Hey everyone! I live! I'm sorry I didn't respond to everyone's reviews, but thank you for all of them and the PMs that expressed well wishes. I appreciated them very much. Meeting my guy's family was great. His parents were wonderful and when his sister picked us up from the airport she hugged me before she hugged him! Anyway, you all don't care about that.

This is the last chapter of 'Home' and I really hope you all like it. I am working on another story idea, but I'm still working it out so I'm not sure when I'll be posting since I don't have anything written yet, only an idea that's kind of rough. I'm not even sure if I like it. Thank you all so much for all of your reviews and for taking the time out of your days to read my stories. It really does mean a lot to me and I'm serious when I saw I think I have the best readers on this site because you all are awesome!

Disclaimer: I own nothing associated with Twilight.


"I think I should call," I said as I pulled my cell phone out of my purse after I sat it on the small table in front of the sofa in the hotel suite, but before I could even unlock the keys Paul took the device from my hands.

"Marisol, we've been gone all of six hours," Paul said as I turned around to look at him. "Nothing has happened in those six hours that's earth shattering," he said before he turned off the phone and tossed it gently onto the table.

"Paul, what if-," I started but he silenced me by kissing me hard and crushing my body tight to his as he wrapped his arms around me. Whatever words I was going to say left my mind as he kissed me hungrily and I kissed him back just as heatedly. Oxygen was needed and slowly we broke our kiss, both of us panting as we looked at each other.

"For the next three days, Marisol, it's just you and me," he said his hands leaving my waist and moving up to cup my face. He ran his thumbs along my cheeks as his memorizing brown eyes looked down at me. "And we'll be lucky to leave this room." I laughed quietly and he smiled before he leaned down and pressed a chaste kiss to my lips.

"Paul," I said quietly as I slid my hands up his chest and he let out a heavy breath through his nose as his hands moved from my face down to my neck. My hands rested on his shoulders as I bit my lip and looked up at him with pleading eyes. "If I can call Dad for five minutes, just to check on him, I'm all yours," I said and he sighed heavily as he leaned forward and pressed his forehead to mine.

"You know if something was wrong, Tyler, Laura, or anyone else would have called," he said before he lifted his head and I smiled at him.

"I know, but just five minutes," I said as I lifted up on my toes and kissed his chin. "Please," I added.

"Five minutes," he said as his hands left me and he took his phone out of the pocket of his jeans and held it out to me.

"Thank you," I said as I pecked his lips and took the phone from his hands. I turned away from him and went down Paul's contact list to 'Tyler' and dialed Dad's home number. Thankfully he picked up after three rings.

"Hello?" Dad asked.

"Hey Dad," I said and he laughed.

"Mari, why are you calling?" he asked through his laughter and I smiled.

"I just wanted to check on Aiden," I said.

"He's fine, now go and spend your honeymoon with your husband and quit worrying about Aiden. If anything happens, we'll call you; but you got nothing to worry about. Laura and I know a thing or two about eighteen month olds. Plus, Vivian's hung around since you guys left and Laura and her are keeping the little big man occupied while I fix dinner."

"Okay, okay," I said smiling despite the tears that lined my eyes. However, I managed to blink them away. It was the first time in eighteen months that I was going to be away from our son for more than an eight hour work day and I was already missing him. I was missing his crooked smile that was so much like Paul's grin and his big brown eyes that held so much wonder and happiness that it took my breath away. There were bad days too, but the good outweighed the bad. "Give him a kiss for me."

"I will," Dad said.

"And when you put him to bed tonight, don't forget to sing to him. He's like 'You Are my Sunshine.' Don't forget to make sure he has his stuffed dinosaur when you tuck him in. He won't sleep without it," I said quickly.

"I know," Dad said laughing quietly. "You briefed Laura and me on all of that before you left, and you left us a very detailed list. You don't have anything to worry about, Mari."

"I just wanted to make sure," I said as I felt my cheeks heat with slight embarrassment.

"I know," he said again. "Mari, it's your first time really away from him and I know exactly what you're feeling. Just relax and have a good time."

"Okay," I said heavily as I ran my hand through my hair, but smiled.

"Don't worry," he said and I could hear the smile that was undoubtedly on his face as he spoke. "Good bye, Mari."

"Bye," I said and Dad hung up the phone before I could. I sighed and rolled my eyes when I heard Paul's deep chuckle behind me before I felt his left hand slide around my waist and pull my back against his chest. He took the phone from my hand and I put both of my hands on his that rested on my stomach, while his right hand pulled my hair from my neck. I tilted my head to the left and closed my eyes when his lips slowly started to trail up my neck to my ear.

"I told you everything was fine," he whispered into my ear before he nibbled on my earlobe. I sighed in response as my fingers ran across his, stopping to trace the platinum band that rested around his left ring finger.

Our wedding day had come a year and six months to the day since our son Aiden Michael came into the world at a very painful nine pounds fourteen ounces. I had to have an emergency cesarean because my hips, even though they were wide, weren't wide enough to deliver him naturally. I'd spent twenty hours in labor before the doctors told me that a cesarean was necessary and when it was all said and done I had never been so tired.

That was why he had earned the nickname 'little big man' because he was pretty big for eighteen months. His doctor was surprised he was so big until Paul was finally able to go to one of his checkups with me. I had told Dr. Morgan that Aiden's dad was big, but the look on the older man's face when he saw Paul told me that he hadn't expected Paul to be that big. Aiden had started walking at nine months old and graduated to giving me heart attacks by ten months because he loved to get into everything and anything. He had his father's sense of adventure and I knew that by the time he was a teenager I was going to have a head full of gray hair.

"I know and I promise not to call them anymore," I said as I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck. I was determined to hold true to that promise, but both he and I knew it was going to be hard for me to keep. The smirk on his lips told me he was thinking the same thing I was. "From now until we leave this hotel room Tuesday morning it's just you and me. For the first time in a long time, it's just us." I brought my right hand to his cheek and his smirk morphed into a smile as I smiled up at him.

"Are you disappointed that we couldn't go any farther than Seattle to get away for our honeymoon?" he asked me and I laughed.

"No," I said as I shook my head and ran my thumb along his cheek. "If we were anything further away from Aiden, I'd be going a lot crazier than I am." He laughed again as his hands roamed against my back. "And I know that you would feel the exact same way."

"Yeah, well, I'm sorry we weren't able to go to someplace like Paris or Hawaii," he said with a smile. "You deserve better than a hotel suite in rainy Seattle for only three days."

"As beautiful as both of those places are, you wouldn't survive on French food and I'd die of heat exhaustion sleeping next to you in Hawaii; even with air conditioning," I said and Paul chuckled. I lowered my hand from his face and rested it on his chest. "It doesn't matter where we are, Paul. As long as I'm with you, I'm happy." He smiled as his right hand went under my hair and rested on the back of my neck.

"I love you," he said and I smiled.

"I love you too," I said back easily and he closed the small distance between us. At first, his lips just brushed against mine before he leaned down and grabbed the back of my thighs. He lifted me from the floor and I let out a small shriek as I laughed and wrapped my arms around his neck once again as he smiled at me.

He kissed me again, much more firmly, and silenced my laughter. I sighed against his lips and my right hand laced into his short hair as he expertly walked through the suite and into the bedroom. He broke the kiss long enough to throw the covers back on the bed before he climbed onto the bed and fell forward, my back hitting the bed as his body covered mine. His kissed me again, but his lips moved down my neck and to my chest, his tongue darting out and skimming over the little cleavage I was showing thanks to the v-neck blouse I was wearing.

"Do you really like this shirt?" he asked huskily as he lifted his head, but before I could even say anything he grabbed the collar of the dark red material and ripped it away from my body exposing my nude colored bra to the world.

"What is with you ripping my clothes off?" I asked with a laugh as I looked up at him and he grinned as he looked down at me, a light pink coming to his cheeks.

"It's just easier," he said through his grin and I rolled my eyes as I laughed again as I raised up slightly and smiled at him.

"You're so going shopping with me and holding my purse while I'm in the changing room," I said and he laughed before his hands made quick work of my bra, ripping that from my body as well, making me gasp.

"Looks like we're going to have to make a stop at a lingerie boutique too," he said and I rolled my eyes as I fought against a smile.

"Why did I marry you again?" I asked as he pulled what was left of my bra and my shirt away from my body and tossed them onto the floor.

"Because you find me charming-," he said.

"Inpatient," I threw in and he smiled.

"Sexy," he said and I smiled.

"Egotistical," I said and he kissed me softly.


"Cocky," I said and he raised an eyebrow, making me laugh. "Okay, so, maybe that's not a bad physical trait." He laughed back, his stupid grin making its way to his lips as his laughter quieted.

"Yeah, I wouldn't think so," he said and I rolled my eyes as I threw my arms around him.

"Shut up and kiss me," I said and he laughed before he did just that.

The second Paul and I walked into Dad's house Tuesday evening I was met with a happy shriek and I smiled as I squatted down and scooped up my running son. "Mama!" he cried and I laughed as I lifted him from the floor and stood.

He threw his little arms around my neck and I breathed him in. I had missed him so much, however, I hadn't called Dad or Laura after that call on Sunday and I was very proud of myself for that feet. However, Paul played a part in that since the only time I wasn't occupied in some fashion was when I was sleeping; and we didn't do much of that.

"Were you a good boy for Grandpa and Grandma Laura?" I asked as Aiden pulled back slightly. He smiled at me and nodded.

His tan complexion was lighter than Paul's and his dark hair was slightly shaggy about his head. He was due for his first haircut, but I was a bit nervous to take him to the barber shop. He was so cute and I knew that when he got older he was going to be a very handsome young man. If he was half as good looking as Paul, the girls of La Push High School were going to be falling over their feet. It didn't take Aiden long to spot Paul behind me as he closed the door and Aiden smiled brightly and let go of my neck.

"Dada!" he shouted as he reached for him and Paul laughed before he took Aiden from me and roared as he lifted him up and playfully 'bit' at his stomach making Aiden giggle loudly as he put his little hands on the sides of Paul's head before Paul lowered him to his chest and hugged him.

"I'm surprised you didn't call," Laura said and I smiled at her as I walked over to where she had stood up from the toy laden blanket in the middle of the living room floor.

"I did on Sunday after we go to the hotel," I said. "Dad didn't tell you?"

"He did, but I meant I'm surprised you didn't call more than the one time," she said with a laugh before she hugged me and I smiled as I hugged her back.

Laura and Dad had started dating a few months before Aiden was born and they actually got engaged four months earlier. They hadn't set a date to get married yet, but it they weren't in a hurry. We pulled back and Paul walked into the living room, Aiden tucked into his right side as he threw his left arm around my shoulders and pulled me close. I smiled and tucked myself into his other side as I reached up and played with Aiden's hand. Our son seemed more than content as he laid with his head on Paul's shoulder and smiled at me.

"I was pretty busy," I said quietly and Laura laughed.

"I bet," she said and I smiled at her. "Would you mind helping me start dinner? Your father should be home soon and I want you guys to stay for dinner."

"Sure," I said and Laura walked into the kitchen while I looked up at Paul. "Do you think you can handle him?" I asked and he nodded.

"I got him," Paul said before he frowned slightly and raised his left hand from my upper arm and brusehd back my hair. "You look tired; are sure you want to stay?"

"I'm fine," I said, "and I'd like to stay, if that's okay. That way I don't have to do all the cooking and we can have a home cooked meal for the first time in a few days." He laughed before he kissed my temple.

"Okay," he said softly and Aiden laughed, drawing both of our eyes to him. We smiled at him and Paul let me go before he wrapped his hands around Aiden's waist and tossed him up into the air. Aiden screamed happily as Paul caught him and I smiled as I watched them for a few minutes before I turned to join Laura in the kitchen.

I paused at the doorway into the kitchen and looked back at my husband and our son. Paul had settled Aiden onto the blanket and sat down next to him before they started playing with his toys. It was almost comical to see Paul try and play with the small toddler toys, but it was something he did everyday with Aiden. No matter how hard of a day he had at work, or how long he had spent patrolling with Jared or the others, he took time to play with Aiden every evening. I lost count of how many times Aiden had fallen asleep laying on Paul's chest in the middle of the living room with Paul snoring right along with him.

Paul was an even better father than I thought he was going to be and I couldn't have ever dreamed of a more perfect life. Sure, it wasn't absolutely perfect but it was my kind of perfect; and I wouldn't change a thing about it.

The End