The wind tossed my hair wildly has I ran. 'Damn mating season, I need to hide.' I stopped, looking for a hiding place I could wait out the season in. 'I hate the fact men of both race fights over me, especially since I have no interest in them!' Luckily I spotted I cave not far off. I darted for it, the clouds rumbling far above with the promise of a heavy shower. I collapsed. My energy spent running for 3 days on end.

I laid there and listen as the rain began to fall from the sky. "Sesshomaru-sama! I found a cave." 'Shit! Now of all times to be in the presence of a male.' I tried to sit up as a young human girl entered, Water dripping down her clothes. "OH!" She stood still trying to figure out if I had any ill-intent. I watched as a toad demon, a dragon with two heads and a taiyoukai enter. I ignored them closing my eyes. I felt his gaze linger on my body knowing full well he could see me.

I heard the clank if a sword. Weakly I announced my presence. "Don't worry... I'm here to shelter myself from the season." I heard the click of a sword being placed back in his sheath. Then I heard footsteps as someone moved closer. I tensed not knowing if I need to run again. I felt fingers linger on my hair. I turned to find the little girl. "HI! My name is Rin! That dragon is Ah-un, and the short one is Jaken" Behind her was the taiyoukai. "I'm Aryia." She beamed as she sat against me.

Then without a word the taiyoukai turned towards the entrance and completely ignored me. 'Good now I won't have to worry about him trying to mate with me.' With the little energy I had I propped myself against a rock. The little girl yawned has she rested against me. Grimly I noticed how her clothes were soaked and my motherly instincts kicked in. I groaned inwardly.

"If you don't dry her clothes she will get a fever." The taiyoukai head snapped in my direction. "It's none of your business if she catches a cold!"Cried the little toad demon. "Jaken!" I watched as the toad demon body tensed, before he sat and grumbled. I muffled a slight giggle. "Do you have extra clothes for her?" He didn't answer, keeping his eyes on the entrance to the cave.

Sighing I struggled to get up. Rin moved and lied against Ah-un. I winced as I used the rock to keep my balance. Human or not she need dry clothes. I growled softly before getting up to find some wood. Before I could leave a clawed hand grabbed my arm. I stared at him completely confused.

"Um… I'm going to get fire wood, so would you please let go of my arm." He let it go thankfully. I walked into the rain my short yukata giving me no protection from it. Even if I was an Yōkai, I hated to be wet. I growled as I put an effort into gathering the wood. It took more energy than I had. When I reached the cave again I could hear the slight chatter of teeth. 'Great now she will really catch a cold.' I sighed and walked in surprise to see the taiyoukai holding the girl in his arms.

I quickly went t work seeing how the taiyoukai looked uncomfortable. "Does anyone have flint?" The toad demon waddled over his staff in his hands. "Staff of two heads!" I yelped as flames shot out of the mouth of one of the head on his staff. I growled. "Little warning next time!" I looked at the little girl her face slight blue. I gasped.

"Do you even know how to take care of a sick child?" The taiyoukai glared at me but this time I didn't back down. "How dare you talk to Sesshomaru-sama that way?" "Shut-up! Blue is not a normal color for human if you hadn't notice!" The toad demon looked taken aback and looked at his master.

I was tired and cranky and he was pushing his luck. "She needs medical treatment." I glanced towards Ah-un. "Any type of blanket in his saddle bag?" "Jaken." The toad demon stiffened and proceeded toward the saddle bag. I watched as the little demon searched the large bag.

I sighed as he pulled a huge blanket over toward the taiyoukai. Gently he pulled the cover over the little girl. "So I take it your name is Lord Sesshomaru?" "That's Lord Sesshomaru of the western lands to you!" I growled at the little demon. He retorted but I didn't further ask question. I stay on my side of the fire, curling up to go to sleep. The morning light woke me up. Still wrapped in the thick blanket Rin was sleep peacefully. The so-called lord was standing at the entrance of the cave. Picking myself up, I attracted his attention.

For a split second I swore he had lust in his eyes His eyes travel over my form, trying to see what lay under my clothing. Suddenly the memory it was mating season entered my mind. I glared at him before leaving the cave. Making my way east. If He wanted me he would have to fucking chase me and bind me. I changed my shape. Lettin g the power I kept under control free. I howled, truthfully running at light speed.

"Damn what's that smell?' I retorted as the scent of a dog taiyoukai approached my nose. I stopped, letting my body shift into my human like shape. I could now hear the Yōkai's roars has it came closer. I whimpered slight as it stopped in front of me. The ground rippled at the mere mass of his weight.

"I have finally found you!" His body shifted and before me stood an yōkai lord. I backed away not knowing if he was going to force me or kill me. "What do you want?" He looked offended at first before he spoke. "You may not believe me, but I'm your father." I felt my body tense with shock before anger settled in. "May I ask how you can be so sure I'm your daughter?" He sighed, truly looking tired for the first time.

"On your back there is Luna mist birth mark. Starting from your left collarbone all the way to your right hip. Is that enough proof?" I relaxed, as far as I knew only my parents knew of that. "Who are you?" His eyes suddenly filled with pride. "I am the lord of the northern lands! The Great lord Saku! My mate is the beautiful Chie of the eastern lands! I have come to bring my daughter back to us." Truly if he wasn't so serious I would have laughed. "Why now?" He tensed, truly knowing what I meant. After all I had believe my parent were long dead.

"I am sorry; we failed to protect you that night. Although most believe you to be dead, your mother and I never continued to give up hope. You are our daughter after all." The memory of the night filled my mind, as I remember the massacre between my father and a dragon yokai. He stood there waiting for my reply. I felt some hope although I knew to keep it buried. "Are you asking me to come back with you?" His eyes scanned my face, his showing hope. "Please, it would make both of us very happy." I sighed, before reaching for my temples.
"I will go with you, after all it is time I finally became the hime of the northern and eastern lands no?" he smiled before grabbing me in a hug.

Days had passed since I was approached by my father. It was still mating season, and you could hear lustful cries echoing off the court yard. I was in the place I was born in. My mother running a comb through my hair as she fixed it. For some unknown reason she was intrigued with. Since it was a mix of both her and my father's hair color. It was mostly white except the tips which were a deep black.
Making it appeared as if it were dyed. My mother was small compared to other female; she was quite feminine, yet when it came down to fighting she was very powerful. Luckily I had inherited her white hair and body features. I shifted uncomfortable with my current position. It was spring, mating season, and the fact that I could hear lust filled cries wasn't helping. I glanced outside to see my father leaning against the door frame. His eyes looking at us both lovingly and with pride.

"Tell me, my dear little hime, have you found a mate to your liking?" My mother soft voice questioned. Instantly the image of LordSesshomaru came to mind. I quickly shook my head so she wouldn't ask further questions. "Well unfortunately, there will be a lot of males trying to court you." I sighed, I knew this was coming.

"Please be nice to them." I nodded before rising from the floor. I felt my muscles relax as I began to walk towards the door. My father moved effortlessly aside. I smiled at him before continuing down the halls. I continued to hear the cries of lust, and truthfully it was driving me insane. I walked quickly trying to get the cries off my mind. I growled , I couldn't stand this anymore. I ran, just to let off some of my frustration. I don't know how long I ran, but I do know that it was far. I panted, my body heated, but in a good way. It somehow kept it off of the mating instincts.

I lay down, letting my body rest. I closed my eyes. It seemed short lived as I heard a chuckle. I opened my eyes to see the ugliest looking monster, I ever seen. I breathed in his scent to find he was only half demon, thought he was mix with other demons. "My, my, what a beautiful yokai we have here. Female too." He licked his lips and I felt my insides churn.

"Who the hell are you?" His eyes narrowed, and I knew somehow I had pissed him off. "My name is Naraku." Then I heard a scream, and I noticed Rin was in his arms. "Let her go you fitly bastard." I watched as she sobbed and cried for lord Sesshomaru. Without thinking I lunged for her, which seemed to catch him by surprise. I clawed his arms which made him release her. I grabbed her before she could even fall. I landed behind him. Holding her close I ran, I felt her tighten her arms around burying her face into my chest.

"You will not get away so quickly!" I picked up my speed, rushing towards the palace. It wasn't long before I felt his aura disappear. Yet I kept on going, knowing full well if I stopped he could kill us both. Soon the castle wall came in sight. I sighed with relief slowing my place enough so I could let her down.

"Rin? Are you okay sweetheart?" She nodded, rubbing her eyes has she did so. "Don't worry, I'll send word to Sesshomaru as soon as I can." Again she nodded. I walked towards the gates and she clung to me, obviously scared since her lord was so far away from her. "Ariya-hime!" I turned to see some of the castle guards running towards me.

Again I felt motherly instincts kick in. I growled at them, before picking Rin up, holding her tightly to my chest. She didn't seem to mind as she snuggled into the crook of my neck. "My lady, why are you with a human, a human child no less." I glared at the guard who questioned me.

"How dare you question your hime? The last time I recalled you are not in charge of what I do!" He slinked closely to the ground. He bowed lowly. "Im sorry hime I will not question you again." I growled another warning before making my way inside the grounds. "Ariya!" I turned to sell who called me.

Running towards me was my mother looking worried but relieved. She stopped before me, looking in curiosity at Rin. "Who's this?" I looked down at Rin who was now staring wide eyed at my mother. "Rin." She then turned her face towards me with a smile. " Yes but why is she with you? Where did you find her?" I sighed, truthfully I did not want to answer her questions, but Rin need to be reunited back with Sesshomaru. "She is Lord Sesshomaru's ward."