
Summary: After Aang gets Toph pregnant he must apologize, but once he's about to tell her, he finds a note in her room saying she had run away. Rated M for later chapters.

Disclaimer: Obviously, I don't own Avatar or any of the characters involved in this story.

Toph thought back to the night a few weeks ago when she had had sex with Aang. She now considered it the biggest mistake of her life as she lay on her soft bed on Kyoshi Island, 1 month pregnant.

Aang's P.O.V

"I feel really bad about what I did to Toph, Katara," I said. Katara was trying to teach me waterbending, but I couldn't stop thinking about what I had done to Toph. A blast of water hit me in the face as Katara tried to get my attention. "Could you stop that!" I yelled in frustration.

"I'm worried about you, Aang," Katara tried as she waded over to me. "Do you want to talk about it?" she coaxed. I nodded weakly.

"What happened?" Katara inquired.

"One night we went down to the beach and it was real late so no one was up. We laid down on the sand and held hands. I told her that I loved her and she said she loved me too. We kissed and then she took off my clothes and I took off hers. And then, you know."

"Oh," Katara mumbled.

"When I was at the temple the Monks said that touching a woman like that is very disrespectful. I need to go apologize," I made to leave, but Katara stopped me.

"Aang, you NEED to master waterbending. Eventually you're gonna have to face the Fire Lord."

"You're right," I said to Katara.

Toph's P.O.V

Later that evening Katara came in with my dinner.

"Thanks," I muttered.

"It's nothing," Katara said as she set the tray down on my bedside table. "Take care, Toph," she whispered before she left the room. I picked through the meal. After I finished, I rolled onto my back and took out a blank scroll I began to write:

Dear Aang,

I have decided to run away. I have completely destroyed everybody's life, especially yours, Aang. I hope you can forgive me. Don't expect to see me again. I will always love you.

Your lover,


I folded the scroll and put it under the covers next to me. I began to sob and eventually my grief lulled me to sleep.

Aang's P.O.V

As I walked past Toph's room on my way to my own room, I heard her sobs. A single tear slid down my face as I imagined my angel that sad I was tempted to barge in to her room and tell her that she was my true love and that I was sincerely sorry about everything.

All of those words would be completely true. I restrained though.

I continued to my room. Once I had closed the door behind me I threw myself down on the bed and cried out my feelings.

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