Warnings: male/male slash, gayness, etc. Major angst, rape, kidnapping, etc. I'm gonna give away the plot at this rate...

Disclamer: I do not own Jake and Amir or College Humor, nor any affiliates, etc, etc. I'm not popular enough to make money off of my crap writings.

Well, I never got the (or any) reviews, but I know how I am horrible at reviewing, and don't read much that isn't under the "completed" section, so I'm giving you guys (all one of you; is it even that much? -.-||| ) the second and last chapter.

BETA: Special thanks to Lugian Before Swine for beta-ing all of my Jake and Amir fanfiction as of yet (Genuine and Dinner Tonight?).

I'm so, so, so sorry for the angstyness of this chapter. I blame my friend, Eos, for this. Eos made me write this in the first place, so I guess I can't blame them that much...
Jake: Shut up, already.
Why are you so mean, Jakey~!
Jake: Apparently, that's how you view me.
But only 'cause you're always so mean to Amir on the website, and ... I don't know!
Amir: Be nice to Aur!, she did write us together, after all.
Jake: -deep, seme, fuck-me-now,-Amir, growl-
Hehe, you won't thank me so much if you read this fanfic, but since you guys will never read this (because I said so), just go get a motel or something, so that the (very, very few) readers can read this.
Amir: -gasp-
Jake: -pulls Amir out of the room-
Sorry for the uber-long A/N, but here you go guys! ^^;;

"Dinner tonight?" asks Amir. Jake and Amir are the last ones in the office, and it's eleven at night.

"Who'd be open at this hour?"

"The Dees of course!" exclaims Amir.

"Of course. Okay let's go," Jake smiles at his lover.

They catch a taxi that doesn't even ask, just takes them to McDonald's once he sees Amir's face.

"Hey, Cindy!" greets Amir to a late-night McDonald's worker.

"Oh, hi, Amir. It's been a while, almost two days," she says sarcastically, but with good humour.

"Well you know how Jakey is!" stage-whispers Amir.

Cindy's face contorts into a half-smile, but at least she's trying not to laugh. Not that Amir was helping the fangirl any, Jake just waves, embarrassed.

Jake gets the two a table and Amir comes back with fifty chicken nuggets, a Big Mac, large fries and two sodas.

By the time they've finished eating, the place is empty save for Cindy all alone cleaning grills in the back.

Amir pops in one last nugget, seemingly come out of no where, as Jake gets up.

"I'll be back in a bit," and he stalks off into the bathroom.

"Aaarg! What do I do? I guess now is better than later…" Jake screams at his refelction.

After fixing his hair in the mirror, Jake goes back to where Amir once was, only to find him gone.

From behind him there's a voice, "Cindy! Can I have ten more noogs please?"

"No problem, Amy!" comes a call from the back.

Amir sits down, waiting for his meal, but Jake is still standing, fidgeting.

"Jakey, aren't you gonna sit down?" asks a worried Amir.

"Actually…" Jake kneels down next to Amir, and they both blush. Everyone knows what this means.

"Amir… Will you marry me?" Jake presents the ring, a simple silver band, which Jake has been carrying around in his pocket, waiting for the right moment.

"Yes!" shouts Amir as they both jump up to kiss passionately.

And then the window behind them shatters and a bat swings to hit Amir's head and knock him out.

A bat soon swings to the back of Jake's skull leaving him on the floor.

A note is shoved into his fist, reading:

I don't like killing, but for you I'll make an exception. I was supposed to be the one with Amir. But you had to go and trap his heart. So I had to steal him and hopefully his heart back. I want nothing from you, but I'll let you have hope in saving your little pet, even if I will just kill you.

At the bottom of the page was an address.

Coming to, Jake figured he was just dreaming a sick dream; there was no way he could have gotten the courage to ask Amir to marry him. And Jake walked to their apartment.

Amir wakes up, suspended in air by his ankles, wrists, and something around his stomach; he's only about waist high in the air, but he's afraid of heights. He starts to scream for Jake, but there's something in his mouth and it tastes like chocolate sauce.

He squirms in mid-air only for the cool air to make him notice he's completely naked save for the restraints.

A voice comes from behind him.

"Oh, Amir, you're awake. Would you like to have some fun," says the voice, as whoever it is grasps his balls roughly, making him tear up.

"Now, now. Don't cry. This is merely the beginning."

Amir squeaks in surprise as the stranger fingers his entrance, not even playing first. He shoves in three fingers to start, and only pumped twice before he added his pinky, soon fisting him.

Amir had been stretched plenty before by Jake, but an entire fist was never necessary, even with Jake's rather … large size.

Amir couldn't stop the sobs from being penetrated so harshly, but the gag made it difficult to breathe once his nose got stuffed up. The stranger showed no mercy, and Amir had to breathe the best he could.

"My name's Ben. So when you come, shout accordingly," smirks the man, Ben.

"Oh, that's right, the ball gag. Oh, well," he waves dismissively.

And then Ben shoves his painfully thick but short penis into Amir, grunting on his way in. He can feel Amir begin to tear, but that just adds to the moist pleasure for Ben, and he keeps pounding until he comes.

Amir does not come.

Even after being felt up, it wasn't his Jakey, it wasn't a boner.

Amir felt so filthy, he wanted to die.

Instead, he cried himself to sleep, still in mid-air.

He wakes to the sound of Jake and passes out from happiness.

The next morning, the note was still there.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! … Okay, calm down. There's an address. But I'll get killed. But at least I'll know I've tried. I'm coming, Amir!"

Foolishly, he runs the whole way there, even though he could have just taken a taxi.

The address was to a simple home, quaint almost.

Thinking he was given the wrong address just for a sniper to come get him, he takes the bait and knocks on the door.

"Oh, hello, Deary," an old lady answers, "You're Jake, right? Come on in, my grandson said he was expecting you."

"Um, thanks…" says Jake uncertainly.

"Now don't you worry, I've replaced all the bullets in the house with blanks and Benny never noticed," she says casually. "He gets so obsessed sometimes," she laughs.

Jake worries about the sanity in the Schwartz genes, when he hears a sickeningly Amir-like groan.

Forgetting the old lady and manners, he runs down the stairs to the basement.

A figure comes forth from the shadows. "I've been waiting, Jake."

Then Jake sees a bound Amir tied up with nothing on. His ankles are bound by thick leather straps to long ropes, keeping his legs wide open, showing the whole world Amir's penis with cock ring included and his puckered hole, and he's at the perfect height for penetration. His arms are captured in handcuffs, which are tied to a rope to the ceiling. He is completely suspended in the air, belly down, a girdle also attached to the ceiling keeps him from being in too much pain from his own weight. There's a ball gag in his mouth and he's asleep, tears silently falling down his face onto a puddle on the ground.

There's blood dripping down his sides, from knife wounds, slow and precise, but not deep enough to kill, just to make scars. The blood drips into the puddle of tears, blossoming red swirls in the salt water.

Jake begins to sob at the sight, when Amir wakes up.

"Ah!" Amir coos, and than passes out again.

"No! What have you done to him?"

"I merely took what I deserved all along, Jakey Boy." Ben smirks.

Ben pulls out a gun and aims towards Jake, "Any last words?"

"You've been a bad boy, Benny!" comes a voice from behind. The figure is in the shadows, only its gleaming eyes to be seen.

Suddenly a paddle flies though the air, in the fist of Granny Schwartz.

"Go get your boyfriend, Jake, I'll take care of him…" chuckles the old lady.

Eyebrow twitching, Jake tenderly takes off the ankle restraints. Then Amir wakes.

"Jakey, I'm so sorry."

"What do you have to be sorry about?" Jake shouts in frustration as he puts his coat over Amir, thankful that it's long enough to cover his privates.

"He… He raped me Jake. I feel… so dirty."

"Shhh… It's my fault I wasn't here sooner. I'll clean you up once we get home."

"Home sounds nice," smiles Amir, and he soon passes out once more.

Jake calls a cab, and pays extra for no questions.

Once home, Jake pulls the jacket off Amir and strips himself.

He leads Amir to the bath with the first aid kit in tow. Amir hasn't woken up yet.

After testing the water and leaving the drain unplugged, Jake gently sets Amir into the tub, grunting from his weight. Amir's eyes flash open.

"Ow!" squeaks Amir.

"What hurts?" says a frantic Jake.

"Aaaaaah… My dung hole, Jakey, it's sore. He doesn't like to play nice…" said Amir as he began to tear up from the pain.

"Can you deal with it until I get you bandaged up?"

Amir nods, and sits silently save for some gasps and winces from the cool alcohol.

Now working on his legs, Jake is in the tub with Amir, thankful for its largeness.

Jake notices a particularly large knife stroke on Amir's upper inner thigh, and it's still bleeding quite a bit.

Jake takes the plunge and licks the length of the wound.

"AAAAaaaaahhhhhhh…" moans Amir.

Noticing the rather positive response, Jake begins licking any wound that isn't bandaged yet or was too small to bother bandaging.

"OooooOOOOOH!" comes a gasp from Amir.

"You know, Amir, I hear some ways of cleansing yourself is by filling yourself with healthy things to get rid of the bad stuff left behind," chuckles a very seme-like Jake.

"Jakey, you know how I have hair-triggered coming when you talk dirty, don't tease me, bro!"

"Wouldn't want that," says a lusty Jake as he fills his lover, slowly.

At least now, Amir had the right fillings.

I know, I know. "WTF?" you might say. Well, if you liked the fluffy bits, just hop on over to my other fic, "Dinner Tonight?" it's a Jake and Amir drabble, and SOOOO fluffy, that even I couldn't hate it. And I'm very self-depreciating, so that's saying something, ^w^;;

It's amazing how even though I almost never read angst, I write it so often. (I know I have a shyte-load of fanfiction I still have to complete, beta, and post, but bear with me; most of it is anime/manga based anyway.)
