Black Mail, the Second Time Around

(Black Mail's Sequel)

Summary: four years had passed since the incident everyone seems to move on in four years Sunako lives a quiet life with her young son in the countryside. While Kyohei is now a second year in college and is engage to a girl who took care of him after his recovery.- Marry me but don't misunderstand, I don't love you, marry me if not you'll lose Kai.

Disclaimer: I own the plot (I got the idea from autumn's concerto but I will add some of my ideas), but Wallfllower is not mine.


Chapter 1:

The Beginning

Four years later



From my spot, I can see the beautiful blue haven, birds flying across the sky it has been four years since she left Tokyo away from her family from everyone. I smiled -halfheartedly, looking back up at the sky as the gentle breeze of air touches her skin. She feels empty, for four years, she left all people who are very important to her life, her family, her friends and the man she loves the most. Maybe she lost everything from her past but now she has another treasure to keep and love. "I am very happy now…" the question is…

Is he happy too?

"He has really changed!"

Yuki walks into his room followed by his friends Ranmaru and Takenaga after their class in university they decided to go on his house without Kyohei, they are one year ahead of him. Kyohei needed recovery after he woke up Kyohei was like a little boy who do not know anything in this world… he forgets how to read, how to write, how to walk and how to tie his shoes. Those times he needed guidance Sunako did not leave his side no matter what happened, But, then, suddenly under a weird circumstances she just disappeared like a bubble.

After, a year of teaching him all the basics of the world Kyohei is back.

Only one thing didn't came back is his memories the three of them promised to each other to be on Kyohei's side, never leave him especially now that this is the time Kyohei needed them the most.

Yuki frowned, "I don't want Haru-chan for Kyohei! He loves Sunako-chan not Haru-chan!" he whined, he did not approve Haru for Kyohei but seems like Kyohei was thankful that she helped him recover so he asked Haru to be his girlfriend and just last month they're just engaged. He attended the engagement party but Yuki has grudged deep inside. He do not know what happened, he don't know what's the reason why Sunako left. Even though he felt betrayed, even though she betrayed Kyohei, he still preferred her for his friend.

Ranmaru cupped his chin as he sat beside Takenaga, "Yeah, I agree with Yuki even though Haru is beautiful, kind and one-hell of a girl… she's nothing compared to Sunako, I know I am being biased because I know Sunako but then-"

"Then why don't you tell Kyohei what you feel?" Takenaga said scanning the book on his hands uninterested on his friend's conversation. "Takenaga, you actually want Haru for Kyohei?"

"Kyohei feels that he owe her a lot so he asked her to be his girl friend…"

"But he asked her to marry him!"

"Engage, Yuki." Ranmaru corrected

Yuki frowned, "But that's the same! Eventually they are going to get married!"

"Yuki just be happy for Kyohei…he finds happiness with Ayase-san so be it and just accept the fact that Sunako will never come back anymore and he is happy with the way his life going right now." Takenaga said sternly, he glance at Yuki before looking back at his book.

"Dakara, Takenaga he listens to you so maybe you could-"

"Hey guys what's with the tension inside this room?" Kyohei said as he entered the room. "Oh, Kyohei you're here already?" Ranmaru asked, for hell he knows that Kyohei's class will end at 4:00 pm so why he is here. "The professor ends the class early."


"Haru wants to meet you guys…and she said she was sorry that she don't have time to get to know you all…even before the engagement." Kyohei frowned he feels like his friends are not interested on what he was saying. "Hey, Guys what's with the silence?"

"Kyohei, listen we have to say something to you…" Yuki said as he sat at the cushion on the floor in front of Kyohei, the blonde raise his eyebrows, "What is it Yuki."

"I want to tell you that—"

"We will love to meet her too Kyohei." Yuki eyes went wide as he turned to look at Takenaga giving him a what-the-hell-are-you-saying-look.

Tkenaga smiled, "Right Guys."

"Err…right." Ranmaru agreed awkwardly, Yuki let out a defeated sigh

"So what do you want to tell me Yuki?" Yuki shook his head, as he looks away, "Nothing, it's not important."

It feels so weird her hands feels itchy today she smiled to herself, maybe she will get money…she chuckled at the thought. She is currently outside the daycare center to fetch her three-year old son Kai; he is turning four at July 23 same birth date as his father. She suddenly feels sad Kai is growing up without his father, sometimes he was asking her where his father is or what his father looks like at those time she can't answer her son.

Sunako looks on her wristwatch she smiled, "Kai must be here in any minute."

"MOM!" Sunako turned to look at her right she smiled at the Kai's direction, as he run up to her side, his raven hair bouncing on his sides, his blue eyes shining, his pale skin glistening against the sun light. "Kai…"Sunako kneel down to hug her son. "Mom, I got 5 star look at my hand!" Kai said excitedly as he lifts his hand so his mother could see the stars drew by his teacher at the back of his hand.

Sunako smiled, "Wow, that's so cool Kai…you did a very good job."

"Yeah, mom I always study hard so when I grow up I will look for a job so I could help you!" Kai's innocent remark touches Sunako's heart tears started to gather at the sides of her eyes and pull her son for a hug. "Kai, thank you…I love you so much."

"You're the only memory of Kyohei to me so I always, always want the best for you…I love you so much…"

"Mom, let's go home I'm hungry I want to eat your tempura!" Kai said as he still being hug by his mom. Sunako chuckled as she let go of Kai wiping her tears, "Yeah, let's go home."

"Mom, I hate my dad." This made Sunako surprise as she turned to look at her son, he have this frown on his face, "Kai, don't say things like that."

"I hate him because he always makes you cry." Kai said as his frown deepen.

Sunako shook her head, "I am not crying because of him Kai… I am crying because I am happy…"

"Mom, where is my daddy?" Kai asked once again, Sunako breath hitch I don't want to tell him…this is not the right time to tell him…I know, it's unfair for him not to know about his father…but this is for Kai's own good." Sunako stood up wiping the remaining tears on her cheeks she hold Kai's hands to hers,

"Let's go home Kai…"

Kai look down on his shoes while him and his mom walking at their way back home, "Why mom doesn't want me to know about my father…I wanted to see my father…" Kai is upset, since he joined the class the other children also started calling him a fatherless child, with that reason they're constantly tease him, they called him a liar whenever he told them he does have a father. Why does he have to live in this world without a father on his side? One time he got on a fight with one of his classmate teasing him because of him being fatherless, he hit him square on the face. When his mom learned about what he has done, she was too disappointed of him. telling him that violence will not make them stop from teasing him.


"Hmm…what is it Honey."

"Do I look like my father at least can you answer that?"

Sunako smiled sadly, as she squeezes Kai's hands on hers, "Yes, you look like him Kai…you do…"

Kai is a very special child he was born with a weak heart so she work day and night he has Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy a genetic disorder caused by various mutations in genes which can obstruct blood flow and prevent his heart from functioning properly. So, as his mother she tried not to give him stress…she wanted to give him happiness and contentment on his life.

Even without his father.


YR: What do you think guys? Please leave a review! This is a sequel… I had written this after I finished writing, BLACK MAIL, Please support this like you supported the first one!

I hope u enjoyed reading!