A/N: So my Beta is away, so this storry hasn't been checked. So please don't be mad at any errors in the grammer. If you find any mistakes please tell me and I'll correct it. So have fun!


"Mail!" Was screamed through the mess-tent. It was early morning in the American base camp in Afghanistan. It was just 15 minutes before the training started again. Booth would get his weekly internet access and he couldn't wait to talk to Parker.

"Hey Sarge. Here's your mail." Corporal Johnsen said and sitting down across from him.

"Thanks." Booth said. "Just because you brought me my mail doesn't mean I'm going to take it easy on you."

"Wasn't expecting it Sir." Johnsen said grinning.

Booth shook his head and looked at the letters. Jeffersonian, FBI, FBI, Paris and Indonesia. He grinned and opened the letter from Indonesia, Maluku Islands.

Dear Booth,

Hope that everything is well. We made and interesting discovery this morning, the test result came back and there really promising. I'm almost ready with my first publication. I'm just need to recheck if everything is consistent with the test result. After that it's ready to be published. I'm really excited to be the first one to publish on this find.

I got a letter from Parker telling he won the science fair. You're probably so proud of him. I'm proud of him. I do miss the afternoons he came by the Jeffersonian. I love spending time with you and Parker, walking through the exhibits off the Jeffersonian. I guess I just miss Parker and you.

I'll hope to hear from you soon.

Your Partner


PS: I added a picture of our find.

Booth finished reading, grinning like an idiot. Parker had told him about the science fair, Booth couldn't have been more proud. His son was turning into a squint, but he didn't care as long as Parker was happy so was he.

"Letter from your girl?" Johnsen asked.

"My Partner." Booth answered opening the envelope again looking for the photo. Of course it was a picture of the remains. They were lying in a shallow grave, but this was not what got Booth's attention it was the person sitting next to the remains. She was slightly bend over the remains not aware off an picture being taken or just not caring. Completely focused on her task. "This is her." Booth said handing the picture to Johnsen.

"A pile of bones?" Johnsen asked.

"That just got you 20 more laps around the base." Booth said. " It's the women next to the remains."

"But isn't this the same women that's on your picture of your son." Johnsen asked handing back the picture.

"Yes." Booth said standing up.

"But she isn't your girl." Johnsen asked.

"Eat your breakfast. If your late it's gonna cost you another 20." Booth said taking his mail and his plate. He dumped his plate by the entrance and walked into the hot dessert sun. He looked at his watch 7 minutes before training started. He walked over towards the barracks and to his own bed. He opened the crate on the end of it. It stowed all his personal belongings what weren't much. Just his clothes, duffle-bag, army knife, a few pictures and all the letters he received. It wasn't a stack of letters because he usually kept in contact by e-mail. Only important stuff came per letter. That way it felt more personal. He put the letters away so he could read them later and started to make himself ready for training.


The rest of the mourning and most of the afternoon went by without a hitch. Booth just finished dividing his group in teams. In which they would be going out on missions. They were ready. His next training group wouldn't arrive till Friday that gave him 5 days of evaluation and writing reports. Even here paperwork followed him.

"Sgt major Booth, it's your turn." Another sgt said.

"Thank you sergeant." Booth answered and went to sit behind the computer. God he missed his boy. He logged on and called Parker.

"Hi Dad!" Parker said the moment his curly blond hair came into view.

"Hi Bub, how you doing?" Booth asked grinning.

"I'm doing great. I got a letter from Dr. Bones and this really cool picture of a skull!" Parker said excited. "But Dad, Cam is here and she says she really needs to speak to you."

"What Cam? Dr Soroyan? From the Jeffersonian?" Booth asked and Parker nodded.

"Okay, Sure. Go get her." Booth said, Parker nodded and waved someone over.

"Parker I'm really thirsty do you think you can get me something to drink?" Cam asked sweetly. Parker nodded waved to Booth in the webcam and run off.

"Look Cam, It's good to see you, but I don't like you sending my son away." Booth said agitated. "This better be good."

"I'm really sorry Seeley, but I thought it was for the best. Listen I don't have much time till he comes back. It's Bren, she disappeared from the dig site."

"That's not possible, I got a letter from her this morning and I'm sure I'll have an e-mail from her too." Booth said confused and shocked. Damn it this was not happening. Why couldn't she just stay safe.

"Look Seeley, letters take time to reach you, Daisy called me yesterday apparently she wandered off in the forest to look for something and she still hasn't come back. That was three days ago. The local authorities are looking for her but I figured you would want to know."

"How did this even happen. It's a big dig site, maybe they just missed her." Booth asked, why couldn't she just stay on the damn dig site. Why the hell didn't anyone go with her.

"She's the boss there Booth. She's kind of hard to miss. Look they'll find her."

"I'll find her." Booth said.

"How? Your halfway across the planet." Cam asked.

"Cam I got your drink." Parker said from somewhere Booth couldn't see.

"Thank you." Cam said taking the glass from Parker while he got back in front of the webcam.

"Hey Buddy. Look I've to go already. I'll talk to you as soon as possible okay. I'm really sorry to cut us short but I've to go." Booth said.

Parker looked disappointed for a second. "Are you going to safe some people."

"Yeah Bub I am." Booth said he looked at Cam. "I'll find her."

"Bye Parker, I love you."

"Love you to dad."

Booth clicked the call away and checked his email real quick. But nothing from Brennan. "Damn it." Booth logged off the computer and walked out of the tent. The base was pretty big but he learned his way around the last 3 and a half months.

"Colonel Palant do you have a moment for me?" Booth asked entering another tent

"Booth off course." The Colonel said mentioning to a chair in which Booth sat down. "How did the last training go?"

"It was great, their ready. They weren't all happy about the teams, but that's okay."

"It is, they'll trust each other. So what can I do for you Booth."

"It's my Partner, she's missing. I need to find her."

"I don't understand." The colonel said.

"My partner, well ex-partner. She is a forensic anthropologist, you might have heard from her. Dr Temperance Brennan?" Booth asked.

"Yeah I've heard of her, my sister loves her books." The colonel said

"Well she leading a dig in Maluku Indonesia for a year. Which made me able to come here. We both took a year sabbatical. She wandered off in the woods and still isn't back. She'd been gone for four days sir. I need to go find her."

"Sergeant you can't just drive to the airport and get on a plane."

"I know Sir. There is a military plane leaving for Japan in 2 hours." Booth said

"They can't just stop on Indonesia."

"Don't need them to stop, just fly over it, I'll jump out." Booth said seriously.

"Sergeant, the army isn't just a place to get away from your normal live and get back when things get hard."

"You don't think I know that Sir and it's not like I'm going to see my son. My partner is in danger. I need to get her to safety. The next group isn't coming till Friday. Please I need to safe her."

"What are you planning on doing?" The Colonel asked. He had great respect for Booth. He'd come back when his country needed him. He had heard the rumors that he left a son behind and a girl.

"I don't know yet, I just need to get there. You don't have to take responsibility write me down for desertion for all I care. Just as long as I can get to Indonesia" Booth said.

The Colonel looked at him. Booth looked absolutely serious and he had a feeling that if he didn't help he would find his own way to get there. He sighed. "Listen Sergeant Major, a car leaves in 20 minutes towards the small airport. You can drop my name to get on the plane but I'll denied any knowledge of that. The Friday morning meeting at 11:00 hours, I expect you to be here. If you're not I'll sent someone looking for you. If you're not here I've to expect after having this conversation that you have indeed deserted."

"Thank you Sir." Booth said getting up and saluting before walking out the tent

"Sergeant." The Colonel called to which Booth turned around. "Good luck." Booth nodded and walked out.


YEAH GO BOOTH! Do you see him walking in those ooh so HOT Army ACU. I like it!

So tell me what you think!