My first Hetalia AU and I decided to jump into the bandwagon with this one. You would know what I mean.

Warnings: Just gore I think. This also the prologue. Uh possibly a decent amount of grammar mistakes but enjoy.

Alfred never liked being woken up so early in the morning, no. He just hated waking up so early when it was a call from his job, because it usually meant that something bad was happening but this time he was wrong. That morning he got a call from his partner, Kiku. The black haired male had called him to tell him that they captured his suspect.

At first the American couldn't believe it. It was…just odd.

Alfred F. Jones was an FBI agent that was now working on a federal case that involved the kidnapping of different people, including kids and teenagers. The kidnapping started two years ago, and because his beloved country was now a shit hole it was really hard to even get a suspect or a witness to cooperate with them. But Alfred never dared to give up, no, that would meant letting the bad guys win and that was not something he was going to allow.

The case was discarded as nothing but a mere coincidence at first, but that was soon pushed aside when the kidnapping increased. It wasn't just happening in one state, but all over the United States, because of this the case was given priorities and assigned to Alfred six months ago. The victims were all kidnapped during the night and there were no signs of struggle and no break in either. In fact most of the victims were kidnapped when the rest of the family was inside the house and deep asleep, the next morning the families would find the beds empty and their family member missing.

This made the case extremely confusing and also frustrating; because there was no evidence, there were no suspects, and because there were no witnesses, there was no help. Not to mention there were only two things the victims all had in common: they were all blond with blue eyes. And that pretty much descried a good half of the population in the U.S. so Alfred just couldn't tell people to be careful if they had blue eyes and blond hair, hell that pretty much put him in danger as well but that was very unlikely. He was a grown man and was twenty-seven years old, the victims all had been in between the ages of nine and eighteen.

Unfortunately this wasn't all though. The kidnappers or kidnapper never asked for a ransom or anything. The kidnapper would just take the victim. This along was extremely weird but at the same time worried some and those worries became reasonable soon enough. Three months after getting the case Alfred got a call from his superior, telling him how the police of Florida found something that may have been connected to his case. He didn't receive much information but his superior sounded highly aggravated and angry when calling him. Nether less to say Alfred got in a plane along with Kiku and they flew to Florida.

What they found was just unbelievable. A local farmer in Florida said to the police that he saw a man, a foreign walking down the road when he was heading over to his farm. He noticed that the man was caring some kind of metal pipe, but what worried the farmer was that the pipe was covered on blood. Of course the farmer's survival instincts took over and he quickly speed down the road until the foreign was nowhere in sight. Once he was sure he was safe, he called the police. The police quickly took this as a possible murder and drove over the road but found nobody, but they did find the metal pipe on the road and after searching the surroundings they found other bloody objects that soon enough lead them to a farm.

The farm was empty, nobody appeared to be living there but the police searched through the house anyways, they didn't find anything until they went inside the big warehouse outside. What the police found was hundreds of mutilated bodies, and they were not exaggerating.

Alfred couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing when he first stepped inside the warehouse. Some of the bodies were hanging from the ceiling, with missing limbs and maggots crawling from within the skin and outside. The flesh was ripped and cut even leaving throats and lugs exposed. It wasn't just that, some bodies were skinned, and the bright red flesh was being exposed, letting rats crawl around the corpses and chew on the meat and feed. Some other corpses were burnt, some other were missing their heads and some other corpses were just shred to pieces. Almost every corner of the warehouse was covered on blood and the smell was strong enough to make anybody want to throw up, so they were being forced to wear medical masks to be able to breathe clean air.

One thing was for sure though; the bodies they were able to identify were part of their missing people. Two hundred and twenty corpses were found, only sixty-five were able to be identified. So Alfred had to deal with the families' cries, and screams. He had to be the one to tell them that they may had found their son or daughter but they were not sure because the bodies had been in such a bad state that they were unable to identify them. It had been insane and it made Alfred more determined to find out who this bastard was.

The American found out though that the corpses were almost as old as the kidnapping and they were also shot on the head before the corpses were mutilated. So this animal was killing his victims a couple of days after they were kidnapped, he then kept the corpses and then mutilated them. It was sickening and just the thought of it made Alfred's stomach twitch and twist in anger.

The problem was that there were no finger prints on the scene, no hair, no clothes, no nothing. There was nothing that could point them in the directed they needed to go.

Alfred also thought that after they found the corpses the kidnapping was going to stop and that now they just had to find the culprit, after all the kidnapper had been careless enough to let somebody see him so that meant he was probably done and was pointing them towards where they needed to go. That wasn't the case, a mere week after what they found another child was kidnapped and the next day another one.

So now three months later Kiku was telling him that they were able to capture their suspect? But how? And more importantly how was Kiku sure that this was the kidnapper? Alfred kept asking these questions to himself as he got inside his car. He was already wearing his regular black trousers and a button up shirt with his usual leather jacket on top, his FBI sign was on sight on his belt along with his gun but not the gun that was security strapped against his side under his jacket.

The sunny blond pulled out his cell phone and called Kiku before turning on the engine of his car by pushing the button near his steering wheel.

"Hello, Alfred?"

The American chuckled a bit over the phone before moving from his parking spot to drive down the street and soon the highway. "Yeah, are you at the station or do you want me to meet you somewhere else?"

There was some noise over the phone and Alfred could hear Kiku saying something to someone before clearing his throat.

"No, I'm not at the station, I'm near the docks. We found another warehouse Alfred. Just like the other one."

There was a long pause.

Alfred felt cold sweat running down the back of his neck. It was like the temperature was suddenly below zero and his body was rapidly losing it's warmth. Another warehouse full of bodies? No, no, no, this couldn't be. Not again! He swallowed heavily and tired to keep a hold of himself, he was driving and needed to pay attention. The blond kept telling himself this and soon enough he was able to breathe normally and was once again in shape.

"I'm on my way, I'll be there in around fifteen minutes."

The blue eyed male snapped his cell phone shut then and just threw it against the seat next to him. "FUCK!" He finally yelled out, letting out all of his anger and frustration.

Alfred was parking his car near the docks twelve minutes later. Other police cars were surrounding the area along with an ambulance, it was probably called in just in case they found survivors but that was truly very unlikely. The blond quickly made his way through the cars and the different police officers that were for now standing back so they wouldn't screw up the crime scene. In other situations they would be involved already but this was a federal case and there for they couldn't do anything until the FBI gave the okay for them to step in.

Kiku was standing outside the warehouse and when he noticed Alfred he quickly waved one of his hands so the blond would be able to see him and it worked, soon enough the blond was standing next to Kiku but the Japanese male didn't waste time and quickly stepped inside the warehouse along with Alfred.

The warehouse just like the last one was filled with corpses, though this time some of the corpses were not hanging from the ceiling. In fact the corpses appeared to be drilled against the walls and the corpses that had been unable to be put on the walls were instead all thrown into a pile on the corner of the warehouse and the pile of corpses was a dark ashy color. More burnt corpses. The corpses on the walls were once again mutilated but this time the kidnapper cut off their body parts and sew them back together…except some body parts were too big or too small for some of the corpses which meant those body parts did not belong to them but probably another corpse.

Once again the walls were covered on blood and by now Kiku was handing Alfred a medical mask to put on, something that Alfred did right away.

"A fisherman called," Kiku said while turning his attention towards Alfred. "He was walking his dog when he noticed that smoke was coming from within the warehouse, he called the police but by the time the police got here the smoke was gone. They came in and well, they found this." The black haired male nodded his head and then sighed.

"You mentioned a culprit where is he?" Alfred went straight to the point.

"He is back at the station already. When the police came in they found him sitting on that table." The Japanese male pointed at the white table that was on the middle of the room. The table for sure looked out of place it was made out of wood and painted white and looked like something that belonged in a fancy house. "They arrested him and then called their superiors that called our superior that called me. By the time I got ready to head out they were already taking him to the station."

"Makes sense…lets go to the station, let the police do his job here we have bigger things to deal with. Like that fucker."

By the time Alfred and Kiku made it to the station the sun was coming out and the lack of sleep was catching up with them but that didn't stop Alfred from doing his job, not now. But thank god for coffee machines because as soon as they reached the station the two of them quickly made themselves a cup of coffee before asking a police officer for the chief police, Ludwig.

Ludwig met up with them near his office and he quickly shook hands with Alfred and Kiku. "He is in the interrogation room already, we haven't asked any questions or made contact with him, we were waiting for you guys." The older male was the chief of the police station and he was pretty good at his job not to mention he was an old friend of Alfred and Kiku as well, which made their team work even better.

"I heard he let the police officers arrest him without a struggle." The German mumble out as he guide the way down the hall for the interrogation room. It wasn't a long trip down the station and soon enough the older blond was opening the door for the two FBI agents. The room they walked in was a dark room with a table, a video camera and also three chairs. It was the dark room that was usually behind the interrogation rooms where other police officers could tape and watch the interrogation.

Alfred's attention was not on the room though, no, instead he quickly turned so he was facing the big glass window and he just stared at the person sitting on the table in front of him. The man…no, the teenager was swinging his legs back and forth and staring down at his legs. The sandy blond teenager was pale, very pale and his green eyes appeared to be glowing against his eyeballs. He was wearing a white button up shirt, with black buttons and oversize sleeve cuffs. The shirt was obviously too big for him which made him look smaller. Still the shirt was spotless clean with not even a stain of blood. The black shorts the teenager was wearing would reach below his knees but even though he was wearing shorts the dark boots he was wearing were covering the rest of his legs. A black vest was on top of his shirt with tiny white stripes and a tie was secure around his neck. Of course he was wearing black gloves as well.

"Is this a joke?" It was all that Alfred could tell before turning his attention towards Ludwig and Kiku. His partner just looked as surprised as he was. "This…this is just a kid. He is probably no older than seventeen!"

"I know what you are thinking Alfred, I was just as surprised as you are." Ludwig sighed softly and rubbed his temples, his eyes looking tired obviously showing that it had been a long night and he just didn't want to deal with Alfred doubting him right now. "But he was the one inside the warehouse."

Alfred rubbed his lips together and then rubbed his face with one of his hands, he was now walking around the room trying to get a hold of himself. Maybe it was a bit too much for just one night. They found all of those bodies again, not to mention the bodies were in his home city on the docks that he would usually visit with his friends and he never noticed them before, he never thought about it and everything had just been there in front of his nose!

"Alright, I'll go in and have a word with him." With a firm nod he took a deep breath and picked up the folders that were on the table that contained pictures from the old warehouse and also files from all the missing children and other information regarding the case.

The American walked out from the room and opened the door next door. He stepped inside the white interrogation room, his eyes quickly landing on the figure that was still sitting on the table, swinging his legs back and forth.

"Why is this room white? White rooms are so upsetting and sad." The sandy blond said as soon as Alfred closed the door behind him, slowly he turned his green eyes towards Alfred to stare at him before a small smile spread across his lips.

Alfred quickly caught up with the British accent the boy had and even though he was still doubtful that this boy was the kidnapper and killer he was not going to let his guard down.

"Sit on the chair. Now." The American's tone was even, not rough or angry, showing any kind of emotion right now would just give these suspect a chance to play with him.

The boy didn't say anything, instead he jumped off of the table and then walked around it before sitting on the chair on an Indian style.

"Now, I'm going to ask you a couple of questions. Answer them as soon as I'm done asking and with a clear answer." The sunny blond pulled another chair near the table and sat in front of the boy before dropping the files on the table. Alfred didn't get an answer but he didn't care, instead he opened the folders and then looked through the many pictures before selecting what he was going to need.

"What is your name?"

The younger blond tilted his head against his shoulder, his hands staring at his over-sized sleeves. "What an imprudent child. Asking my name like that, I say we teach him some manners, but if we teach him some manners then that means he wouldn't be who he is today, but is who he is today any good?" The teen's green eyes turned towards Alfred and he grinned before resting his arms over the table to lean forward. "Why little child, my name is the one that breathes madness. Why don't you guess? Let's play a game." One of those green eyes narrowed while the other widened a bit more…and the expression that 'teenager' was giving him was not the same calm one, instead the boy was snickering and soon laughing his head was dropped against the table as his body shook with his laughter. It was sickening, the way the boy would move and stare at him, it was like if he was staring at the crazy killer of one of the horror movies Alfred would watch for fun.

And just like if nothing had happen the boy leaned back against the chair again, his expression serious and normal again, but the green eyes were filled with the same amusement from before. "My name is the Mad Hatter."

Alfred was just staring, his eyes slightly wide before he shook his head and rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand. What the hell was that! Was he hallucinating from the lack of sleep or did this kid just changed personalities from one second to the other. But then again, he had to be dealing with a psycho, after all he was the responsible for all of those deaths. No, it just couldn't be, but for now he needed to keep going.

"Your real name." This time the American's voice was a bit tense.

"Real name? Uh? What's that?" The green eyed male tilted his head again, his fingers stroking his own short locks before he leaned against the table again. "I don't know what that is."

Alfred sighed in frustration and leaned back against his chair before picking up the pictures from within the folders to spread them across the table in front of the kid. "What were you doing in that warehouse and are you connected with the warehouse in Flor-"

Before Alfred could finish his question the boy gasped and leaned over the table, picking up the pictures with a grin, his eyes quickly roaming over the images before he licked his lips and snickered.

"Why they are all here! Look at this, all the different little faces." The boy laughed this time and put the pictures back on the table before leaning over with a grin. Slowly he picked up one of the pictures, turning it around so it was facing the FBI agent. "Here is Hanna, Victor, Joyce, Cody, Elisa…" The grin on those young lips was spreading even further, and the two green orbs were as wide as they could get, the irises were lightly shaking as he pointed at each corpse…each burnt corpse that the FBI was not able to identify.

"Stop" Alfred hissed out, his fists shaking on the table as he glared at the boy.

"And here is Catrina, Jinny, Morgan, Jona-"

"I said stop it!" Alfred's voice a bit louder this time as he narrowed his eyes.

"Sophia, Logan, Jayden, Rose…"

"Shut up! I said stop it!" This time the FBI agent slammed his hands against the table and stood up, making the chair fall behind him with the sudden movement. Just then the door for the interrogation room was open and Kiku came in.

The Japanese male put a hand on Alfred's shoulder and tilted his head towards the door. Alfred took this as a cue that it had been enough and he nodded his head. The blond took a deep breath and gave that kid one last glance.

The blond was leaning back against the chair now looking extremely bored with his head being tilted back against his chair. Both of his hands were playing with the tie around his neck and the pictures where now on the table, forgotten.

Alfred shook his head and follow Kiku outside the room before walking into the room next door. Ludwig was sitting on one of the chairs holding a folder for Alfred.

"We found out who he was."

The American blinked a couple of times and took the folder, he quickly flipped through the pages and then stopped at the picture of a man. The man looked like he was on his mid thirties, but his eyes, his hair and his face was…no, he was the spitting image of this kid, but this was impossible. Alfred flipped the picture to see the information underneath. "Arthur Kirkland?"

"Yes, he is a police officer from England" Ludwig leaned back against his chair, crossing his arms over his chest before his eyes turned towards Alfred. " He went missing ten years ago unexpectedly, nobody knows what happened to him but for the looks of it he was into pretty deep business with the underworld. He was destroying most mafia business and because of that the police believe that the mafia decided to get rid of him. We found out who he was by picture detection. We ran this kids picture through our database and this was the match we got. Apparently he was here in America for about three years when he was in high school."

"But Ludwig…he…this kid!" Alfred didn't know how to voice out what was in his head, everything was so confusing. This man couldn't be the kid that was in the room next door, this man looked older his face was obviously mature and sharp while the face of the kid was slightly round, showing signs of teenage fat.

"I know, Alfred, I know! This sou-what the hell!" Ludwig suddenly stood up, his attention on the glass in front of him.

Alfred turned his head and stared. The kid was standing in front of the mirror licking the glass before grinning and resting his hands on the glass, his fingers gently tapping against the window. The green orbs were wide once again, and they appeared to be glowing, the forest green color was becoming a bright emerald.

"You know, you have really pretty eyes." That was the last thing that was heard through the speaker before the kid slammed both of his hands against the glass. It happened in seconds, the window fell apart and shattered, sending pieces of glass in all directions. The younger blond jumped into the next room then and grinned.

None of his actions were wasted, he quickly kicked Ludwig's jaw, making the flesh give a nasty noise as blood splashed against the wall. The German was soon on the floor with a bloody face but the boy didn't stop there. He reached for Kiku soon after just as the Japanese male was about to pull out his gun. He quickly grabbed Kiku's arm and with surprising strength he picked him up and threw him against the edge of the window. There was a cracking noise then just as soon as Kiku's back connected against the edge of the window and a piece of glass could be seen going through his chest, impaling him in place.

The blond turned then and grinned, his body quickly moving and tackling the older blond against the floor before sitting on top of him with a snicker. "You have really pretty eyes." He said once again and leaned in.

Alfred meanwhile was in shock, his eyes were still on Ludwig that was now unconscious on the floor with blood coming out from his mouth, his jaw was on an odd angle and he was having difficulties breathing. But he was alive, he was a live, so with that in mind he turned his attention towards Kiku instead. The black haired male was breathing as well but he was gasping and hissing in pain, the weight of his whole body was being forced on his back, making the metal and other pieces of the window dig against the skin on his back. And finally Alfred turned his attention to the green eyes in front of him.

The kid was smiling again, and his fingers were gently playing with Alfred's shirt before moving higher to take a hold of his face. "Pretty hair too." With a giggle he leaned in to sniff the blond locks before burring his face against the soft hair. "We should play a game, let's play a game, I want to see the sky on your eyes turn into ice." A sadistic grin was slowly spreading on the teen's lips, and the green eyes were once again wide. Slowly he leaned in and licked Alfred's cheek before moving higher to lick his eyelids.

Alfred snapped back to reality then and he growled before quickly reaching for the gun underneath his jacket. He pulled the gun out in a swift movement and pointed the weapon against the teen's forehead. "You sick fuck, get off now!" He put a bit of pressure on the trigger, not enough to shoot but enough to let the other know that he was serious.

The green eyed male stared at the gun. He blinked a couple of times and tilted his head before snickering and poking the gun. This time he giggle and wiggle on top of the FBI agent, his now half lidded green eyes staring down at the other with an amused stare. But what surprised him the most was when the boy simply opened his mouth and took the gun in his mouth, rubbing the tip of the gun against his right cheek. He giggled again then, as drool slowly slipped out of his mouth and down the gun until it reached Alfred's hand.

Alfred kept staring, his eyes going slightly wide as his glasses slipped down his nose. He was about to pull the trigger when he noticed something glowing on the ceiling, his blue eyes quickly turned his attention towards the ceiling causing the boy to turn his head around and stare as well.

"Ah…I have to go Mr. Officer." The young boy smiled and snickered before reaching down to take Alfred's glasses just to slip them on himself. The glasses were too big for the small face, but he was able to keep them on. Just then the ceiling began to glow and a symbol appeared but the symbol was gone a second later, making Alfred unable to figure out what the symbol was. Not that it matter at the moment because what happened next made the FBI agent body freeze in place and his blood turned into ice. The symbol was replaced with what looked like a dark hole, long hands were soon enough coming out, their claws reaching down for the kid on top of him until they took a hold of him. The hands wrapped around, the teen's body, even his face and neck before digging their claws against the soft skin. Blood was soon raining on top of Alfred as the teen was pulled towards the hole. But he didn't look in pain, not at all, instead the kid was grinning.

"Come back home Alice." He was snickering and now talking with a sing song voice. "Do come back to Wonderland, dance with our sadistic thoughts and party with our madness. For we are waiting for you to finish the party and start a new one!" The teen laughed again, his green eyes were slowly being wrapped in darkness leaving only the emerald irises intact and he disappeared. The hands dragged him into the dark hole and then the hole vanished. It was gone, leaving Alfred on the floor with blood all over his body.

The FBI agent kept staring at the ceiling before reaching for his cell phone. He pressed three numbers and brought the cell phone to his ear.

"Hello, we need an ambulance in the police station, immediately." That was all the blond said before dropping the phone on the floor. He couldn't stop staring at the ceiling and the only thing that kept replaying in his head was the glowing emerald eyes.

Reviews amuse me.

And well there you have it.

Thanks to Mira for being my beta with this chappy!