Author's Notes: My second Adrian and Rose fic. This takes place in Spirit Bound after Dimitri became a Dhamphir again.

Disclaimer: I don't own Vampire Academy or its characters.

"When angry, count to four. When very angry, swear."-Mark Twain

He had never felt such a comibination of anger and hurt before. Not even at one of the countless Ivashkov family dinners in which is father got on his case for whatever reason (not going to college, not being interested in court politics, and, before his parents learned about his Spirit using, not speacializing in an element) and his mother just pursed her lips but remained quiet.

She had promised him.

He remembered how pissed he had been when he had found her in Las Vegas, not hanging out with Lissa like she had told him but on a mission to find out to cure her Strigori ex-boyfriend. And she had promised him that even if, againt all odds, she found some way to make Dimiri a dhampir again that she wouldn't just drop him to go riding off into the sunset with her ex to live happily ever after.

He hadn't even thought it would be possible. It seemed way to much like some fairy tale (granted, a really messed up fairy tale, but a fairy tale nonetheless) but he gritted his teeth and went along with her anyway.

But it had worked.

Dimitri Belikov was a Strigori no more.

And he hadn't seen his girlfriend since.

The worst of it was, that beyond the anger and pain, there was a weird sense of inevitability; in the back of his mind, he knew that if Belikov could be cured, Rose would eventually break up with him to get back with her ex. And why wouldn't she? Belikov was everything he wasn't: self-sacraficing, serious, and a warrior. Next to him, even with his ability to use Spirit, he probably was just the restless, kind of crazy, playboy everyone (well, mostly everyone) wrote him off as.

So in a way, he had expected her to go back on her promise but hoped she wouldn't.

And all it got him was ditched, angry, and hurt.

God, I need a cigarette.

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