Disclaimer: I own neither Naruto nor Final Fantasy X. They belong to Kishimoto-sempai and Square Enix/Squaresoft respectively. Note, I will not put this in again. So if anyone writes saying I forgot the disclaimer, I will have Sin rape you.

Chapter 1, This Is Your Story

Listen to my story...This may be our last chance...

A beaten, bruised and bloodied Naruto lay coughing on the ground as Madara stood over him, giving off a low chuckle as he crossed his arms over his chest. Sasuke laid a few metres away in a pile of rubble, his own sword impaled in his chest. The jinchuuriki tried to stand, but his arms were nearly destroyed from extended use of the Rasengan and Rasenshuriken. Madara looked down at him, eyes blazing with his Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan.

"You have been a thorn in my side for too long, Kyuubi," Madara said in a calm, menacing tone. "Now, your bijuu's power will be mine, and the Juubi will awaken. There is nothing more you can do to halt the course of fate."

'I can't believe I'm just gonna lose here...This can't be happening! Why am I here? Why have I come all this way? It's all for nothing if I don't win! I...wanna win...I...NEED TO WIN!' Naruto shouted in his mind, as a red aura began to form around him. Madara looked unimpressed and simply stamped down on Naruto's chest, but his foot was caught by a clawed hand. He raised an eyebrow at the blonde shinobi's reflexes, and jumped away as a beam of pure youki shot straight for his face. Naruto jumped up from the ground, landing in a crouch with his claws digging into the soft dirt. The ground began to burn as the chakra cloak intensified, covering Naruto's entire body as two ethereal tails floated behind him.

"I thought I told you already...it's a big problem for me if you get yourself killed..." Naruto said in a deep, demonic voice. Madara noticed this and his eyes narrowed.

"Kyuubi. I see you deigned my worthy to face in person." He said, taking a mocking bow.

"I'm simply settling a score, Uchiha Madara...Your Sharingan will not help you this time. This time, you are vulnerable and I will destroy you, make no mistake of that." Kyuubi said, baring its fangs. The possessed jinchuuriki raced forward, aiming to take a swipe at Madara's cloaked torso. The last Uchiha tried to jump backwards but was caught across the chest with a chakra-enhanced slash, the flesh around the wound burning instantly. His eyes widened as he saw the claws actually harm him.

'What? Why isn't the Sharingan protecting me?' He thought, having to clench his teeth to keep from crying out in pain, his eyes screwed shut. Kyuubi took this time to attack again, rebounding off of a large rock in order to fly at the pain-stricken Uchiha. Madara opened his eyes in time to use Amaterasu, forcing the bijuu to change its course. The beast landed on all fours with his back to his opponent and lashed out with a foot, connecting with Madara's leg and sweeping his feet out from under him. He fell to the ground, where Kyuubi pounced at him, intent on ripping his heart out. Madara countered with a Goukakyuu no Jutsu, the bijuu being thrown into the air by the force of the jutsu.

The true Akatsuki leader then glared at Naruto with his narrowed Sharingan eyes, activating the Kamui in order to incapacitate his opponent. He aimed the rift for Naruto's right arm, hoping to halt any further attacks. However, Kyuubi's slash had taken its toll. He could not fully control his body due to the pain, and so his eye moved, aiming instead for the jinchuuriki's torso. The dimensional rift opened and began to pull Naruto into it. Madara's eyes widened in shock and anger, and tried to deactivate the doujutsu. However, it was too late. The jutsu had taken effect, and Naruto had been swallowed into the rift, leaving only a few wisps of youki behind. Madara fell to his knees and slammed his fist into the ground in rage, as he had just lost the final key to his mission.

"Damn...I have failed..."

Naruto stood before the Kyuubi's cage, the sewer waters running thick with red youki, looking almost like blood. "Kyuubi? What's happening? I should be dead after that jutsu, we both should be."

"That jutsu did what it was made to do. It sent you and by default, me, to another dimension. Which dimension, I'm afraid, I do not know. But I'm sure that wherever you are, it will be better than with those ungrateful bastards in the village."

"That answers one of my questions. Now, how do we get back?"

"Well, we can't. The odds are about a trillion to one of getting the right one, and neither of us has the energy to survive another jump. The only reason we survived this one is because I made a few changes."

This set Naruto on edge. "What kind of changes?"

The Kyuubi chuckled nervously, if possible, and told Naruto what he had done. "Weeeell, the only way your body would have survived the jump, being that the space between dimensions, Kamui, is practically made of blades and is constantly trying to rip you apart, is if your regenerative abilities were on the level of a bijuu's. However, your ningen body couldn't handle the strain of all that youki running through your system, so I had to use my power to force your body to emulate a bijuu. This, unfortunately, had a few side effects."

"So what, I'm a demon now?"

"Not exactly. You've been transformed into a hanyou, a half demon. Your strength and speed have been heightened considerably, as have your senses and sheer amount of chakra. You will be able to use my demonic arts, and any children you may have will also be hanyou, unless of course your mate is a demon. And the only price for this is ears and a tail..."

"I'm sorry, what?"

"I had to give you ears and a tail! They're just too cute!" The demon said, forcing a sweat drop down Naruto's forehead. "What? Can't a girl like cute things?"

"You're a girl?"

"You didn't know? I thought it was painfully obvious."

"Well, I did notice you were slightly more bloodthirsty during certain times of the month..." Naruto said with a grin, eliciting a growl from Kyuubi. "So, do you look like a giant demonic fox all the time?"

"Actually, no. I have a human form, as do almost all of the bijuu. Would you like me to show you?" Kyuubi asked, while Naruto nodded. A wave of red youki surrounded the fox like a tornado, obscuring it from view entirely. When it dispersed, what stood behind the golden bars was not what Naruto was expecting. He was expecting some old hag or a bodybuilder-type woman. What he got was a teenage girl possibly a little younger than him, with long crimson hair reaching down to the back of her thighs. She wore a red kimono tied shut with a dark grey obi, the sleeves of the kimono adorned with dark grey cloud designs. She stood barefoot, an orange tail swaying behind while two fox ears sat atop her head. She was, in Naruto's eyes, beautiful. Even more so than Sakura. It even made him question why he had ever bothered with Sakura, being that she wasn't all that beautiful or kind or anything he had labelled her as.

"So, what do you think? Or do you still like Sakura better?" Kyuubi asked, putting on a mock hurt tone when she said the second part.

"Sakura? Who's Sakura?" Naruto joked. Kyuubi smiled, and all that Naruto could think of was how it made her seem even more beautiful.

"Well, it's obvious you're completely gobsmacked with my looks. But for now, I think you should go back outside to find out where we are." She said pointing back out towards the tunnel.

"Do I have to? I'd rather stay here." Naruto complained, making Kyuubi laugh.

"You can come back later. Since it's obvious you'd rather stay here with me, I'll give you a little parting gift." She said, as she sauntered up to him. She pressed her lips to his as she placed a hand on his chest. As she pulled away, she put more pressure on Naruto's chest, pushing him down into the water. Before he hit the ground, however, he was swallowed up by youki and transported out of his mindscape. He awoke, however, in the last place he thought he would. A bundle of orange cloth on a harbour.

'Quick question, why the fuck am I a baby?'

"Oh, that'll be because to save you from Kamui your regeneration power went into overdrive and went a little too far. So it kinda regenerated the years you lost in life. So you're back to being a cute little baby. Good luck!" Kyuubi told the newborn Naruto before cutting off the mental connection.

"What the hell? Why does this always happen to me? Can't I ever get a break? This is your doing, isn't it? Kami, you asshole!" Naruto shouted to nobody in particular. However, being a baby, his rant was translated into cries, which were heard by an inhabitant of one of the houseboats tied up at the harbour. A woman with short brown hair ran out from a particularly large boat and searched for the source of the noise. Eventually she found the baby Naruto wrapped up in his orange rag and picked him up, looking around to see if anyone was near. When she was sure the harbour was empty, she ran back inside the boat, carrying Naruto with her. She slammed the door behind her, holding Naruto close to her chest as another door opened, revealing a man with long black hair, a pair of brown trousers and a strange tattoo on his chest. He looked at the woman and the child in confusion.

"What's goin' on? What's with the kid?" He asked as he scratched the back of his head. The woman sighed, and began her explanation.

"I found him outside, just laying there in a bundle of cloth. It wouldn't be right to leave him out there, right Jecht?" She asked, with the man groaning in exasperation in the background.

"Wouldn't it be better to take him to an orphanage or something? I mean, his mother could be lookin' for him, y'know?"

"I don't think she is...I just have a feeling."

"You've been depressed ever since the miscarriage, and havin' this kid around will only make things harder. You know that."

"But with the money you earn from blitzball, and the time I have on my hands, this could work!" The woman almost yelled. Jecht groaned again and his shoulders dropped in defeat.

"Fine, we'll keep the kid. But for the record, I was against this. You hear that, Mylene? If this kid proves too much to handle, I have full 'I told you so' rights."

"Fine, fine. Now hurry, he's probably freezing!" Mylene said, rushing around the room. Unknown to her, Jecht let a small grin slip onto his face, happy his wife had finally got what she wished for.

Seventeen Years Later... (I know, huuuuuge time skip)

A crowd of people stood at Zanarkand Harbour, holding t-shirts, pieces of paper and strange blue and white balls. They were chatting amongst themselves until suddenly a door opened on one of the boats and the whole crowd began screaming and cheering. Out of the boat stepped a blonde boy of about seventeen, wearing a fishnet shirt with short black sleeves, a pair of black ninja pants and a pair of dark blue zori (ninja sandals). Bandages were wrapped around his hands, shins and abdomen, with a shuriken holster fastened on his right leg. A strange spiral was tied to his left bicep, while an orange hitai-ate hung around his neck. A set of three whisker-like marks adorned each cheek, while a metal earring hung from his left earlobe and a strange metal necklace was hanging just below the hitai-ate.

The boy walked out into the crowd, its members trampling each other to get to him, while the ones at the back were struggling to see over them. Many girls asked him to go out with them, even one or two proposing to him. Small children held up blitzballs with hopeful looks on their faces. Naruto simply grinned and signed their blitzballs, passing the ball back to the child while they proceeded to squeal in joy. Naruto would simply grin again, causing many of the girls to swoon while others tried to jump him. The three children from before ran up to him and shouted in unison.

"Teach us how to blitz!"

"Hey, I got a game to play!" Naruto replied, not wanting another version of the Konohamaru Corps.

"Then teach us after!"

"Maybe tonight...um...well..." Naruto said, scratching the back of his head. A boy in a purple cape-like garment chose this time to speak up.

"You can't tonight." The boy said, making Naruto turn to him. The blonde ex-shinobi raised an eyebrow, positive that he hadn't been there before. He turned back to the children.

"I mean...tomorrow."

"Promise?" One of the kids asked, clutching his blitzball tighter.

"Promise!" Naruto said loudly with a grin and a thumbs up, making the girls swoon again. The three kids then put their blitzballs down and waved their hands around in an elaborate hand gesture, ending with their hands placed in front of their chest as if they were holding a ball, with one on top and one below. The crowd dispersed, leaving Naruto to run along the large metal walkways that made up Zanarkand's transport system. He stopped on one, and looked up at the building beside him to see a large picture of Jecht. Naruto simply made the patented Sasuke-hn-noise and continued running along the path, dodging people of all ages, shapes and sizes.

"I was in a coffee shop running away from home when I heard the news. Our hero, Jecht, gone. Vanished into thin air! My dad must have been his biggest fan. I knew how sad he'd be. Heck, we all were that day. 'Zanar,' I says to myself, 'What are you thinking?' I went running straight back home. We sat up talking 'bout Jecht all night. Me and my dad never talked so much. Whoa...Didn't mean to reminisce, folks.

"Anyway...Ten years later the Jecht Memorial Cup tournament is today! The two teams that have won through to the finals are...of course, the Abes from A-East, and the Duggles from C-South. I know there's a lot of people out there today to see the star of the Abes! In just one year, he's become the team's number one player! He's Jecht's blood, and the new hope of blitzball! What kind of super play will he show us today? Will we see his father's legendary shot? I don't think I'm the only one excited here, folks!" A commentator said through a PA system that seemed to span the entire city. Eventually Naruto reached the stadium, hordes of fangirls swarming him as he tried to reach the gate.

'So, is this what Sasuke felt like?' He thought, Kyuubi quietly giggling at his predicament. 'This is ridiculous! How am I supposed to get through here?' Suddenly, he had an idea. Naruto placed his hands in a cross seal and channelled a portion of his chakra, forming a kage bunshin near the stadium gate. He then proceeded to perform the Kawarimi no Jutsu, swapping places with the clone. He ran through the gate, while the clone was instantly swarmed and so it dispelled itself.

After the game... (Yes, I'm skipping it. You all know what happens, basically just picture that but give him whiskers.)

"What the hell? What was that thing? Kyuubi!" Naruto shouted despite being in the middle of the street. It didn't matter, though, as he was the last thing people were paying attention to.

"I have no idea...I'm as scared as you are, Naruto!" Kyuubi shouted in a panic, curling into a ball from fear of the strange aquatic creature now destroying the city of Zanarkand. Naruto mentally berated himself for panicking Kyuubi, and made a note to make sure she was alright when he was safe.

"We called it...Sin." A deep, calm voice from somewhere to Naruto's right. He turned to find a man with black, grey-flecked hair wearing a red coat that covered his entire form.

"Auron?" Naruto asked, remembering the man from his childhood, after Jecht died. "What are you doing here?"

"Fulfilling a promise to an old friend. Come." Auron said cryptically before leaving, walking away down one of the semi-destroyed walkways. Naruto hesitated, but then followed the crimson clad man. Halfway down the platform Auron stopped, Naruto having to move out of the way lest he crash into Auron's back. Naruto looked around, wondering why they had stopped. Then he realised. What he had thought were simply pieces of debris were actually the beast's scales, and they were coming to life, turning into strange insect-like winged monsters. Naruto reached into his holster and pulled out a kunai, throwing it at the nearest monster. The monster simply folded its wings over its insectoid body and deflected the kunai. Naruto growled slightly, letting out his fox ears, tail and claws as he prepared for a melee brawl.

He was stopped however, as Auron slipped off one shoulder of his coat and pulled from out of it a sheathed wakizashi. Its sheath was decorated with a pattern reminiscent of swirling water, while its handle was wrapped in cloth adorned with the same design, but with a dolphin added. Auron threw the sword into the air, and Naruto caught it by the sheath with his left hand, his right drawing the blade instantly as if he himself was made of water. A crescent shaped blade of wind formed at the tip of the blade as Naruto swung it, flying incredibly fast towards the Sinscales and promptly cleaving them in two. Naruto sheathed his new sword and smirked, turning back to Auron who had a raised eyebrow.

"It seems you are quite the natural at Iaijutsu (Samurai Art of Sword-Drawing). That blade was a gift...from your father." Auron said, looking at the wakizashi.

"My old man...?" Naruto said, looking down at the sword in his hand. He noticed something engraved into the guard and chuckled. "Aoshiira...guess he wasn't all bad."

"Enough dawdling. Move!" Auron shouted back to him. Naruto looked up to find that he had been surrounded by Sinscales. He ran through them, cutting down only those that were in his path in order to catch up with Auron. Catching up, he saw over the horizon of the upwards-sloping path. An enormous squid-like creature was sticking out of the path, its black tentacles swaying wildly in the air. Naruto sprinted towards it and tried cutting it with Aoshiira, but its body was covered with a thick armour similar to that of the Sinscales.

"Hey, Auron! D'ya mind telling me what this thing is?" Naruto shouted to the older man, who hefted his large sword onto his shoulder ready to strike.

"All I know is that it's a Sinspawn. I can't tell you anything else because it's immune to Scanning, along with several other things."

"So how do we beat it?"

"I'd say a particularly strong hit to the armour might be able to break it, then we just strike it until it dies. Let me take care of the armour, you finish it off. You're faster." Auron said before his sword began to glow. He ran towards it, slightly weighed down thanks to his sword, and swung. "Armour Break!"

A sickening crack was heard as the blade made contact with the Sinspawn's armoured skin, piercing its exoskeleton and opening up the soft flesh beneath. Auron stepped back as Naruto ran forward, jamming his sword into the crack in the creature's armour before stepping back himself. He then ran through a few hand seals and held his hands out in front of him, his fingers outstretched. Bolts of white lightning flew from his fingertips and connected with his sword, which, being made of metal, conducted said lightning and sent it into the Sinspawn's body and causing even more damage. The monster screeched in pain, and its tentacles began to whip through the air even more violently as it began its attack.

"What the hell?" Naruto shouted as he was surrounded by a ball of black energy, sapping his strength until finally it dissipated, leaving Naruto at only ¾ of his original power level.

"That was Demi, a Black Magic skill fiends such as this use. It takes away a quarter of your life force. However, because of this, it's impossible for this attack to kill you. So most fiends use another skill or come with backup." Auron told him, before placing his blade behind his neck and raising an arm. "Some can't wait to die!" Auron ran forward a few steps before jumping into the air and thrusting his Katana into the ground. A circle of light appeared at the point of impact, and the ground where the Sinscales and Sinspawn stood immediately exploded, killing them instantly.

"Whoa, what was that?" Naruto asked, amazed by Auron's power.

"That was my Overdrive, Dragon Fang."

"What's an Overdrive?"

"An Overdrive is an ability you can use during times of severe distress, when your emotions are running wild. Your emotions can affect the power lying dormant within you, and unlock the Overdrive."

"I see. Do I have one?"

"I guess we'll find out!" Auron shouted as he pointed ahead of them. A swarm of Sinscales surrounded them, blocking all chance of escape. Naruto looked around frantically for some kind of escape route, when his eyes spied a half-destroyed tanker lying on the side of the road. He sheathed Aoshiira and ran through more hand seals, the same ones he had used against Sinspawn Ammes. Stretching out his arms, he called out the name of his attack.

"Raiton: Byakurai no Jutsu!" Bolts of white lighting shot from his fingers once more, making contact with the tanker and making small electric currents dance over its surface. He poured more chakra into the jutsu, increasing the size and power of the lightning. The jutsu overloaded the tanker and it exploded, even more spectacularly than the Dragon Fang. The Pathway began to collapse, the Sinscales falling off into the water while Naruto and Auron jumped onto a falling building. They ran to the other side before it too fell into the water, and jumped onto a piece of debris that was being pulled into Sin's body. Naruto however slipped, and grabbed onto the edge of the platform instead.

Auron looked away from Naruto, to the fleshy walls that made up Sin. "You are sure?" He said to no-one in particular. He looked back to Naruto and grabbed hold of him, lifting him up by his collar. "This is it. This is your story." Naruto struggled against his grip as he watched Zanarkand being torn apart. He then looked back to Auron to see him being pulled into Sin while saying, "It all begins here." Naruto squinted due to the intense light, and screamed as he was pulled into Sin. It felt as if every part of his body was being torn apart and then refitted in a new place. He wouldn't have been surprised if he woke up with an arm coming out of his head or a leg sticking out of his stomach. Abruptly, everything turned white, and he saw no more.

Hey! Hey!

Naruto awoke underwater, above the ruins of Zanarkand, with Jecht's tattoo floating before made seemingly out of burning debris. He noticed something at the top of the blitzball stadium and decided to swim down to it. As he neared it, he realised that it was Jecht himself. His adoptive father, come back to haunt him, it seemed. As he landed on the platform, Jecht vanished, replaced by a younger version of himself.

I thought about a lot of things...like where I was, and what I'd got myself into. I started to feel light-headed...and then, sleepy. I think I had a dream. A dream of being alone. I wanted someone, anyone, beside me...so I wouldn't have to feel so alone anymore. I guess it wasn't that much different from being back in the village. I was always alone, then. That's why I started playing pranks...

Naruto awoke again, this time for real, on a small rock in the middle of the ocean, surrounded by the ruins of some kind of temple. A lone seagull landed next to him, but even that flew away after a while. He stood up and looked around the region with a confused expression.

"I have a feeling we ain't in Kansas no more..."

And there you have it! The first chapter of my new story, proposed to me by Challenger! Right now I'd like to clear up a few things that people are going to get confused about. Hell even I was confused about them at first.

The reason Naruto treats Jecht and Mylene (not her real name, she was never named) like his parents (i.e. like Tidus does), is simply because he grew up without them for 16 years. Don't you think if he found something even remotely close to a family he'd hang onto it for dear life? In his mind, Jecht and Mylene are his parents and that's that.

Aoshiira, by the way, means blue dolphin. Hence the dolphin image on the hilt.

The miscarriage the Jecht talks about is, of course, Tidus. He doesn't exist in this story, Naruto is taking his place.

The Raiton: Byakurai no Jutsu is based on the Kidou of the same name from Bleach, as will a lot of Naruto's new jutsu, as he learned a lot from Kyuubi over the seventeen years he's been in Zanarkand. I mean, he had to relearn all his taijutsu because his body was remade and therefore he lost all muscle memory. He also had to relearn chakra control and Rasengan because his chakra is new and mixed with youki.

Now that that's over with, please, remember to review!