This is my second story… I hope you guys like it… Enjoy.

Summary: Hinata has a secret, one she leaves Konoha for. Before Naruto leaves for his 3 year training, she confesses her love to him, not telling him about her plans to leave Konoha as soon as he leaves. He's back three years later and is determined to find her.



"Naruto-kun!" A young female teenager's voice yelled as she chased after the blond haired Uzumaki Naruto who was walking out of Konoha gates next to an old white-haired pervert.

"Huh? Hinata-Chan?" Naruto swiftly turned around to face the bluish-black haired beauty known as Hyuuga Hinata. She was about fourteen; same age as Naruto with the lavender Hyuuga eyes which were pupiless, a family bloodline.

Hinata was already blushing, she knew of Naruto's training trip; he would be gone for 3 years. But she knew what she had to do. "I came to say goodbye."

"Don't worry; I'll see you again in 3 years." Naruto smiled brightly, his blue eyes shining with excitement.

No, you won't. Hinata thought to herself. "Well, have fun. And don't get into too much trouble." She smiled at her crush.

"Me? Trouble? Never." He chuckled.

She gathered all her confidence for this moment, embracing Naruto in a hug she leant to whisper in his ear, "Love you, always." Before pressing her lips to his gently. After today, she would never see him again, but he wasn't supposed to know that.


3 years later…

I love you too Hyuuga Hinata. I know it may have taken me like 3 years to figure out my feelings for you, but I love you and I'm coming back for you. Those thoughts echoed through Naruto's mind as he jumped from branch to branch.

Naruto was 17 years old now; he had grown a lot during his training. Well, yeah, he was ripped. He had lost all of his baby fat and was no longer short. He was taller than Jiraiya now, and probably every one of his old friends. His blonde hair was slightly longer, but didn't reach his shoulders and his cerulean blue eyes sparkled with excitement.

He looked down to his left to see Roki – a golden coloured fox, with bright blue eyes running dutifully by his side. Roki and Naruto had been together for about two years now, and they were always together. Even though Roki was pretty much had the same mind of the Kyuubi no Kitsune that lived inside Naruto's stomach.

"Come on, Roki. Let's go see the Hokage!" Naruto smiled as Roki nodded and the two sped up towards Konoha.

"Wait for me!" The white haired pervert, also known as Jiraiya the legendary Sanin complained and sped up too.

In a matter of six minutes and forty-two seconds, the duo… well, trio had reached the front gates of the well-known Konoha. The place they called home.

Looking up, Naruto smiled to see the group of people who were standing out the gates, all with bright smiles on their faces, preparing themselves to see the new Uzumaki Naruto.

"I'm HOME!" Naruto yelled, and with a burst of speed, quickly reached the group a smile on his face.

"Hey, Naruto, good to see you back!" The first person who spoke was the abnormally pink-haired Haruno Sakura. The girl Naruto used to have a crush on.

"Hey Sakura!" He smiled back at the girl.

"How cute! You've got a fox!" Ino looked at Roki who was still standing next to Naruto, wagging his tail excitedly.

"So what have you been up to?" Choji, a slightly overweight man asked, absently digging through a packet of chips.

"Everything!" Naruto said, looking through the faces of his friends. There was Sakura, Choji, Shikamaru, Tenten, Lee, Ino, Kiba, Shino and even the hokage, Tsunade, and her assistant Shizune all there to see him. He noticed Hinata wasn't there with a pang of disappointment, but neither was Neji, so it was probably some clan thing.

"Sorry I'm late!" Naruto smiled when he heard Neji's voice, "There was a clan meeting and I had to be there." Another smile from Naruto; he was right.

After a couple seconds, his smile dropped. Hinata still hadn't shown up, "Hey, Neji? Where's Hinata-Chan?"

Every person other than Naruto and Jiraiyia's face dropped. And after seeing all their expressions, Naruto started freaking out. "Is she okay? What happened to her? Is she… alive?" He couldn't bear the thought of the last question, so he turned to Tsunade, "Baa-chan! What happened to her!"

Tsunade stepped forward, "Calm down, Naruto. She's alive."

"So where is she! The hospital?" He was just about to leave when a hand caught the edge of his jacket.

He looked up to see Jiraiya staring down at him, "Let her finish."

"Here, we'll explain all this in my office." Tsunade sighed, heading towards the Hokage mansion with everyone else following obediently.


Once everyone was seated in the hokage's office, with Naruto and Roki standing up in front of the Hokage's desk, Tsunade started to explain.

"It was three years ago. Right after you had left for your training mission. Hinata had gone missing, and no-one knew why. That's when I got a note…" Tsunade trailed off, searching through one of the draws in her desk, and pulled out a folder. Gently taking a paper out of it, she handed it to Naruto who started to read aloud.

"Wait!" Tsunade interrupted, "But the rest of you are unable to know the contents of this letter. So don't read it aloud, Naruto."

That just made everyone else curious, but they did what they were told. Naruto continued to read, but this time not out loud.


First, I'm going to say sorry. Sorry for doing this to you but I have to. I don't have another choice; you don't know how much I wish I did. But I guess it's for the best.
Now I know I've got some explaining to do. I've left Konoha. For good. I'm sorry but I can't come back. The reason why; my clan. Well, what
used to be my clan. I was to be given the caged-bird-seal and thrown into the branch family to marry some jerk. But that wasn't the worst of it. Okay, before I tell you the rest, please don't tell the rest of my classmates this; apart from Naruto. I think he deserves to know. And tell him I meant what I said when I saw him before he left, hopefully he'll remember that.
Anyway, I was never good enough for the clan, and when I was thirteen I found out why. I am a jinchuuriki. I hold the Gobi; the five tailed wolf. I guess my life was easier than most junchuuriki's though, because no-one knew, except my clan. Even I didn't know until last year.
Okay, well, they were going to take the Gobi out of me and place her in my sister. Hanabi shouldn't have to live like that. No-one should. Plus, by taking the Gobi out of me, I would've died. And that really isn't on my to-do list.
Anyway, I'm sorry. I won't do anything to hurt Konoha, I love you guys. Have a great life, and don't let this bring you down. And please, don't try to bring me back, because it will end in disaster. If I was to return, I will just end up dying by the hands of the Hyuuga.

Hyuuga Hinata… no, for now on, I am Hinata. Just Hinata.
P.S Sorry.

Tears were in Naruto's eyes by the end of the letter. And Roki was looking down. Since Roki had the Kyuubi's mind, they could contact to each other by their thoughts, so Roki knew everything Naruto knew.

Naruto gently handed the letter back to Tsunade she was like me. All this time, she was a jinchuuriki too. That thought just made those tears spill over his eyes. "Where is she now?" He tried to ask calmly, but you could hear the emotion in his voice.

Tsunade sighed, blinking back her own tears, before digging her hand back into the folder, and pulling out another piece of paper. "She has grown strong." Was all Tsunade said as she placed the paper in Naruto's hands.

Missing Nin.

Name: Hinata

Age: 17

Class: S rank

Location: Unknown

Information: Hinata left Konoha at the age of fourteen, since then she has single-handedly slaughtered three of the Akatsuki members earning her S rank. She is only accompanied by a large black wolf, known as Misaki and seems to be no threat to villages. She is seen helping strangers, but is dangerous to be around.

Strengths: Hinata excels in Byakugan techniques and taijutsu. She had created her own style of taijutsu which is virtually unbeatable; you do not want to go into close combat with her. She also knows a large variety of water techniques and Misaki, the wolf is also known for her various techniques. Hinata also has seemed to give Misaki the Byakugan which no-one has figured out how. Most techniques are suited for defence, but she does have a strong offence as well.

If captured, she is worth $296,000 for her Byakugan and body in Kumogakure.

Naruto glanced at Roki, wondering if Misaki had the Gobi's mind like Roki had the Kyuubi's. But Naruto had learnt it from one of the elders in the Temple of Misadain (A/N Random word I made up... it's a place). His eyes suddenly widened in realisation.


Naruto and Jiraiya were standing inside a large temple, and in front of them was an elder, Elder Jinu.

"Hmm…" The elder smiled, "I've had someone come to me not that long ago searching for the same thing. She was quite young too. I'd say she'd be the same age as you by now. Yes, Uzumaki Naruto, I am willing to help you…"


"I'm sorry, Naruto. If it helps, she really looked up to you." Tsunade sighed.

Naruto nodded slowly, "I know." All he wanted to do was find her. But he knew he couldn't bring her back. "I'm going for a walk." He was about to walk away when Tsunade stopped him.

"Wait, Naruto. There was one more thing she left for you." Tsunade reaching into the folder again and pulled out a sealed envelope. "We haven't opened it, since it wasn't addressed to us." She handed him the envelope with 'Please give this to Naruto' written on the front.

Naruto took the envelope and disappeared out the door. Leaving everyone slightly disappointed, they all wanted to see what was in that envelope. But they knew it was probably private, so they let him go.

Naruto was standing on the top of the Hokage mountains. He was alone, well, apart from Roki who was always by his side. Sitting onto the ground, he gave Roki a quick pat on the head before staring back at the envelope.

I know she meant a lot to you, Kit. Remember she said she loved you always, which means now too. Roki nudged Naruto on the shoulder, trying to comfort him.

Naruto nodded opening the envelope and pulled a piece of paper out, but something fell onto his lap. He gently picked it up to look at it. On a black cord hung a silver wolf. He smiled at the wolf briefly and hung the necklace around his neck before opening up the letter.


Well, I'm going to start this letter like the last one. I'm sorry. Please know that I'm really sorry for leaving. Naruto, I told you I love you before you left because I knew I wouldn't see you ever again. Sorry for that too. But I'm going to explain myself. I don't expect you to like me back. You can detest me like the others who know about the Gobi. But I would like to thank you. Thank you for being there when I needed a friend, thank you for cheering for me when I felt useless. I admire you for that. It is the reason I fell in love with you. I love the way you never give up, your bright personality, the way you smile and say your fine even when I know you're not. You've had a tough life, but anyone who meets you would have no idea. You smile so no-one would worry about you. But I've always been able to tell people's feelings, deep down I can see what you really feel. But the thing that really made me fall for you was your smile. But it was the smile you had when you were truly happy. I'm sorry. And thank you.
Take care of yourself. I'd tell you not to get into to trouble, but you
are Naruto. And trouble is a part of you. So I think I'll just say – don't die. Become strong. Become Hokage.

Love you always, Hinata.

Naruto read the letter three times before gently folding it back up and putting it in the envelope. Tears fluently falling down his face. "Why did she have to leave? It was her damn family's fault! Hinata-chan… please, I have to see you again… I need to tell you… that I love you too…"

Roki was whining unhappily then, I don't like this Hyuuga clan. Hinata didn't deserve it. But we will find her again. Whatever it takes.

Naruto nodded I agreement, sliding the letter into his pocket and stood up, looking out towards Konoha. "I'll find you, Hinata-chan. That's a promise."


That's it for chapter one… if you're reading my other fic, you would have already read this in a special and if you haven't… please check it out… well, if you want to… :P next chapter will be out as soon as I write it… thankyou and enjoy my story :)