Dreams become reality, one choice at a time.

Sam's POV

Three days later, I lay in my bed, tossing around. Sleep these days evaded me, and when it finally over took me it was filled with dreams of war. Tonight, the drean=m was different though.

Sam's Dream

I walked through a thick fog, surrounded by nothing but white-gray light. A light breeze ruffled my clothes and hair, but did nothing to dissipate the fog surrounding me.

"Sam..." I heard a faint voice call. I whipped around, peering though the thickness, trying to find the source.

"Sam..." The voice was louder now. I continued to look around. The voice sounded so familiar, but I couldn't place it.

"Sam!" The noise was echoing around me, shaking the earth beneath my feet.

"SAM! SAM! SAM!" The voice almost chanted my name. I whirled in circles, trying to figure out the source of my name. Suddenly, everything went quiet. All I coud hear was the soft whisper of the unnatural breeze that stirred my hair and clothes.

"Samantha." I heard from behind me. I turned slowly, almost expecting nothing to be there. What I saw instead made me gasp. A young blonde woman stood behind me. She had long hair and my carribean blue eyes. She wore a white clothing and appeared to glow.

"Mama?" I asked, as quiet as the now-stilled wind. She smiled sadly at me then nodded. I hesitated a moment, but suddenly sprinted and threw myself into her arms. I latched onto her and sobbed. She smelled just like she used to, a mixture of perfume and soap. "I missed you mama." I cried into her shoulder. She rubbed my back in a comforting manner, making small shushing noises.

"I missed you too, Sammy-Girl." I smiled lightly at the old nickname. "But I came here for more than just a visit. I came to warn you. Your in danger, baby." The smile fell from my face. I puled back slightly, just enough to see her face. My mother looked scared and worried.

"What do you mean, Mama? Does this have something to do with the notes?" I asked.

"Yeah, honey. There are more people out there who are just like you. All of them are sixteen as well. In fact, your all born on the same day, merely an hour apart. On your seventeenth birthday, you will each discover who all of you are, and find the powers you guys need to stop The Wretched ones. But be warned baby, there are those who will try to stop you all before you can figure it out. You must find the Keepers, Sammy-Girl. The three Keepers. Now wake up baby-doll. Wake up and save yourself, along eiththe other Cursed Ones."

"Will I ever see you again, mommy?"

"I don't know sweetie, I don't know. Be careful, Sam. You're so strong and brave and loyal, but even that cannot help you much. I love you, Sammy-Girl. I always have, and I always will..." As she finish speaking, she bgan to fade out and was replaced with a bright light. The light grew brighter and brighter and then-

My eyes flew open and I shot up, gasping for air. I could still remember every detail of the dream. There is no way in hell I made all of that up. I needed to figure out who she was talking about and fast. I didn't have much time.

My seventeenth birthday was in one week.

Hey there readers! Yet another update from me! Sorry about the shortness and the cliffy, but I'm going on a vacation so I decided to give you this before I left. Review please! Laterz!