Disclaimer: Sadly, I do not own any of the Devil May Cry characters in this fiction, if I did, Kyrie would have died in the first ten minutes of the game, very brutally and with lots of blood, Dante and Nero would be together...and Vergil would be shirtless in the third game...and Arkham would wear a frilly princess dress for my entertainment.

Rated Mature for Blood, Language, Angst, Hot Man Sex, and Secrets that I will not reveal.

A sequel to 'The Heart of Exile'. Describes my theories of Nero and such, but with hot man sex (Take that Devil May Cry 4 Novel). Just remember it's a theory and yes, you might have a different opinion, I'm not saying you have to believe mine. I just like having fun with the characters. Don't eat me. Eat Kyrie instead. She needs to die and she's low on carbs. ^-^ I also may not update this again until after this weekend. I'm getting Angelo, my new laptop and yes, I named it after Nelo Angelo. Alright, I'll stop rambling now. Enjoy~!

Chapter One: Living Memories

Dusk had come and gone quickly, the sky being no indication of the time of day due to the near black clouds swirling menacingly in it. Lightning stuck the ground, powerful enough to scorch and break parts of the cement of the roadways. The hellish rain was still unrelenting to the point where it was almost unnatural, but the two devil hunters paid it no mind, too lost within each others company. It had only been a few months since Nero moved into the Devil May Cry office but he was already sure it was where he belonged.

Nero moaned lowly as Dante nipped at the sensitive flesh of his neck, renewing bruises and bite marks that he had made just moments before. He pulled the older man's hair lightly, making him lift his head so he could brush his kiss bruised lips to the one's that bruised them. He parted their lips and let his head fall onto the pillow behind him, closing his eyes from exhaustion.

"What's the matter, kid? Too tired for another round?" Dante teased lightly, nuzzling the younger man's neck before kissing it again. He rocked his hips lightly, still inside the other and eager for at least a little more of that tight heat. Nero covered his eyes with his human forearm, groaning lightly from pleasure and annoyance.

"We've been at it since the end of that mission this morning. Can't we take a break and catch a few hours of sleep?" He moved his forearm a bit to see Dante mocking a pout.

"Man, you always stop the fun. And you call me the 'old man'." Dante mumbled before slowly pulling himself out of the younger hunter's perfect ass. He rolled over to lie next to him, propping himself up on his elbow and staring contently at the other man. "I'll be here when you wake up. If I fall asleep too, be sure to jump me at ten."

"Yeah, yeah." Nero chuckled as he felt Dante wrap an arm around him and pull him closer. "I still wonder how you ever woke up before I moved in. You're practically dead unless a demon breaks in or I'm blowing you."

"What kind of man would be stupid enough to sleep through those beautiful lips sucking him off like there's no tomorrow?" Dante asked, his thumb lightly tracing the curve of the younger man's lips. He moaned softly when Nero's lips parted, a sly tongue moving to flick at the pad of his thumb before retreating.

"Shut up, old man." Nero muttered, smiling as he started to drift off to sleep. The elder hunter leaned down and kissed the top of his head, nuzzling the silver mane before closing his own eyes.

The sun was shining brightly in the vivid blue sky, illuminating the surrounding plants in an almost blinding light. The faint but humid wind blew across the treetops, collecting pollen and spreading the smell of exotic flowers throughout the forest floor. The temperature was warmer than anywhere else on Fortuna island. It had always made Nero wonder why the Order insisted on building headquarters on the other end of the dreaded forest instead of in the actual city.

Nero found himself alone and surrounded, his enemy not visible in the thick brush of the forest but he knew they were there. He reached back for the Red Queen, instantly noticing that he was using his right arm. His human right arm.

A shrill scream echoed around the trees of the forest and Nero knew what he was recalling in the dream. Sometimes, he really wished that he would just stop dreaming about it.

"Kyrie! Kyrie, where are you?" Nero's dream self yelled, eyes intent on finding the songstress as well as the enemies surrounding him. Suddenly something sprang from the brush behind him, leaping towards him with lightning like speed and an intent to kill. Nero rolled to the side, managing to dodge the attack of the demon's sharp claws. He had a split second to glance over the demon, lizard in form with green scales littering its body and a helmet of some kind protecting its face. An Assault, Nero knew the demon very well now due to fighting so many but back then, it was the first one he had seen in the forest. All he knew then was that Kyrie was in trouble and she needed to leave the forest.

"Kyrie! Run! Get back to the city!" Nero yelled, revving the Red Queen before charging at the large lizard. The demon blocked the attack with its small shield before it let out a loud screech, making Nero flinch. It dug under the ground quickly while his ears were ringing. The young order member hastily glanced around the forest when he saw that the Assault was gone, watching for where the demon was. He felt the ground under his feet shift, startling him as the Assault burst through the forest floor and effectively slammed its claws into his throat. Nero fell backwards, hitting the ground hard and spitting the blood out of his mouth. He pushed himself up onto his hands and knees, forgetting the demon behind him when he heard another scream before Kyrie shouted his name through the trees.

"Kyrie! Kyrie!" Nero shouted back, the mere thought of the redheaded girl getting hurt making his blood boil. He snapped his eyes back to the Assault slowly approaching him with its claws displayed, his hand trailing to his left thigh and grabbing Blue Rose. He waited until the demon was just a few feet from him before drawing the revolver. "Eat this!" The young man filled the lizard demon full of lead before it dropped to the ground, dead.

Nero sprang to his feet, ignoring his minor injury in favor of finding Kyrie and bringing her back to the city. He pushed through the leafs and brush, calling out to the songstress while he held Blue Rose in his left hand. It was then that his dreams and memories were fuzzy. He could remember seeing a large black object that looked similar to the Hell Gates and a strange ball of what looked like blue flames. A strange voice echoing in his head, clearer than any thought he ever had, demanding power.

Next thing he could remember clearly was that he was lying on a bed in the Fortuna inn, an ache in his right shoulder and Kyrie's worried face above him. He had guessed that few Order members had found them and brought them back to the city. It did not really matter how they got there, Nero was just glad that Kyrie was safe from the demons.

Kyrie, the girl he had grown up with and loved for a time, until she attempted to turn him into a ritual sacrifice in an attempt to bring her dead brother back. A bitter thought of leaving her in the forest that day entered his mind even if he was aware that he would have never done such a thing back then. He sighed softly, wanting to wake up and skip the part when the demonic arm started to manifest, growing from his shoulder until it devoured his entire arm in under a month.

Nero jumped when a crash of lightning hit just a few meters away from the office, breathing heavily before realizing what it had been. He sighed in relief, glad that he was yanked out of his dream and back into the real world. He sat up and rubbed his eyes with his human hand, glancing over to see Dante fast asleep next to him. The young demon slayer quietly slipped out from under the black satin sheets, grabbing a pair of boxers that he was sure were Dante's and pulling them on.

Nero closed the bedroom door behind him and made his way down the stairs and to the kitchen. He opened the fridge door, shivering slightly from the cool air and the cold tile floor on his bare feet. He grabbed a carton of milk that he had bought yesterday, closing the door and getting a glass. Nero sighed and leaned against the counter after he poured himself some milk and took a few sips. He thought about the past few months with Dante, months that he would go so far as to say were the best of his life.

Each morning, they would get up and depart for a mission, whether they needed to go together or on a separate mission from the other. It did not matter as it normally ended with them coming home and having sex on the couch, the desk, or the bed. They would either fuck until they fell asleep or until they were hungry enough to stop and order something. Nero suggested something other than pizza everyday but they always wound up ordering one anyway, mainly because Dante would fuck the younger man's brains out until he said it was okay.

Nero stared down at the glass of milk, a small smile on his face as he allowed himself to think of the older man. If he was not so sure of himself, he might have thought he was falling for him. He shook his head. That's just stupid. We just have sex. We're...friends? Nero frowned slightly and furrowed his brow, glaring at the milk as if it had just said his hair looked funny. No, that doesn't sound right. Friends don't pound each other into the mattress until they can't remember their own name. Nero blushed lightly, recalling a time he actually could not remember his name, the only one he could was Dante's. It was after a rather long mission where Nero nearly lost his head a few times to a furious mother of a den of Hellhounds.

Nero's thoughts were interrupted when the kitchen window suddenly cracked and broke open, spraying glass over the counter top and nearly hitting him. The young devil hunter turned around, setting the glass on the counter top so he would not break it. He backed away from the window when he noticed a strange figure standing outside the broken window, black smog floating menacingly behind it.

"Pardon me, but would this be Dante Sparda's current residence?" The figure spoke, tilting its head to the side and adjusting its glasses as it waited for a reply. Nero raised an eyebrow, making a note that he really needed to ask Dante about demons he fought in the past. Since when do polite demonic bunnies barge in and ask for Dante? Your past is more messed up than I thought, old man...