
I couldn't think of a title, so I opened the dictionary at random, sorry people, i~i But I think it worked out in the end, anyway, ^w^

Super Nervous Author to "Kill 'em with kindness" Beta Thanks to Lugian Before Swine, thanks for beta-ing my first (official) fanfic! You're too kind to my nervous self, ^^"

Super Special Awesome Thanks to Eos, who made me write it in the first place, and made chapter two a little "special" XD

Warnings: Homosexuality (I'm homophobic-phobic, so all homo-phobics leave now), boyxboy, malexmale, etc. Slight swearing (?). One incident of masturbation, wanking, etc. And references to episodes you may only vaguely remember, but I think I made it clear enough so that it's just an extra laugh and doesn't confuse people...
Disclamer: I don't own Jake and Amir or College Humor, nor do I make any money off of this.

Aur!: Hey, guys! ...Okay, maybe the confidence just wore off suddenly, should I imagine you in your underwear?
Jake: Get to the point already.
Amir: Jakey, can we go to the D's? I haven't had any noogets today!
Aur!: Here, Amir. -pulls chicken nugget from pocket-
Amir: -snatches nugget-
Auri: Well, here's the story. ... Jake?
Jake: -gets his tongue out of Amir's throat- What?
Aur!: If you're gonna make out with Amir at least GET A ROOM!
Amir: -in a daze from Jakes kisses-
Jake: -drags Amir to a motel-
Aur!: Anywho, here it is~

Chapter One: Waking


'Hmm? Oh, Jakey's alarm.'

Amir is in nothing but red boxers in Jake's bed, the usual. He hits snooze and whispers in greeting to Jake, "I love you."

'He's never awake for the first alarm, he never hears me,' thinks Amir dejectedly.

Amir tears off the covers to reveal Jake clad in only blue boxers, and Amir's mouth begins to water. 'No! Bad, Amir! No thinking about Jakey's cock. You know he's straight… Well, he hasn't gone out with anyone in a couple of years, but that's probs still true. Whateva, he still wouldn't fall in love with me, even if he was gay and we were the last people on Earth. Calm down, Amir! He can't see you cry, he'll ask why and I'll have no answer. At least not one I can say to his face…'

'Maybe the light will wake him up.' And so Amir grabs for the desk lamp and turns it on in Jake's face.

But, in getting the lamp, he ends up straddling his BBF. 'Oh, well. He shouldn't mind, I know Mini Amir doesn't.'

Jake's face is smooth, but then his mouth opens and his arm twitches and then:

BEEP BEEEP BEEP BEEEP BEEP, sounds off the second alarm.

Jake's eyes flash open, "What the hell?"


Jake pushes away the lamp and Amir puts it down, not wanting the glass to break.

But the light was still in Jakes face, apparently, because he then says, "GET THAT LIGHT OUT OF MY FACE!" So Amir turns off the light.

"Sorry, BBF, I wasn't sure that the alarm would be enough," and he smiles to show no harmful intent.

Amir's stomach growls, "Well, since you're awake… Let's go to the D's and get some noogs!"

"God, is that all you eat?" asks Jake as he rubs the Sandman's mark away.

"No, silly," Amir makes a dismissive gesture.

"That's good, I guess," Jake tries to get up but Amir is in the way.

"Sometimes I eat leftovers from your fridge!"

Turning red, Jake says, "Get off."

Afraid of Jake seeing his boner, Amir just asks, "Why?"

Jake switches their position, so now Jake is straddling Amir, so Amir's erection grows and he hides his face in embarrassment. "Because I have to get ready for work!"

And then Jake rushes off to the bathroom, as Amir, like a kicked puppy, just watches after him.

Getting uncomfortable at the thought of Jake in the shower, he takes a cold shower in the guest bathroom, too ashamed of himself to allow himself release.

'Ugh, I bet he saw, and that's why he left so fast, I'm disgusting. Falling in love with my BBF, what was I thinking? Not like I had any say, but still…'
Still dripping wet, Amir gets dressed and goes into Jake's fridge for some breakfast. 'Not as good as the Dees, but better than Mom's cooking. Gorsh, I practically live here…'

Amir looks into Jakes eyes.

"I love you," he whispers. And then he begins to fade away.

Like the dream he is.

Amir's body floats up, as if instead of chicken nuggets, he was filled with helium. He rises higher, higher. Into the sun. Jake reaches for Amir as Amir opens his mouth to say:


Jake wakes up to his alarm and a desk lamp in his face.

"What the hell?"

"'Sup?" screeches Amir.

Jake pushes the lamp aside, 'What was that dream about? Ugh, I know, but he's so damn annoying, and will he—' "GET THAT LIGHT OUT OF MY FACE!" shouts Jake.

"Sorry, BBF, I wasn't sure that the alarm would be enough," Amir smiles like the sun he vanished into. 'No, no, no! He's my best friend and irritating as fuck! … Doesn't explain the dreams… Oh, whatever. They probably mean nothing anyway. Well, they probably mean something, but it can't be the obvious.'

"Well, since you're awake… Let's go to the D's and get some noogs!" exclaims Amir like an over-exited puppy.

"God, is that all you eat?" asks Jake as he rubs sleep out of his eyes.

"No, silly," Amir waves his hand dismissively.

"That's good, I guess," Jake tries to get up but Amir is straddling him!

"Sometimes I eat leftovers from your fridge!" 'Of course.'

Trying to keep calm though aggravated and confused because now he's blushing obviously, Jake says, "Get off."

But Amir just asks, "Why?"

Having just woke up, Jake is not in a good mood, so he shoves Amir off him and onto the bed next to him, and straddles Amir in return. "Because I have to get ready for work!"

Jake realizes what position he put them into and quickly gets off and rushes into the bathroom.

'What the hell was that? Why did I do that?' Jake looks at his shaking hands as he locks the door, not knowing if Amir will decide to come in randomly.

Jake pulls off his boxers and notices a slight boner and looks in the mirror only to see his face it now as red as a tomato.

In the shower, he summons every fantasy he can think of, but only the thought of his annoying friend can help him with his problem.

Amir grasps his weeping cock and smirks, "Gorsh, Jakey, you're so hard."

"Shut up and just—" Jake cuts off into a moan as Amir takes in the tip. He soon takes in as much as he can fit, and grazes the penis with his teeth,causing Jake to moan, louder this time. Amir moves to suck just the head, with his hands on the base, massaging it until Jake comes into his mouth.

"I love you, Jakey," comes a whisper from his dream lover.

After orgasm aftershocks fade, Jake says, "I love you, Amir."

'How could I not have known? Why did it take me so long to realize?' he pounds a fist into the wall, and finishes showering, hoping Amir heard none of that.

Jake gets dressed after drying off, hair still damp and going in every direction, and goes into the kitchen for some coffee.

"Hey," says Amir, not loud and aggravating like usual, just "Hey."

Taken aback, Jake stutters, blushing because of his newfound knowledge, "Oh, h-hey."

Amir has set two plates with scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage and toast, each with a glass of orange juice. He even remembered napkins.

Jake is shocked, but takes a plate and grabs at a sausage. It's actually cooked; who knew Amir knew how to cook?

"Thanks," mumbles Jake in embarrassment, blushing.

"No problemo. I was just thinking since I practically live here," begins Amir, but he mumbles the next part, "And since they kicked me out of my apartment and I have until the first to move out…" he continues in a normal, happy tone, "I was thinking I could move in with you!"

"What? They kicked you out! Yeah, man, you can move in. But I mean, this is a one bedroom place, but you sleep in the closet normally, right?"'Bad,very bad. What if I do something I'll regret, or worse, something that scares Amir away. Okay, those would probably be the same things, but I really do want him to move in… Shit, I lose either way. Well, at least this way Amir has a place to stay.'

Amir's eyes light up as if he just opened a Christmas present. He glomps Jake, "Thanks so much, BBF. I love you!"

Jake turns to stone, 'Poor fool doesn't even know how I feel about him.'

Amir stops moving for a bit, but continues his chokehold nonetheless.

Overcome with emotion, and noticing Amir's earlobe near his face, he nibbles on it, stopping Amir dead in his tracks.

'Why am I doing this? No. Why haven't I done this sooner?'

Trying to be nice for once, and to butter up Jake, Amir makes his friend breakfast, referring to the cookbook every step of the way. 'The lengths I go for my useless love…'

"Thanks," says Jake, sausage in mouth, so tempting.

"No problemo. I was just thinking since I practically live here," plunges Amir. "And since they kicked me out of my apartment and I hand until the first to move out," Amir skims over that part, "I was thinking I could move in with you!" He adds every ounce of hope into that last part.

"What? They kicked you out! Yeah, man, you can move in. But I mean, this is a one bedroom place, but you sleep in the closet normally, right?"

Amir grins so wide it feels as if his face will spit in two. He's about to cry in joy and frustration, so he attack-hugs Jake to hide his tears. "Thanks so much, BBF. I love you!"

'Shiatsu! I can't believe I just said that! Crap, now he isn't moving. He'll move away and change his mind and I won't have a place to stay and I'll lose my BBF!'

And then Jake gnaws on his earlobe.

Amir lets his body move without thinking about it, and he lets go of the death grip and kisses Jake on the lips.

He expects him to freeze, to shove him away. Not whatever this is.

Jake returns the kiss.

It starts fast, open mouthed, with no tongue. But soon enough it's a slow, tender kiss with lots of tongue. Amir lets Jake win the battle for dominance, and Jake is thankful for it as he explores every bit of the cavern.

Amir lets go of Jake, and looks into his eyes for a quick moment. 'I shouldn't have done it, shit, shit, shit!'

And then Amir kisses him.

Just like that.

It's open and fierce, and then it's slow, needy, tender, all of the good things in the word wrapped into one kiss, a first of many.

'I can't believe…' but Jake can't even finish his thoughts; his brain's puddling to his toes.

He wraps his arms around Amir's waist and Amir tugs at his hair, deepening the kiss.

But they need to get to work, so Jake stops the kiss.

"I love you, Amir," he says, out of breath.

"Yeah, I love you, too, Jakey." Amir bumps their foreheads together.

And so they go to work.

Was it okay? The ending wasn't very exceptional, but there's a second chapter coming up, soon. Ima wait for ... one or two reviews before I post it though. Seeing the lack of Jake and Amir fanfiction on FF.n makes me uneasy, so I'll keep my standards low.
