Okay so warning before anybody reads. As you may have guessed this is a girlxgirl fanfiction. So if you have any problems with that don't bother reading. Rated Teen for a reason folks, enjoy.

Marceline had it all wrong and Bubblegum was the only one who knew it. The young red head had her reasons for avoiding the dark haired vixens eyes every time she looked her way. It wasn't that she was trying to make that gorgeous girl feel unwanted... it was just, the girl brought up feelings inside of Bubblegum that made her feel sick. She didn't like the way her heart stopped or the way her face became flooded from over excitement whenever Marceline was walking by her in the hallways.

Bubblegum was the queen of the school. She always adhered the set of standards and tasted that appear to be unseen by a panel of hipster judges. Everybody listened to what she had to say, she was always the person to give a thumbs up or thumbs down to the incoming and outgoing trends and styles of pop culture. She had her circle of friends which would sit together at lunchtime, pontificating with each other, all competing for a moment of self aggrandizing glory (which Bubblegum always hogged). Scoffing at the teenagers they thought themselves better than. So lets face it, the little princess could never come out to face the fact that she was head over heels for the rocker chick that ruled the music scene of the school. It would be a detrimental blow to her popularity, and that was something the teenage queen could not afford. All in all she was never trying to hurt Marceline's feelings. She was just trying to push her battling conscience deeper into the dark abyss of a closet.

Then, after all Bubblegum had done to avoid Marceline the girl had STILL gotten up onto stage and sung a song directed AT HER? To fucking humiliate her in front of the entire school? Oh there was going to be fucking hell to pay for this...

Bubblegum could feel her face heating up the more she thought about her anger towards the ebony haired girl. 'She's going to pay tonight, the bitch,' Bubblegum said under her breath as she drunkenly stood up from the seat she was sitting in walk towards her car. The red haired girl knew drunk driving was a bad idea but if she was going to get her revenge she was going to have to get to where Marceline was. And she knew just where to look for the music protege.

Marceline had always been somewhat fascinated with the ocean. Bubblegum knew this for her fathers mansion was located next to the beach. There were nights in which Bubblegum would wake up to the soft delicate pluck of guitar strings, the sound of waves crashing not to far in the distance. It was in these moments where she began to notice her feelings for the rocker in the skin tight jeans and grey wife-beater. Bubblegum had spent countless nights watching Marceline play her instrument effortlessly a cigarette always hanging loosely in between her full lips. Marceline always created the most exotic of songs, so beautiful Bubblegum would think she were about to cry. Then before she was ready for it to be over Marceline would stand up, sand falling from the back of her dark jeans as she walked away, guitar clutched in one hand. Then she would be off into the night on her motorcycle, to god knows where.

Luckily the road was free of other cars that night, as Bubblegum drover her Mustang home, slightly swerving into the opposite lane every so often. She gripped the steering wheel as if her life depended on it and sighed happily when her fathers mansion finally emerged into view. Slowing down she pulled into the drive way, making haste to get her ass out of the vehicle.

Silently Bubblegum strode to the front door, opening it up slowly so as not to wake up her father. Inside darkness surrounded her, forcing the red head to blindly feel around for the light switch that would light the staircase leading up to her room.

Once inside her room Bubblegum flicked on her lamp and cautiously walked over to her window. A lump caught in her throat as she peered outside and saw the form of Marceline sitting in the sand, playing her guitar. Bubblegum bit her lip and backed away from the window. Before she went down to the ocean to yell at the girl she was going to have to change out of her party clothes into something more comfortable.

Striding over to her closet, Bubblegum opened the door to pick out the most appropriate outfit for this occasion. After ten minutes of an intense inner conflict on which outfit to wear she decided on some particularly short Abercrombie & Fitch jean shorts, a white wife beater and a green Holister sweatshirt to go over it so she didn't get cold down by the water. Next, the spoiled girl walked to her vanity and re-applied her make-up and pulled her hair into a messy high ponytail. Deciding that she looked fine enough Bubblegum slowly tiptoed down the stairs making sure to pull on some cowboy boots before she stepped out into the cool night air.

It was utterly beautiful outside. The moon was slight obscured my cumulous clouds and the stars shone brightly in the far distance. The sound of music greeted her ears drawing Bubblegum back to the task at hand.

As Marceline started to come into view the princesses heart pace quickened, fearing what would happen once she finally met her destination. Then everything changed as the ebony haired vixens hand fell loosely from the strings. The music stopped and so did Bubblegum's world. Her breath hitching in her throat as she watched Marceline look up and slightly cock her head to the side. Her mouth in a straight line, her eyes alit with something that Bubblegum couldn't quite put her finger on...perhaps it was anger, or hatred.

Bubblegum blushed when she felt those dark eyes on her but refused to look away from the beautiful woman sitting before her. Black locks flowing idly over defined, muscular arms. Bangs slightly obscuring her black eyes, full lips as red as blood glistening under the moonlight. Bubblegum forced herself to keep walking forward. Every ounce of anger she had felt earlier slowly slipping away, every insult, every crude word vanished as she sat down next to Marceline.

Bubblegum turned her head to the side and was stricken to see Marceline staring deep into her eyes, as if she were looking into her soul. Then as sudden as anything, the black haired goddess whispered... "I wrote you a song." And she began to play...

Quickly her fingers strode over cords and strings creating a beautiful melody, then her voice rang out soft and pure through the night air. "We watch the season pull up its own stakes, and catch the last weekend of the last week. Before the gold and the glimmer have been replaced, another sun soaked season fades away." Bubblegum shivered as the cool night air whipped against her bare legs a hint of fall idly playing in the breeze. Traces of summer were beginning to drift away. Bubblegum closed her eyes and lowered her head into the crook of Marceline's neck. Her lips pressed slightly against the bare skin there.

"You have stolen my heart, you have stolen my heart." Bubblegum forgot to breath as she heard these desirable words spill from the beautiful girls lips. Slowly she rose her hand and let it stroke and play with Marceline's black, soft locks. Dragging her fingers through the girls hair awakened a feeling inside of her. It felt like her entire heart had ripped open and was slowly sinking and growing heavier deep in her chest.

"Invitation only, grand farewells. Crash the best one, of the best ones. Clear liquor and cloudy eyed, to early to say goodnight." The sound of waves crashing against the shore gave a beautiful effect to the song. Bubblegum knew that even if she had ever wanted to, she would never be able to forget this night.

"I watch you spin around in your highest heels, you are the best one, of the best ones...we all look like we feel. You have stolen my heart." Marceline finished with one last elegant strum of a chord and lay her guitar down in the sand next to her. "And that princess, is the song I wrote for you, that I didn't sing at the party. But I promise you this, there are plenty more hateful lyrics I have strung together over the years. I just wanted you to know that I don't hate you." Marceline finished quietly.

Without warning the lips that were pressed against Marceline's neck began to move. Slowly kissing the skin at first, but as seconds flew by the kisses became more desperate as though her life depended on it. Marceline bit her lip suppressing a moan as she felt Bubblegum's tongue flick out of her mouth and roll up her neck and across her jaw line.

"Your fucking playing with me and your drunk!" Marceline spat, pulling away, her chest heaving. The rocker stood up and began to walk away, but was stalled when she felt a soft hand curl around her wrist. "What?" She asked, stopping in her tracks. The cool breeze playing with her hair, blowing it around her frail shoulders.

"Its just, I'm not fucking around with you Marceline," Bubblegum said quietly.

The black haired beauty sighed before turning around and was surprised when the impact of Bubblegum's mouth crashed with her own. They stood there softly kissing for a moment before the kiss grew fiercer. Marceline ran her hands to the back of the red haired girls head. Running her fingers through the luscious locks and deepening the kiss. Bubblegum moaned into Marceline's mouth as she felt the other girls tongue heatedly force itself into her own. As their tongues battled for dominance the red head let her hands travel down Marceline's sides to rest at her hips, while both her thumbs suggestively slipped under the hem of the taller girls skin tight jeans.

Both pulled away for air, panting slightly. "I think we should run away together, if only for a short amount of time. We should leave this place." Bubblegum said between short intakes of air, desperately looking into the other girls eyes.

"Well, I've always been one to break the rules and to do crazy things." Marceline commented, grinning at the girl standing across from her, her sharp incisor teeth flashing as she smiled. "Hell its crazy and probably very stupid but lets do it!"

And with that the new found couple walked hand in hand up to Bubblegum's mansion, to steal some cash from her fathers safe before heading out on Marceline's motorcycle into the brisk Midsummer night.

Read and Review! Sorry it takes so long for e to update chapters! I'm just a bit unmotivated. The only thing that motivates me to write is if I have enough reviews lol