AN: Ok lets just get this out of the way I suck! I totally suck I've been really busy latley and then my comp crashed and I lost all of my notes for this story but that's no excuse the fact is I suck. I am very sorry for my sucky-ness. R&R!

Chapter 5:

They arrieved on the set the next day. They didn't get the part. The director said they both were good actors and that he was sure they would go far but they just needed a little more training. It didn't matter they still smiled.

Everything was perfect. Tori had a boyfriend who loved her, she didn't have to hide anything from her friends because Jade had moved on and for the first time she felt like nothing in her life was missing. She loved Beck she was sure of that and she was sure that he was being truthful when he told her he loved her too. For so long her heart had been gaurded and now that her guard was down she wasn't scared for once she wasn't scared.

Life went on as normal. Beck was the lead male in the plays. Tori was the leading lady. Jade was well Jade. Cat was abnormal. Andre was cool and supportave. Robbie was strange.

And what of Tori and Beck? How are they living?

They are now and always living in love.

The end.

AN: not the greatest ending I know but after I lost all my notes I just couldn't remember how I wanted the story to go and I hate to leave a story without and end so I came up with this.

Please don't hold this agenst me in the future. If anyone would like to help me or take over the story for a new ending I would be open to that.

Happy travles to al Bori lovers!