
"What's your favourite food, Ted?" She's sat on the roundabout, right in the middle, apparently it makes people feel less sick, that's what a muggle friend at school told her. You can't understand how moving a few inches could possibly change the strength of the horrible dizzy feeling produced by muggle roundabouts. You've always hated the things, they've always made you feel sick. You wonder if you should have a go at sitting in the middle, maybe then you might enjoy it, but you very quickly decide against it. The time Uncle Ron insisted you went on one comes to mind and you'd rather not ruin another one of your favourite t-shirts.

You hesitate to answer her question, it's a difficult one, especially for a boy whose Grandma may as well be a professional restaurateur. You think about what you've eaten in the past week, for your young mind struggles to remember anything beyond a week or two. Monday you had pasta and Tuesday you had a hot dog because Grandma had to work late, leaving you in the care of Uncle Harry, who took you to a Harpies game to watch Ginny. You have to keep the hot dog secret though, Grandma doesn't like you eating fast food. Wednesday is always Toad-in-the-Hole day and Thursday is 'Chance' day, Grandma chooses a random page from the recipe book and makes it. You block Thursday out of your mind, the meal had involved spinach. Friday you had cheese on toast because you didn't feel very good and today you're at Dominque's birthday, so you stuffed yourself full with numerous mini bites and little triangular sandwiches (but only after you got Fleur to cut off the crusts for you).

Grandma Molly has taken you to the park just down the road, she said the adults had drunk too much firewhisky. You're not sure what it is, but you know it makes people act funny. Sometimes it makes them happy, like today, but sometimes it makes them all sad, like when Ron drank lots one time on Victoire's birthday; Fleur refused to speak to him for a week and Hermoine blocked him out for at least 2. You decided you're glad Grandma took you out, but you're even happier that she let you take out a tray of some food too.

Right now you are eating ice cream, that multi coloured one, that's stripy in the box, and is meant to be strawberry, vanilla and chocolate, but it melts away in your bowl and ends up as a gloopy pale brown mess. You think it tastes nice though.

"Ice cream," You shovel a large spoonful of the stuff into your mouth as soon as you've said it. It tastes wonderful. You know you've answered the question correctly.