she thought worriedly.

She knew that there was only one person she could share this with, the only person she could go to for help.

She got ready and ran straight to Tenten's house.

Her cousin's girlfriend had always then there for her in her times of "womanly need" she seemed to have all the answers, regarding sexual matters, it was no rumour that she was sexually active with said cousin.

She arrived at Tenten's front door and knocked lightly.

"Come in!" she heard Tenten yell from inside.

Hinata walked in and started frantically speaking about all that had happened the past two days, leaving out Naruto's parentage, Tenten just sat on the lounge quietly listening to the worried girl's rambling.

Finally she stopped, as she needed a breath.

"Tenten! What's wrong with me!" she almost yelled.

"Hinata, calm down, you're in "heat" for Naruto that's all, you love him don't you?" said Tenten, Hinata nodded dumbly.

"And he said he loves you?" she asked, Hinata continued to nod.

"Then what's the problem?" she said.

"W-w-well I-I.." she stammered to embarrassed to continue.

Tenten know fully understood what was wrong, Hinata was full of sexual frustration and tension, and she wanted Naruto to relieve that.

"Ohh, I understand now" said Tenten slyly.

"You want to him to fuck you?" she said bluntly, "T-T-Tenten!" she Hinata shocked.

"Well seduce him tonight on your date" she said slyly

All Hinata could do was stare at the ground, beet red with embarrassment.

"Oh yeah, if you don't want to get pregnant, take these the morning after" said Tenten as she handed a small box to Hinata.

Naruto knocked on Sasuke's front door, no answer.

"Baka! You in there?" he yelled, still no answer.

'He's probably at Sakura's' he groaned in frustration.

He walked to Sakura's and knocked on the door.

"I'm coming!" he heard Sakura yell.

'Hehehe, I wonder how many times she said that last night' he chuckled to himself.

Oddly enough, Sasuke was standing in Sakura's shower thinking the exact same thing.

Sakura opened the door with a towel wrapped around her.

"Oh, hey Naruto, I guess you're here for Sasuke?" she asked politely.

"Yeh I am, I wanted to see if he would like to spar" he returned.

"Sure, I'll go ask him, come in" she said, as she led him into her lounge room, he sat down on the lounge.

As Sakura turned to walk back to the shower Naruto asked, "Sakura, why are you going back into the shower? I can hear Sasuke in there" he said innocently.

Sakura turned beet red and glared at him.

She was just about to beat him for being pervy when she heard Sasuke call her.

"Sakura, stop talking to the dobe and get your cute little arse back in her!" he yelled playfully.

She turned another shade of bright red, Naruto chuckled "Yeah Sakura, don't keep chicken-butthead waiting!" he yelled so Sasuke could hear.

He heard Sasuke growl.

Sakura quickly ran into the bathroom and hopped in the shower.

Naruto quietly lounged around for about half an hour before Sasuke finally walked into the living room fully clothed, with his kusanagi tucked under his arm.

"About time!" said Naruto, with much exaggeration.

"Okay, calm down retard, let's go spar" retorted Sasuke, Naruto just grinned.

Naruto was facing Sasuke in the middle of the training fields, Sakura was yelling from the sidelines "Go Sasuke! Wooooo!" she screamed.

"Hmmmm…. What a fan girl.." Naruto murmured.

"Okay, you ready dobe?" smirked Sasuke.

"I was born ready pretty-boy" returned Naruto coolly.

Naruto made the familiar hand sign "Kage Bushin no Jutsu! He yelled, there was a large puff of smoke and 50 bushins appeared.

"Keep him busy guys!" ordered Naruto "You got it boss!" replied the bushins.

Naruto and two other bushins ran off and disappeared into the trees, 'What? He normally attacks me head on' Thought Sasuke, he tried to follow but was intercepted by the bushins.

"You aren't going anywhere!" said the 50 clones together as they rushed at Sasuke.

'Damn it! I'm going to have to take out these clones before I can start the real fight with the dobe' he thought to himself, he smiled.

"Sharingan!" yelled Sasuke as his bloodline limit activated.

The first 20 bushins came straight at Sasuke whilst the other 30 made a large circle around him.

Sasuke drew his kusanagi in one hand and made a chidori in the other, he charged straight at the clones.

He stabbed and slashed, left and right, slowly dissipating the clones one by one, the rest of them charged him, he jumped off one of their heads and shot high into the air so he was above all the clones.

"Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu!" he yelled as he took in a breath and shot a large fireball down at the clones, dissipating them all at once.

He landed and started to run towards to trees.

'Now onto the dobe' he thought.

The dissipated clone's memories reached Naruto.

'Good, they held him off for a while' he smirked.

As the two clones guarded him, Naruto sat down and closed his eyes.

'Let's show sasuke our new jutsu' he said to himself.

Sasuke reached Naruto, he was hiding behind a tree watching Naruto sit on the ground doing what seemed to be meditating.

'No matter' he thought 'I'll end this now with the taijutsu I stole from Lee' he smiled.

His sharingan activated again.

Naruto was already in sage mode, he could sense Sasuke behind the tree and his clones where in position, now it was Sasuke's turn.

Sasuke was surprised as Naruto's first clone almost hit him from behind with a rasengan, if he didn't have his sharingan activated it would have hit him.

'Shit!' were did this guy come from?' he thought.

He dissipated the clone with his chidori eiso.

He jumped back a few metres only to be attacked from beneath be another clone! The clone jumped out of the ground with a rasengan in his hand nearly hitting Sasuke.

Sasuke did a backflip out of the way and dissipated the clone by throwing three kunai at it.

He was slowly walking backwards; this was a game of cat and mouse in the dark forest.

'The dobe only ran off with two clones, that means he has to fight me himself now' he smiled to himself.

"Come out and fight me dobe!" he yelled arrogantly.

"I know that you have no-more clones left!" he yelled again.

Naruto jumped straight at Sasuke and attacked him head on, Sasuke dodged Naruto's kicks and punches before ducking underneath him and kicking him straight in the jaw, this caused Naruto to lift at least 5 metres off the ground, Sasuke jumped up to him and in mid-air he yelled "Omote Renge!"

Sasuke grabbed Naruto in a fierce bear-hug, and started their descent head-first to ground in a fast downward spiral, at the last second before impact Sasuke jumped off Naruto and landed on his feet nearby, Naruto plummeted at high speed headfirst into the ground, Poof!

Sasuke stood there panting, dumbstruck that he had been too arrogant to realise that it was a clone. The real Naruto jumped out of the ground and hit Sasuke with a jaw-breaking uppercut; Sasuke reeled back and hit the floor.

Naruto stood over him and grinned before he ran off again, back towards the training fields, "Catch me if you can loser!" yelled Naruto as he sprinted away, leaving Sasuke panting heavily on the ground.

Sasuke stood up and ran back to the training grounds, Naruto was standing there smiling, waiting for him, there was something different about his eyes..

"Okay, enough messing around dobe! Let's finish this!" he yelled and charged Naruto.

He swung at Naruto, Naruto ducked and kicked at his stomach, Sasuke jumped back and round house kicked at Naruto's head, Naruto took a step back and then swung at Sasuke's head, this is what Sasuke was waiting for, with his sharingan activated he could easily avoid the blow and the counter the attack.

He tilted it head slightly to the left and as Naruto's fist just passed his face, he thought he had dodged it but he was punched hard in the face by some invisible force, Sasuke flew back and just recovered in-time to avoid hitting the ground.

'What? I was sure I dodged it' he thought confused, his face ached and there was already a large ugly bruise on the side of his face. He didn't have time to dwell on it; Naruto had already followed up and was pressing his attack.

'How can he move that fast?' Sasuke thought bewildered.

Naruto was punching and kicking, left and right, high and low, he was going so fast that even with his sharingan, Sasuke still failed to block or dodge every so often; his mistakes were costing him dearly, each one of Naruto's hits that connected shook him from head to toe, like he was getting hit with a boulder.

'How can anyone hit this hard?' he though in distress.

He knew that Naruto kept this up he would surely lose this match, he jumped out of harm's way, only to be kicked in the lower back, straight into the air by Naruto's clone.

'When did he-..' he was cut off as he saw a third Naruto flying down, he kicked Sasuke in the face and he flew head first into the dirt with an earth-shattering crash, Sasuke's world went black, he was knocked out.

He awoke to Sakura kneeling over him using her medical ninjutsu on him and Naruto standing above him with a wide grin on his face.

"I guess I win" said Naruto with a smirk.

"Yeah, just don't get used to it dobe" said Sasuke as he smiled back.

He grabbed Naruto's hand and was pulled to his feet.

He almost collapsed as the knockout blow caught up to him, only to be caught by Naruto who put his arm around his shoulders and held him up.

He had a splitting headache, "Woah, dobe how did you hit that hard?" he said as he staggered forward a bit.

"Hehehe" replied Naruto "That was my sage mode"

"So that's why your eyes are like that" he said as he squinted at the toad-like eyes.

"Yerp, it makes me a whole lot more powerful, but it takes time to gather the nature chakra and to balance it in my body, that's why I ran away" he chuckled.

Sakura was walking next to them holding Sasuke's sheathed sword.

"Baka! You could have really hurt him! Now he's going to be bed-ridden for at least two days!" she yelled at Naruto hotly.

"Big deal, so you guys can't get jiggy for a few days, get over it" he laughed at Sakura, as she blushed furiously.

"I'm joking Sakura, take it easy" he smiled at her.

"Guys, we better get moving, I got a date in an hour and a half, I don't wanna be late" he said as he started to walk to Sakura's house whilst caring Sasuke.

"Ooooh a date? With who?" asked Sakura slyly.

"Huh? Oh just Hinata-chan" answered Naruto.

"Hinata? About freaking time!" she exaggerated.

They arrived at Sakura's house and Naruto deposited Sasuke on the lounge and waved his farewell.

"I'll see you guys later" he called as he walked out of the house.

"Yeah, see you dobe!" called Sasuke.

"Have fun with Hinata!" yelled Sakura.

Hinata was in the shower getting ready for her and Naruto's date, she had selected a strapless black dress that reach just above her knees, it showed off her fabulously curvy figure and large breasts, she had selected this dress with the help of Tenten who said "It will drive him wild!"

She got changed and sat down to do her hair, 'Naruto-kun will be here in an hour' she thought happily.

Naruto had just gotten out of the shower and decided on wearing a plain black t-shirt, his orange and black pants and his jacket Tsunade had given him from his father, he looked in the mirror, 'Not bad, if I don't say so myself' he smiled.

He looked at the time, 8:00, he only had half an hour to pick up Hinata, she walked down the stairs and onto the street; he turned to lock his door and started down the road towards the Hyuuga complex.

Naruto reached the gates of the Hyuuga complex but the guards refused him entry and he stood there mumbling to himself he say Neji walk pass the gates, he called out to him, "Hey Neji! Can you tell these clowns to let me in?"

Neji gestured to the guards and they let Naruto pass.

"Hello Naruto, what can I do for you?" asked Neji politely, he had changed a lot after the chuunin exams, he was nicer, friendlier, more understanding and he even seemed more happy, like a large weight had been taken off his shoulders.

"Oh, I'm here to pick up Hinata, were going on a date" said Naruto with a large grin.

Neji raised one eyebrow, 'About time!' he thought.

"Wait here, I'll go get her for you" he said, he turned and walked deeper into the Hyuuga complex.

Hinata had finished her hair and was going to sit up when she heard a respectful tap at the door, "Hinata, its Neji, may I come in?" he called.

"Of course itoko" she answered, ever since the chuunin exams, her and Neji's relationship had improved greatly, she trusted him and usually came to him for advice.

"Naruto it in the main courtyard waiting for you, he said you two are going on a date?" he said with an eyebrow raised.

Hinata blushed, "Yes, he asked me out to dinner" "Umm.. Neji.. Can you uhh.. cover for me if I don't come home tonight?" she replied with another blush.

Neji just smiled and nodded, "Have fun" he said as he walked away.

Naruto was leaning against the wall of the gazebo in the main courtyard when he saw Hinata walking towards him with a smile on her face, 'Oh my god! Hinata is gorgeous!' he thought to himself, he desperately tried to keep his mouth closed to stop himself from gaping at her.

Hinata giggled, she thought it was funny they way Naruto stared at her, speechless, with his mouth wide open.

"What's a matter Naruto-kun? Cat got your tongue?" she purred at him sexily.

"H-Hinata, you look amazing!" he said, Hinata giggled again.

"Ready to go?" he ask, offering her his hand.

She laced her fingers in-between his and held his hand, she nodded as Naruto led them away from the Hyuuga complex.

They went to a restaurant not far from Naruto's place, they ate dinner and shared pleasant conversation, when they had finished, Naruto asked the waiter for the bill, 'This is going great! I'm having so much fun with Naruto-kun' she said to herself and continued laughing as Naruto described his fight with Sasuke this morning.

"And then I kicked him straight in the face!" said Naruto with enthusiasm as Hinata covered her mouth with her hand to control the giggles.


After Naruto paid the bill they were slowly walking to Naruto's house, they were at his front door, holding hands and laughing, Hinata leaned over and whispered in Naruto's ear "Naruto-kun" she whispered sexily to him "How about we go inside and find something fun to do?" she asked, then she giggled.

They went inside and Naruto jumped on the lounge and laid across it, Hinata giggled and straddled his waist, she rocked slowly back and forth, their crotches we rubbing against each other, Naruto moaned quietly in pleasure.

Hinata leaned down and kissed him on the lips, "What do you want to do now Naruto-kun?" she asked innocently, whilst tracing her finger around his chest.

"Why don't you decide?" he replied bluntly.

She giggled, got off him and led him by the hand into his bedroom, she turned him around and pushed him back-wards onto his bed, she began to undress herself as he watched her with wonder, she kicked off her high-heeled shoes and pulled off her dress, she was standing in his bedroom wearing nothing but her bra and panties.

Naruto gasped as she slowly crawled on top of him, she took off his jacket, and pulled his shirt over his head finally she pulled down his pants, he was laying there with nothing on but his boxer shorts, she giggled as she saw the "tent" his member had made, he blushed.

She tugged suggestively at his waist band before he grabbed her hands and stopped her she looked up at him.

"You first" he grinned at her.

She blush and crawled back up on him and sat on his chest, he reached up and pulled down her panties as she took of her bra, she sat on him in all her glory, he kissed her on the knee enjoying the feeling of her soft white skin on his lips.

Naruto flipped over so he was on top of her and kissed her passionately on the lips and slowly kissed his way down her neck, chest and onto her large breasts, she groaned in pleasure as Naruto lightly licked her left nipple whilst teasing her right one, Hinata was moaning in pleasure and ecstasy, he kissed his way down to her belly button and kissed around it, Hinata shivered at his touch.

He came to her womanhood and was dumbstruck on what to do next, he looked up at her, "I'll show you where" she said helpfully.

Naruto followed her fingers and started to lick her puffed up clit and lightly fingering her vagina, she moaned and squirmed underneath him, "Ohhh, Nauto-kun! That's so good!" she screamed.

After a while of this she started to let out short, rapid breaths and was moaning louder and louder, "Naruto! I-I-I'm cumming!" she screamed and squirted on his face, he happily licked it up.

"That was amazing" she breathed.

They sat there for a few moments to catch their breath, "Ready for round two?" smirked Naruto.

'Hell Yeah!' she thought.

"O-o-okay Naruto-kun" she said with a blush.

She pulled off Naruto's boxers and he lay on top of her, she grabbed his member and positioned it at her slit.

Naruto shivered at her touch and the feeling of his member slow rubbing her slit.

"Are you ready baby?" he said slyly.

'Fuck my brains out Naruto-kun!' she thought to herself.

"Go for it!" she said excitedly.

Naruto breathed out as he slowly slid himself inside her, he came to a barrier inside her, he look at her for reassurance and she nodded at him.

He pushed himself through the barrier until he was fully inside her, Hinata winced in pain, Naruto kissed her passionately to take her mind off the pain.

He started to thrust into her, slowly at first, she cried out, he stopped afraid that he'd hurt her.

"Faster Naruto-kun" she whispered into his ear.

Naruto didn't need to be told twice, he thrust into her as fast and as hard as he could, she screamed his named and moaned in pleasure.

"Naruto! I'm cumming!" she screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Me too!" he yelled back.

Hinata couldn't hold it anymore she released at the same time Naruto shot deep inside her, they both collapsed on top of each other, they where a mess of panting and ecstasy.

They were looking deep into each other's eyes, "I love you Naruto-kun" said Hinata as she kissed him.

"I love you too Hinata" said Naruto as he kissed her back.

End Of Chapter.

What do you think? Please review! Btw this is my first lemon so take it easy on me!

Also a big thank you to my new editor so now my chapters should have better spelling and grammar :D

He's working on a story at the moment; you guys should check it out when it's posted his profile is Linkitivity.

Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu: Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique.

Itoko: Cousin.

Omote Renge: Front Lotus.

Chidori Eiso: Chidori Sharp Spear. (The chidori that sasuke extends so its like a long lighting sword)