Happy Birthday KewlFoxyKatt.



Perhaps stating my intentions in such a blunt way was too much for her? Kakashi thought a few moments later as he looked down at Naru's sleeping face as he dropped to a knee with her carefully cradled in his arms.

His eyes concerned and just a tad bit fearful for her well being when his rival came stomping over and rudely snapped at him to 'hand over Naru or else'. Which caused Naru's friend the he/she named Haku to quickly walk over and grab the raven by the front of his shirt and growled at him to step away from them or he'd break something important off.

The raven looked between Kakashi and the other with a slightly disgruntled look on his face before storming off without another word. Leaving him more or less at the mercy of his potential mate's best friend/guardian. Who hunkered down next to him and smiled in a somewhat calculating way before asking, "So... You're the yeti?" Kakashi stared the stranger down like he would a rattle snake. Fearing that if he so much as blunk his eyes, something horrible might happen to him.

Like he might get bit on one of his testicles or something.

"If I had known how cute you were- I might have tied her to a tree naked for ya. Cause damn man, you would be worth it." Kakashi finally blinked and inwardly cringed at the crass language the other had just used before muttering.

"Please. Don't even joke about that. I'd much rather she not hate me, thanks." Haku blinked at him then gave him a knowing smile. He was liking this yeti guy already. He seemed...sweet. And that meant that he- like Naru would make a very good friend. Something that Haku had precious few of as he watched the man fix a place for Naru to rest on and then sit down next to her.

Yup. No doubt about it. He liked this one. Haku mused when he saw something pink move out of the corner of his eye and turned his head just in time to see Sakura walk up to Kakashi with a hungry look on her face and toss her hair over her shoulder in an attempt to get the man's attention.

It didn't work. Which Haku found vastly amusing until the little tramp spoke.

"Hey, are you the one who gave Naru-" Sakura practically spat the blonds name as if it were a vile curse. "That gorgeous pearl necklace?" Kakashi looked away from Naru for a moment and seemed to think over replying before simply deciding that he didn't like the pinkette's attitude. Something that Sakura obviously didn't like as she went on to say, "You know she doesn't deserve something so nice. She's just some little gutter rat-" It was at this point that the Raven spoke up, apparently noticing the way Kakashi's body tensed up upon hearing the hateful words that the girl was saying about his 'potential wife'.

"Shut the hell up Sakura. The man can give his shit to whomever he pleases." Sauske snapped, pissed about the whole situation.

How dare this strange man come into his camp and try to take the girl he liked. Sure Sauske had no intention of offering her marriage, after all, just like Sakura had said. She was just some gutter rat. But...he had staked his claim long before Kakashi had ever shown up. And who knew, if he liked her enough after bedding her a few times- he might keep her.

But he would never lower himself so much that he would marry beneath him. The trick now would be to make Kakashi lose interest and leave. But how?

Haku looked around camp and grimaced slightly at the way things were turning out. As it was, he could already see the wheels turning in Sauske and Sakura's heads and knew that they were already plotting stuff. Sauske was probably plotting to toss Kakashi into a deep ravine somewhere in the mountains. And Sakura...was probably plotting to do the same to Naru considering how much she hated the blond.

Which meant that he'd have his work of protecting Naru cut out for him unless he flat out killed the two before they could even make a move.