Chapter 8: Epilogue \ Incoming Gilgamesh and the Ressurected Bond of Two Blitzers

As the group stopped in mid of a path, a familiar foe was spotted. With eight arms, the enemy was armed with three kunais in one hand, an axe, a sword, a spear, and a chained mace of medivel times. Horns portruded from its head, along with a fluffed tasel. Bartz was the only one that recognized him.

'No...It can't be..' thought Bartz. "Gilgamesh?" asked Bartz. The fiend reacted, "So...That fool for an adventurer finally recognizes me. I did not take my defeat against you very dearly...I want your life, Klauser...Even if I have to take other lives to do so..." said Gilgamesh. Exdeath was not happy.

"Spineless worm...You should be in the void...Why are you here? What is your insignificant purpose?" questioned Exdeath. "Blood..." answered Gilgamesh. Everyone prepared for battle, but Tidus wasn't capable yet to fight, because he was still parenting the baby. As with any mother, Tidus was extremely defensive and ready to defend the baby with the cost of his own life if needed. Shuyin saw this and realized that Tidus and Chappu could be the first targets due to being vulnerable.

"Tidus...Get out of here...We'll deal with this Gilgamesh...Run for it," whispered Shuyin. Chappu was getting scared and hugged up to Tidus's chest. With a quick nod, Tidus flees with the baby. Gilgamesh sees this and makes a move after him with samurai speed, but he was intercepted by Kadaj and Cloud.

"You have to get through us first! Monster!" said Kadaj. "Not a problem..." answered Gilgamesh. As the group fought with Gilgamesh, Tidus fled to a secluded area with the baby and hid in a hollowed out tree. Chappu was scared and began to whine in fear. "Its okay, Chappu...I won't let that bad monster hurt us..If I had to give up my life to protect you...I will. Your too precious to me..." A tear then streams down Tidus's left eye.

"It was a miracle that night...Like the Fayth gave you to me on that night. At first I was scared, but I knew it was a blessing. I don't want to lose you...It may be alittle weird to you, but...I'm glad to be your mom," said Tidus. Chappu cooed as he listened to Tidus's words; then, before the blitzer, Chappu says his first word, "...momma..." Tidus froze, then a happy smile of shock emerges on his face. Even if he was a man, Tidus was still a mother. He couldn't believe it, Chappu's first word was heard and he was the sole witness so far. With happy tears streaming down his face, Tidus held onto the baby. A few minutes passes and the sounds of swords clashing into another sword, or metal weapons echoed in the distance.

Tidus became frightened, but stayed hidden. An hour passes and the sounds were inaudiable. Tidus couldn't tell if the battle is stil going on, or it was over. He quietly peeks out to check the area. There was no one in sight. As quiet as he could, Tidus and the baby left their hiding spot and decided to head back home where it was safer. Tidus quickly ran up the pathway to the main one, holding the baby for dear life. As he was half way up, Gilgamesh rams into Tidus, knocking him on his back. Chappu wasn't harmed.

"Ahhh! Stay away!" cried Tidus. He collects his composure, "What'd you do to them? If you hurted them, so help me god..I will personally send you to the Farplane..."

"I only disabled them...Klauser isn't my only target...Who's baby is that? Did you have to steal it from its mother?" questioned Gilgamesh. "This is my baby...I gave birth to him...It may look impossible to you, but it happened. I won't let you near him," growled Tidus. Gilgamesh was stunned, but knew that impossible things were out there.

"So...Another impossible happened...How sweet. Give it to me," Gilgamesh demanded. "No! Leave my baby alone!" screamed Tidus. Rushing towards the source of the screaming, an enraged Gabranth rushes to the scene.

"Stay away from us!" screamed Tidus. "Give it to me...Now..I will take your life if you don't-" Before Gilgamesh finished his sentence, a sword slash cuts his skin. "Grrraaahhh...So the Judge Magister is up...How did you?" asked Gilgamesh. Gabranth was panting with exhaustion, but some unknown source fuelled him.

"Anger and hatred is what drives me...Now...Surrender to oblivion.." answered Gabranth, armed with two swords. He then shouts to Tidus, "Run for it! Go!" Without a second thought, Tidus runs from the battle scene. Determined to protect Chappu, Tidus armed himself with Brotherhood, a sword with a water-made blade that was given to him by Wakka. Running out of energy, Tidus hides behind another tree for safety.

'Gabranth...Don't die...' thought Tidus as he panted from the running. He worried about the others. He then began to walk his way through a few thrushes of branches, til he heard a familiar voice behind him. "Give it to me...The child doesn't belong to you..." Tidus turns around to spot Gilgamesh again, holding an unconscious Gabranth. Tossing the Judge Magister at the two, it caused Tidus to jump, falling on his back against the tree.

"Gabranth! Wake up! Please! Gabranth..." Tidus called out. With the sword out, Gilgamesh prepared for the attack. "Give it to me. Men cannot give birth to offspring. It is impossible, but maybe...Alittle magic setted in. If that's the case...Then maybe.." Gilgamesh pointed the blade's tip at Tidus's neck, then down his chest to the baby, uncovering the jacket that was actting like a cover. Chappu began to cry in fear.

"Maybe...I can force you to do it again...I want to see how you defied biology," said Gilgamesh with curiosity. "Stay away from us! Get away!" Tidus swung his sword at Gilgamesh, but he blocked it with one of the weapons he weilded. Tidus got up and continued to swing his blade as he backed away. Gilgamesh continued to block, til Tidus backed into another tree and panicked. With an accuracy of a samurai, Gilgamesh disarms Tidus.

"Gahh! No...Don't hurt my baby..." whimpered Tidus, beginning to cry. "Do not cry...It'll all be over soon...For you.." said Gilgamesh. Tidus began to whimper in fear as he felt the sword's tip touch one of the straps that held to his jacket. Slowly, he pushed the strap away. Before Gilgamesh got to the second strap, a clawed hand grabs one of his middle setted arms and tosses him away from Tidus. Gilgamesh braces himself to the ground, prepared to take on what did that. Tidus opened his eyes, and instantly got a jolt of fear.

Infront of Tidus was a humanoid creature, armed with a big bladed sword. It was demonic in some aspects with bright red claws and wing-like shoulder guards. It wore demented dark navy bluish grey pants with bright orange fabric attached to the side of its pants with black designs on it, including a type of spikes. Its blue eyes shimmered in the light, including its white hair and unshaved face. A 'T' based design was as appeared to be tattooed in white on its chest and torso. A red headband was around its forehead, while the right side draped down. Like a stood up collar, there was more spikes around near its neck.

What shocked Tidus more was he's seen it before and knew who it was: It was Jecht, in the form of the Final Aeon Braska used. "Stay away from my sons!" he roared at Gilgamesh. 'Dad...I haven't seen him in this form in a long time...Wait..Did he say 'Sons'?' thought Tidus. Gilgamesh was determined to get to Tidus, but had to get past the Final Aeon first. Gilgamesh makes a charge towards the monster before him.

"I must warn you...My father won't be able to hold back. He has no such thing as 'limits'," said Tidus. Jecht raised his sword halfway up and rushes to Gilgamesh. In a samurai showdown, one can be called 'Victor'. After a quick slash, it was apparent on who won, it wasn't the eight armed monster. Wounded to an extent, Gilgamesh staggers away, then flees from the scene. Jecht, Tidus, Chappu, and the K.O'ed Gabranth were still there.

"Dad..." said Tidus. Chappu looked towards Jecht as he was still in the form of the Final Aeon, but Chappu knew it was Jecht still and reached to him. "He still knows its you...Why did you say 'sons'?" asked Tidus. Jecht went to the two with a really good answer.

"Isn't it obvious? That night, who was the one that drugged you and ended up getting you pregnant? Hmmm.." said Jecht. Tidus remembered, then a new revealation popped up. "Oh, yeah...But that would make you both a grandpa and a dad at once..." Chappu started to coo as he reached to Jecht, "I think he wants you to hold him...Oh, you changed back?"

"Of course I did, Tidus. I would end up hurting the poor thing...Are you alright now?" asked Jecht. Chappu settled down in Jecht's arms, then once again said his first word from earlier, "...momma..." Jecht was taken aback, then turned to Tidus.

"Kid...He just said something...He's learning to talk..." Jecht said in awe. Tidus nodded. He then hugs into his father as the both of them cradle the baby in both of their arms. "I know...It looks wrong, but yet...It feels right..." said Tidus. Gabranth recovers and gets up slowly, but turns to look to see if Tidus is alright. He caught sight of Jecht and Tidus holding one another and the baby. He immediately removes his helmet, showing a awe-like smile on Gabranth's face. Tidus turns to see Gabranth looking towards them and blushed. Everyone gathers at the spot, weakened from the battle with Gilgamesh.

They saw what was happening, but didn't interfere. Back home, Bartz went to check on Tidus and Chappu himself. "I'm so sorry I didn't say anything about how I know Gilgamesh...I feel awful," said Bartz.

"We're okay now...If my dad didn't show up...I wouldn't like how it would end," said Tidus as he held Chappu, feeding him the milk in the bottle. After a few seconds pass, everyone enters Tidus's room, checking up on him as well. Koko came in and gave sweet chirps of a lovely song from a language of Chocobo. After ten minutes pass, everyone gathered in the living room.

"Are you feeling any better, Gabranth?" asked Tidus. Gabranth nodded, but still he had a feeling he had disgraced the Archadian Empire by being defeated by a monster like Gilgamesh. "Hey...Maybe next time when you get stronger...You can take on Gilgamesh...Don't worry, Gabranth," said Tidus.

"Its embarassing...I've trained and worked hard to be a Judge Magister, despite that I wasn't from Archadia. Its...Humilating," groaned Gabranth. "Your not the only one to taste disgrace. I was one of Cornelia's finest knights...Til I went rogue and kidnapped the princess," said Garland.

"Not only that...Your Chaos, too," said the Warrior of Light. "Yup..." replied Garland. "I am in ruins as well. Fallen into the path of darkness with the Arch-Fiends, I have ruined my reputation as a Dark Knight," said Golbez. "Brother...It wasn't your fault...It was Zemus, remember?" said Cecil.

"It doesn't matter, Cecil. I ruined my reputation. Plus you lost your spot on the Red Wings as 'Lord Captain', remember?" answered Golbez. Cecil remained silent, knowing that his older brother was right. "I always thought I was human...A hero. It all went south when I found out I was an expirament. I slayed anyone that stood in my way. I was destined to destroy the planet by Jenova's will, an ancient. You know what's worse? I believed Jenova was my mother," said Sephiroth.

"Man...Talk about revenge in a twisted way," said Jecht. "Some of us have been disgraced, even I have to admit it. I can't seem to remember why, but I will someday," said Auron. "Hey, dad...You haven't told your story yet," said Tidus.

"Kid...I really don't want to talk about it," said Jecht. Shuyin then sits up and said, "I almost destroyed Spira...Twice." Everyone stopped and turned to him. "I almost destroyed Spira twice...With the Vegnagun. I just wanted it all to end, even to end it in omnicide...I wanted the suffering to stop..." said Shuyin.

"Hey...We have something in common. I almost destroyed Spira trying to control Sin...But for different reasons," said Seymour. "Dad...Come on. They told their stories off falling from grace, now its your turn...It might help Gabranth to cheer up a bit..-" "Hold on...Let me speak first," Basch interuppted Tidus.

"Brother...Please don't...We've both worked hard to forget the past. I don't want to hear this," said Gabranth. "The past will always be with us...Noah..We can't escape it," answered Basch. Evveryone was shocked.

"Wait...I thought his name was Gabranth?" asked Wakka. "It was our mother's...He changed it to 'Gabranth'. I was an honorable knight during the invasion of the Archadian Empire, til I was at Dalmesca, my brother setted me up and mascaraded as me and killed their king. He setted me up. Such shame has fallen on me, but I don't care. If I have to bare any shame, I will bare it proudly..." said Basch. Gabranth, or Noah, walked away for a second. He comes back again with his hands over his face.

"We can't run from it, brother..and you know it. Its a part of us for an eternity," said Basch. Gabranth didn't want to relive the events of what he did to his own brother. Gabranth knew Basch was right, but didn't want to hear it. At that moment, the Judge Magister breaks down, all his defenses were eradicated. He begins to cry, "I'm sorry..."

"Brother..." said Basch. "I'm sorry...For everything I did to you...I know forgiveness won't heal me for my sins, but I just want to make a confession.." cried Gabranth. He falls to his knees, down to Basch's feet like he was a god, "Forgive me for the scar...I was so angry at you; that I couldn't contain it..." Basch knew what Gabranth was talking about. Many years ago, Basch escaped the rampage of the incoming empire of Archadia. He thought his mother and younger brother were dead, or enslaved by the imperials at that time.

This also sparked a hatred inside Gabranth for his older brother; believing he abandoned them. Vaan has heard this story from Basch, but didn't believe him at first. Chappu was getting alittle restless, but he wanted to go to the floor for some reason. Tidus kneels down to fulfill the baby's request. Chappu then crawls to a crying Gabranth and climbs up on his head, patting the Judge Magister's dark blonde hair. Gabranth looks up to the baby as he cooed.

"What's this?...You...Understand my confession?" questioned the Judge Magister. Chappu just looked into his eyes; then placed his little right hand on Gabranth's face. Everyone awed at the sight. Gabranth then picked Chappu up and held him in his arms carefully. Chappu looked around and turned towards Shuyin.

"Why did I say that? Now I'm gonna be in a depression for a week," said Shuyin. "Shuyin...Maybe you just wanted to get the weight off your shoulders," said Lenne, trying to cheer him up.

"I'm trying to forget because...I don't want to do it again," said Shuyin. Lenne looked at him puzzled. "If I remember...It'll happen all over again...Maybe I was better off in the Farplane then-" Shuyin's lament was cut off by Chappu crawling into his lap cooing. Even though Shuyin had a strong resemblance to Tidus, the baby knew he wasn't his mother.

"I'm just a madman, little one...All I know is destruction and ruin...If only...I can find peace," said Shuyin. Chappu heard Shuyin, but he starts climbing up on him and using his little left hand to very lightly slap Shuyin's left side of his face. Everyone also awed at this. "Aww...Shuyin...He doesn't believe so," said Lenne. Shuyin turns to Lenne with a peaceful smile, but said something that caught her off guard.

"Lenne...I think we should start a family," said Shuyin. Lenne was caught off guard and blushing. "Shuyin..." was all she said. Everyone awed at that, too. After everything settled and after Jecht told his story of his rise to fame and fall as an ace blitzer of Zanarkand, everyone settled down and went to their original rountines. Jecht sat in both his and Tidus's room on the bed, wondering why he told his story. Tidus walks in, noticing a sad look on his father's face. Chappu was standing in his crib while holding the rail, wondering why his ex-blitzer father was sad.

"Dad...Some of the others shared their story, you know you had to. Please don't be sad anymore, because Chappu is worried, too. I can't raise the baby on my own...I need you to help me," said Tidus. Jecht knew his son was right. "Its just...I think I embarrassed myself. I want to be strong for the both of you, but I don't know how," answered Jecht.

"You got me...Hey...Don't give me that, your the great one, remember?" said Tidus, trying to lighten the mood. Jecht began to chuckle, then letted out a hearty laugh that Tidus has heard before. "Your right...I never knew that all I ever needed..Was right next to me," said Jecht. Chappu gave out a coo. Both Tidus and Jecht turned around and went to the baby. Carefully, Jecht picks up Chappu and holds him. At that moment, Chappu said his second new word, "...dada..." Jecht heard that and so did Tidus. In tears of joy, Jecht gave a smile and hugged the baby.

Jecht's prank may have been unattended that night, but no one knew it would lead to Tidus expecting all of a sudden. The baby's arrival reawakened so many memories in the former blitzer of his own son at that age. This actted like a second chance for Jecht to repair the damage he caused in the past with Tidus, an act of redemption. It was a wake up call and a reality check that maybe Jecht needed. With such a simple prank, no one ever realized it would lead to something more. Tidus hugged his father again; like in the forest after Gilgamesh fled. Chappu cooed in response.

Unknown to them, the Chocobos and Bartz watched the scene from the outside. In his head, Bartz awed at the scene. After a tender three minutes, the chicks were qued to waddle in. The chicks chirped with happiness to the three, flapping their wings like crazy.

"Hey...What are you guys doing?" asked Tidus. The chicks fluttered all their golden feathers. Koko, Boko, and Bartz walk into the room. Boko was holding a single yellow feather in his beak, as if giving it to someone as a gift. "Whatcha doing, Boko?" asked Tidus.

"Boko has a gift for Chappu. While Koko was grooming him, a feather fell off and he wanted to give it to Chappu like how he gave me one...See?" Bartz then reaches into his shirt and pulls out a yellow feather identical to the second. Tidus and Jecht understood more clearly. Boko then moves his head to the baby and gives the feather to Chappu. The baby grabs the feather and waves it around. Chappu then reaches to Boko and gives him a small kiss on his beak.

"Awww...That was sweet," said Bartz. Everyone gathers into Tidus's room, happy that things are good. Sephiroth approaches the two. "I have a present, too," said Sephiroth, "But its not despair...Hold on a sec." Sephiroth unbuckles the X formed straps and removes the left side of his jacket. Instantly, his single wing is revealed. Sephiroth had a famous alias: 'The One-Winged Angel', because of this trait. This whole time, it was consealed under Sephiroth's jacket. He flaps the single wing and a single black feather, plus three more, fell off. Putting the jacket back on, Sephiroth takes the first feather and gives it to Chappu.

Like earlier, the baby takes the black feather and waves it about. Sephiroth then takes the three remaining feathers and gives it to the remanents: Kadaj, Loz, and Yazoo. Little Chappu's life was unfolding before his little eyes. He never knew that a sudden joke brought him into everyone's life and also how Tidus managed through labor to bring him here. Tidus knew that this was the beginning of Chappu's life. With everyone's help; friends and foes, they will give Chappu the best things provided with all their power. Tidus now knew that he won't handle this alone.