Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters

A/N: I decided to redo the chapter because one I wasn't satisfied and two a few of my readers weren't either. That and this way sounds a bit more realistic. So tell me which version is better.

You Never Knew

The cool night breeze blew into the bedroom, making the curtains dance. Trini shivered as she walked over to window to close it. Undoing her towel letting her wet hair touch her bare shoulders, Trini slowly made her way to her bed. She dried her hair as she sat at the edge of her bed. Her mind falter to putting a jacket over her yellow tube top for just a second before it returned back to her deep thoughts.


"Jason! What the hell is going on here?!" yelled Emily, breaking the two friends apart.

Trini's mind raced with confusion not understanding what exactly they did wrong. Emily's expression made things seem as if her and Jason were making out.

"Emily, we're just dancing," Jason calmly explained, realizing his friends were turning their attentions toward them.

"Just dancing?" repeated Emily as she looked at Jason as he kept himself from rolling his eyes. She was obviously getting on his nerves.

"We're friends, Em. Good friends, why can't you accept that?" snapped Jason catching his girlfriend completely off guard.

The words caught Trini's attention as she returned her vision back on the couple. For some reason her breaths shorten and she was afraid to hear the rest of the conversation, but her feet wouldn't move.

"Because Jason, I'm your girlfriend NOT Trini!" hissed Emily as her eyes shot at Trini sending chills up the Asian's spine.

"What do you want from me, Emily? I did everything you asked me to! I stopped talking to her, stopped hanging out with her; I avoided my best friend for crying out loud! Our friendship almost died because of you!" yelled Jason, talking as if Trini wasn't there.

Trini's heart dropped and she felt as if the floor under her had just given in. She didn't know whether or not to feel compassionate towards Jason or to hate him. But the emotions that were swelling inside of her told her. With tears filling her eyes, Trini walked away.

"Trini!" called Jason, noticing her quick exit. "Trini, wait! I'm sorry." Realizing what he had just said as he tried to follow her, but was stopped by Emily.

"You should have just let the friendship die" Emily harshly replied, as Jason watched Trini leave the Juice Bar with Kimberly not too far behind.


Trini wiped the tears away, deciding she needed fresh air. Putting her socks on, Trini grabbed her shoes as she sneaked out of her bedroom window.

It was almost midnight, but Trini could care less what time it was. For the pass week her life felt as if it was a roller coaster ride. She needed to think and jogging was one of the best ways she released her emotions.


"Trini!" yelled Kimberly as she chased after her best friend. Stopping in her tracks, Trini turned around to face her best friend with tears in her eyes. "Trini, I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry. You haven't done anything wrong," Trini weakly smiled, as Kimberly stared at her with sympathy before they embraced.

"He broke up with her," whispered Kimberly after a few seconds had passed, after most of the tears were shed. Kimberly's mind echoed with Jason's words.

Trini fell silent, not knowing what to say. She slowly pulled away from Kimberly, "I can't talk to him, Kim, not now."

"I know," nodded Kimberly understanding Trini.

"I'm going to go home now, okay?" Trini weakly replied, as she wiped her cheeks.

"I'll drive you," insisted Kimberly, realizing her friend was in no state of driving.

"Kim," started Trini as she paused, hitting her that Kimberly wasn't offering her she was telling her. "Okay."


Trini sighed, as she slowed her pace. She couldn't thank Kimberly enough for everything she had done for her, especially for the pass week. After driving Trini home, Kimberly stayed longer than she needed to and made sure Trini had a decent dinner. Taking a seat on the park bench, Trini made a mental note to somehow repay Kimberly for everything.

Closing her eyes, Trini, allowed her mind to wonder just a cold breeze passed her causing her to shiver. Like it was an answered prayer, a warm jacket fell on her shoulders. It would have scared her, but the color and the scent told her who was with her. Trini mentally kicked herself for not being alert, for the second time in the night. Looking up, Trini made eye contact with Jason, being able to see his eyes clearly considering the park's lampposts are fairly dim. Afraid she was going to end up yelling at Jason, she stood up to walk away.

"Trini, we need to talk," Jason said, fearful inside that his best friend was mad at him. It was pure luck that he happened to find Trini sitting on the park bench, just as he was on his way home from a long jog around the park.

"Not tonight Jason. I can't talk to you right now," answered Trini, fighting back the tears, as she continued to walk away, slowly.

"Why?" asked Jason, knowing he was pushing himself again.

"Why Jason?! Because you walked out of our friendship that's why!" yelled Trini, as the tears began to burn her eyes. She turned around so quickly, that Jason's jacket fell to the ground.

"Trini-I" Jason began, before he got defensive. He couldn't help himself; he began to realize that it was a bad habit of his. "It wasn't like I walked out of it completely!"

"It doesn't matter, Jason," Trini calmly said as a tear roll down her cheek.

"What was I suppose to do, Trini?" asked Jason fighting the guilt he felt inside. He knew he did the wrong thing, he always knew. Confusion flowed inside of his mind, but he knew what he was supposed to do and it killed him because he did the exact opposite.

"Do you know why Richie and I never dated? Because he envied the friendship you and I had!" cried Trini, turning Jason's expression ghostly. She knew she wouldn't have said what she said, but he needed to know but it was all out of anger. Seeing his reaction made Trini regret what she had just said, it was like she stabbed his heart.

Jason felt as if someone had just punched him real hard in his stomach. Trini's words made him feel so sick inside, losing the Gold Ranger Powers was nothing compared to what he felt at the very moment. He really screwed up with Trini, not just with things ever becoming a relationship but their friendship as well. Slowly, Jason made his way to the park bench, taking a seat. He didn't deserve Trini's forgiveness, not this time.

Trini watched as her best friend walk numbly toward the bench. She never saw Jason like that since his grandfather passed away when they were freshmen. She slowly picked up her best friend's jacket and slipped it on. "Jason," whispered Trini with care, as she walked over to Jason. Yes she was mad at him, but she knew that him hurting her was killing him inside more than anything. All of their words were said out of anger and it was exactly why she didn't want to have the conversation that night.

"Don't Trini," mumbled Jason as he pulled away from her as she placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Jase," sighed Trini, as she tried to make eye contact with him. Failing she sat down beside him.

"I don't deserve your forgiveness. Not this time," Jason quietly replied, his voice was shaking. For the first time in a long time, he felt as if he had just lost his soul. Everything inside that brought the tiniest hope to the darkness felt as if it had just abandoned him and all that was left was guilt and remorse.

Trini titled her head to catch a glimpse of Jason's face and for a split second she caught a tear rolling down his face before he turned away. Jason was crying, the only time she had seen him cry was at the funeral and even than he had shades and held most of them back. "But, we're best friends," Trini replied, trying to ease the guilt off of Jason's heart. He had a right to be guiltly, but the burden he carried outweighed what it should a hundred times.

"I surely wasn't acting like one since you've return," admitted Jason knowing Trini couldn't contradict his words.

"Friends forgive and forget, Jase," comforted Trini, debating in her mind whether or not to place her hand on his shoulder again. Her thoughts drifted realizing Jason wasn't responding to anything she had just said, so she decided to continue. "What I said earlier, I said out of anger."

"Which you have a right to be," added Jason causing Trini to pause.

"Yes, which I have a right to be, but Jason do you actually think that I'm going to let our years worth of friendship end just because of a mistake you've done this pass month?" questioned Trini causing Jason to actually consider forgiveness. "Our friendship is a once in a lifetime unique relationship. We'll always be friends, Jase, best friends even if we aren't destine to be together as a couple."

Jason quickly looked up as he found sadness in his best friend's eyes, reading her mind completely. "Trini," Jason replied, as he took her hand into his. "Weren't you listening when we were dancing? I love you, Trini. I've always loved you; I just never realized it until now. And I will always love you. "

Trini weakly smiled, she knew he meant every word. "I love you too, Jase, for the person you are and the best friend you are," responded Trini, not knowing what else to say, but the smile on Jason's face told her it was enough.

A few seconds passed before their hands pulled away from one another. Trini leaned back in the bench, her eyes gazing at the night sky filled with stars. She felt Jason's eyes on her, catching a glimpse of him looking at her from the corner of her eye confirmed her thoughts. "What?" smiled Trini; all of the tension was lifted. Jason only shook his head causing Trini to smile even more. "What?" Her words caused Jason to smile as she shook her head.

"I'm sorry," Jason seriously replied as his smile disappeared.

"For what?" Trini asked, almost forgetting until Jason gave her a look. "Jase, I forgave you a long time ago."

"You just found out a couple of hours ago," Jason pointed out teasingly.

Trini rolled her eyes trying to keep her face straight, "So?"

"So what?" asked Jason as Trini pulled her gaze away from him.

"What happens to us?" questioned Trini as she found herself looking at the darkness in front of her.

"I don't know," shrugged Jason as he took a deep breath, it was now or never. "But, will you be my girlfriend?"

Trini would have expected herself to jump up like a schoolgirl, but she didn't and it was understandable to Jason. "I want to, Jase. But, I'm afraid. We've always been happy as best friends. What if we lose both?" asked Trini meeting Jason's eyes.

"Are we happy? Or are we just content?" challenged Jason. Sure he was scared, but one of them had to take the first step. It was a risk, but he never felt this kind of love for anyone in his life. Trini began to turn away again, but Jason gently placed his hand on her cheek stopping her. "Trini, I know I can't promise that we'll always be together but I can promise you that we'll always be friends, best friends, and I will always love you even if we're meant to be just friends."

Trini felt her eyes water with tears. He voiced out reality when every guy that walked into her life tried to paint a fantasy. "We'll be friends first?" questioned Trini, not knowing exactly why she was so doubtful, something inside of her told her Jason was the one and she knew it.

"Always, Angel" smiled Jason causing Trini to smile, allowing all of her fears and doubts to fade away. "And we'll take things slow."

Trini smiled as she leaned her head on Jason's shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her. She was happy that the two decided that they would always be friends first and she knew Jason was glad as well. The two stayed in that position for a couple of minutes in silence. "What do you think our friends are going to say?" smiled Trini as her thoughts fell upon Kimberly and the rest of the Power Rangers.

Jason laughed, "Finally."

"They all knew didn't they?" whispered Trini, as she looked at Jason.

"Yeah, I just never knew," Jason weakly smiled causing Trini to smile.

Staring into Trini's brown eyes gave Jason a lot of peace and happiness. A smile crossed his face, as he couldn't help, but lean forward. Confusion clouded Trini's mind and once she realized what was going on, Jason's lips met hers. Her eyes shot open, but she closed them returning the kiss. It was exactly like the first time, but this time there was no mistletoe.

Trini smiled as the two broke away, "I thought we were going to take things slow?" Jason smiled as he opened his mouth to retort, but Trini let out a small laugh before she gave Jason another kiss before he could say another word.