Dear Pen Pal:

OK like I said the last chapter could of easily of been the end and after reading this you'll probably wish it were the end as this is merely an epilogue of sorts to say who still stayed friends with who and so on and so forth…. Don't own either fandom just love and obsess over them…. Thanks to everyone who has read and reviewed. I don't know when/if I'll cross these fandoms over again later down the road but in the meantime feel free to check out my Glee WIP 'Disenchanted' or my EPIC Glee/General Hospital 'Ark! Verse' in my piece 'Find Yourself' and my current WIP 'Love Will Find a Way'….also I know they said in 'Don't Let Me Get Me' that Jenna was having a boy but in this cannon she's having a girl….


The twelve members of New Directions had spent a long grueling afternoon at the airport saying their goodbyes to a group of people that had become a huge part of them despite the fact that they only had known them on a face-to-face basis for a week. After this goodbye there would be no more letters, at least no more letters that were mandatory through their specific school groups as some of the teens formulated friendships that would last them a lifetime, or at least for longer then a semester…

Rachel and Holly J:

The self proclaimed Diva and the former Queen B were both Alpha females at least in their own minds. They had been participants in numerous clubs and activities and with Rachel planning ways to win Regionals and Holly J planning ways to get a scholarship to Yale it would seem that the trip to Lima would be the last time that these two people contacted one another.

This was not the case.

Sure their contact wasn't as frequent as it was before but it was there, in fact it was a suggestion from one of Rachel's 'gay dads' that had landed the Degrassi senior the scholarship of her dreams and as she stood on stage as Valedictorian that spring in her speech she gave a special thanks to 'Rachel Berry whose name you'll all remember someday….'

Artie and Clare:

From the first letter that Artie had received he knew that there was something special about Clare. Hell if it had been another time and place where Tina wasn't in the picture he could have seen himself falling for the young authoress. They had a blast in Lima and after the fact their friendship seemed to blossom as they continued to correspond still through hand written letters though now addressed to home addresses. They would share short stories and song lyrics and geeky anecdotes that somehow they didn't think Tina and Eli would get. And speaking of their respective partners who were pen pals in there own right….

Tina and Eli:

Eli had her at classic hearse and she'd always been jealous of Morty, his baby and had at one point pondered talking to Kurt's dad to see if he knew where she could procure a hearse of her own, however seeing as that Eli's girlfriend Clare just so happened to be Artie's pen pal and good friend she thought of the next best thing. And so that summer after they competed at Nationals in New York (oh by the way they totally won Regionals) the two Americans would head to Canada for an extended stay and Eli promised that he'd let Tina behind the wheel, something that he didn't even let Clare do….

Puck and Alli:

With Puck and Alli it was a bit complicated at first. They were both in committed relationships when they had met face to face and yet at the same time they were wild children at heart with a previous history of sexting which caused them to worry about cheating on their loved ones with one another. However that was never the case, in fact they helped one another in their relationships with ideas on how to spice things up rather then hinder things and so as their friendship remained strong so did their relationships with Mercedes and Drew respectively…

Quinn and Jenna:

The two women kept in close contact by letters, e-mails, and even web chat, even more so as Jenna's due date drew near. After much deliberation Jenna had decided to keep her baby…well kind of anyway. 'Julia Quinn Middleton' would be under the legal custody of her brother Kyle until Jenna reached the age of twenty one, that way she could have the best of both worlds being full access to her daughter and a normal teenage life. Quinn was in the process of talking to Shelby about taking Beth to Canada sometime so that the two little girls could have a play date as the older of the two moms knew that their kids would be good friends….

Finn and KC:

This was one friendship that could of easily blossomed beyond the Lima meeting however for some reason this was one of the three pairs of students whose contact tapered off into non-existence …. Finn was…well Finn and that could have been the reason for this, as the jock didn't know if he was supposed to continue to write despite the fact that Rachel was clearly writing to Holly J however he thought it had to do with 'That Yale Thing.' KC meanwhile probably would of written to Finn had he not been caught up in his own life. His mom was now back in the picture and he was trying to formulate a relationship with her again after all these years, he'd gotten back together with Jenna and was in a good place, he even was allowed to visit and play dad (or at least honorary uncle) to Julia despite the fact that Kyle was raising her and Fitz was her bio dad…all and all despite not keeping in contact all was good for these guys….

Matt and Riley:

Of all the pairs of pen pals this pairing was total kismet as they were both living double lives as alpha male jocks and gay teens in a close-minded student body. When Riley received a football scholarship he was pondering taking two steps back into the closet which had cause a lot of friction with his boyfriend Zane however it was Matt who convinced him to be true to himself, after all college athletic departments had to be more open minded then small town High School ones…right…

Mercedes and Anya:

It was an interesting kind of friendship between these two personas but it defiantly seemed to work out. It seemed that besides stickers, cheering, and larping Anya had a soft spot in her heart for musicals in fact she was pondering auditioning for the roll of Kim in a local community production of Bye Bye Birdie. Mercedes encouraged Anya to do that and although she didn't plan on going out for any Lima community productions she'd seen a flyer on a bulletin board at the public library about a LARPing society and wondered if she could convince Kurt or Tina into going with her one Saturday to check out….

Kurt and Adam:

They were both strange strangers in their respective schools however once Adam got back to Degrassi he instantly wrote to Kurt about how grateful he was that Owen, Fitz, Bianca and the others hadn't gotten the memo about slushie facials yet. They were each other's rocks as they talked to one another about their day-to-day plights and about their relationships… Kurt's with Matt and Adams with…

Britney and Fiona: -

Fiona would of liked to of heard more from Brit as she was…. Interesting to say the least. She would of loved to of talked to the bubbly blonde about her new found relationship with Adam Torres of all people, listening to her inquire as to weather Adam was a boy or a girl and weather that would make Fiona bisexual…. Truthfully in Fiona's eyes she didn't know what she was and for the first time in her life she took pleasure in her uncertainty…

Santana and Drew:

Santana thought Drew was hot but that didn't help in keeping in touch with him as she still thought the whole pen pal thing was completely lame…. Drew was too busy with his girlfriend Alli to notice anyway….

Mike and Sav:

The dancer and the guitarist continued to share in their common interests of bad movies and parents who only wanted what was best for them despite the fact that they wanted totally different career paths. Mike was pleased to hear that Sav convinced his parents to let him double major in business and music theory as opposed to him going into something 'practical' like accounting or pre-med and only hoped that his parents would be accommodating like that and let him pursue his dream and apply to the programs he wanted to this time next year…..


Like I said shitty ending but I just wanted this chapter to mainly be where everyone was now…. So like it, love it, think I copped out? Let me know…. oh and Happy Birthday to Degrassi GLEEK Samantha (Anya) Munro