"Mom!" Yelled a thirteen year old girl. The girl had blond hair with green highlights and blue eyes. She walked down from the stairs. "Jakkie? What's wrong?" Keira asked Jakkie as the girl walked to her. Jakkie was really wet, and she wasn't happy. "Why didn't dad fix my roof?" She asked. Her father promised her he would fix the leak. Keira grabbed a towel and have it to the girl. "Well, your father has been busy. As soon as he gets home, I'll tell him. Okay, Jakkie?" She said. Jakkie just gave her a look of anger. "Call me Roxy! Everyone makes fun of me because it sounds like a boy's name!" She said. Suddenly, two twin boys ran in and both stopped at the table. "Eric! Kenny! How many times have I told you? No running in the house!" Keira yelled. Eric had red hair and green eyes. Kenny had green hair and brown eyes. Eric and Kenny thought. "Maybe one-billion!" They said.

"Sometimes I don't think your part of this family!" Jakkie or Roxy said.

"Maybe your not part of the family! You don't look like anyone!" Said Eric.

Jakkie just looked down. It was true, everyone in her family didn't have blond hair or clear blue eyes. Keira looked at her thirteen year old daughter. Suddenly, the door opened and Erol walked in. "Honey! I'm home!" He said. The twins ran to him to get hugged and Keira kissed him on the cheek. "Hey babe, when are you going to fix Ja-I mean Roxy's room?" Asked Keira.

Jakkie left to the hallway, she looked up and saw a bright light ball. It stopped and she saw a square on the ceiling, there was a piece of string. She pulled the string and stairs fell down and the light went inside. She climbed the stairs and the light went inside a box. Jakkie looked in the box and saw a bunch of pictures, most of them have a blond teen with green roots and blue eyes. There was tape that said 'Jak's memories from Chris to Keira'. Jakkie put it in her pocket, she took a picture of the teen and left.

Jakkie came down and saw the bright light on her shoulder. She walked to her room and put the tape in and sat down.

-On Tape-

"Is it on?" Asked a teen into the camera who you only saw his face. "It is you moron!" Said a girl's voice. He grabbed the camera and turned to a girl with dark brown hair with red highlights and brown eyes. "Guess what?" She said into the camera. "Jak is finally going to make a move on Keira!" She said. Suddenly, a girl with a mini skirt, tank top and didn't wear shoes came in. The little girl grabbed the camera and turned it to Jak. "Too late!" She said. The girl who was Keira walked in and ran her hand into his hair. "Christella, you should get out. Your brother has a lot of stuff to do." She said. Jak gulped and looked at her wide eyed. "Yeah, maybe you should call Max." He said like a thirteen year old going threw puberty. "Okay, just don't go too crazy." She said.

-Out Of Tape-

"Wow!" She said. Suddenly, she heard... "So your my beautiful girlfriend's daughter?" Asked a male voice. Jakkie looked at the corner of the room and saw the same teen from the video leaning on the corner. "Who are you?" She asked. She walked closer to him.

"I'm your guardian angel." He said.