Another Black Tie Affair
By: afallenblackrose
Author's Notes: So, I was checking my profile page and noticed that I started this story on July 27. I'm actually in shock that this story took me only a month to write. I hope everyone has enjoyed the sequel, and I really hope you guys like this chapter! Thanks to EvaC, nebelflecke, superSayingirl, SerenaDarienforeverJune30, SerentiyMoonGodness, mangamania, Fedski, Jessie F. Babi, Eager Reviewer, dori-tori, misshaa, serenityalexis, MoonPrincess568, Nana, and jennalyn zabala for reviewing the last chapter, which was really sad to write. With this chapter, it isn't as sad, but the aftermath of the miscarriage is told through snippets. Like I've said before, I hope you guys enjoy this! Now, on with the last chapter!
Part Eleven:
The first month was the hardest, and Darien knew that it was mostly his fault that it was so hard on Serena, but there were some things that he couldn't control. He had agreed that they had to stay in Tokyo while Serena recovered from the shock of losing her first baby, but there were some meetings that Darien couldn't avoid with Sapphire Dawson. He had to leave her and go back to Los Angeles every few weeks to make sure things were going without a hitch. The girls watched over her then, even though there wasn't much to watch over. All Serena seemed to do that first month was cry and sleep. It took a lot of force for them to make her eat something every once and awhile.
The second and third months were better. She had accepted the fact that she was no longer pregnant and didn't cry as much. She seemed to be returning to her old self, which pleased Darien greatly. But he still walked and talked around her carefully. He didn't know if something would set her off and cause her to start crying like Niagara Falls again. But she was smiling, even though it didn't quite go to her eyes like it used to. That's how Darien knew that things weren't okay, just yet.
It was the fourth and fifth months that scared him the most. Before the slightest thing would cause Serena to begin to cry, now during the fourth month, it would cause her to go into fits of rage. She was angry. She blamed everyone and everything for the loss of her baby. But mostly she blamed Darien, since it was his fault that she had lost the baby. They got into fights daily, and it soon got to the point where Darien would gladly leave for Los Angeles to make sure things were staying the same with the contract negotiations. If he had had his way, during that month he would have permanently stayed there, but he knew he had to help and support her, even if she wasn't willing to it at the moment. The fifth month was less stressful than the fourth, but all the same frightening for Darien. Serena would wait up for him at night to come back to bed, and then she would attack him. It went on like this for days, not that Darien minded so much until one day when he found out that Serena had thrown out the remaining birth control pills she had. This caused Darien to worry. Was she trying so soon to have another baby? After he found this out, he stopped going to their bedroom and opted to sleep in his study.
But Darien didn't have any need to worry, for by the sixth month, Serena was finally back to normal. He noticed one day when they sat down for dinner, for the first time in weeks. The smile she smiled was reaching her eyes, she was actually happy, and when he kissed her she let it go and didn't turn it into anything more than the innocent kiss that it was supposed to be. Things were how they had originally been before they moved out to Los Angeles.
One particular morning in July found Darien waking up to the most wonderful of smells. Wondering what the smell could possibly be, Darien padded out into the main room of his old apartment, and was surprised to see Serena sitting at the dining room table. There was a plate with the most amazing omelet, and Darien's standard cup of black coffee.
At the sound of his approach, Serena looked up from what she was reading, and smiled at him. "Good morning," she chirped and took a sip out of her mug. He ran a hand through his thoroughly bed messed hair, and glanced at his wife with amusement in his eyes. Serena had the reputation of not liking early mornings, and to see her up and chipper at seven-thirty made him wonder what was going on.
"You do realize you can sit down?" She asked playfully. "I haven't poisoned your omelet, and if you don't eat it soon it'll get cold." She didn't say anymore and went back to what she was reading, a smile playing on the edges of her mouth. Something was obviously amusing in her reading.
Taking another whiff of the omelet, he couldn't help but take his seat and begin to eat. After a few bites, he looked up again at his wife.
"So what possessed you to make me breakfast this morning?" He asked her.
"I was just in the mood to cook something," she replied shrugging, not looking up from her reading. "Did you like it though?"
"Yeah, it's really good," he replied and then took a sip of his coffee. "May I ask what you're reading so diligently?"
"Just the tabloid that was delivered with the paper this morning."
"And why are you reading that trash?"
"Because somebody leaked that we're married, and they're also making these crazy speculations about why you keep flying to and from Los Angeles without me when I was with you not too long ago."
"Ah," Darien replied a smile now forming on his lips. "Anything good?"
"Not really," she shook her head. "Although the one where they think I'm actually not your wife and that you're paying me to be your wife so your business transaction will go through, is quite comical." She finally looked up from the tabloid and locked gazes with him. What he saw there made him smile. There was a true happiness glint in her eyes now, that hadn't been there six months ago. With that Darien was out of his chair and striding towards her. Stopping by her chair, he leant down and kissed her on the forehead.
"I love you, Serena," he whispered.
"I love you, Darien," she replied a little taken aback by his actions. "What brought that on though?"
"Do I really need a reason?" He asked, smirking. "I better get ready for work. Are you going to be okay by yourself today?"
"I won't be by myself, remember? Mina needs my help with some of the final wedding preparations. I can't believe that they're going to be getting married soon!" Serena exclaimed, even though she knew that she was only telling Darien part of what her plans were for the day. But she didn't want to bother him with that just yet. It wouldn't do to tell him, only to get his hopes up when it turned out to be nothing.
"I know, it feels like it was just yesterday that we got married," he sighed and checked the clock. It was getting later, he really needed to get ready and go off to work. "I better get going or else I'm going to be late."
"Yes, and that would be bad if the boss walked in late," she smiled and got up to clear away the plates. Darien smiled and walked out of the room, knowing that things between them were back to normal.
Serena was bursting to tell someone when she popped into the arcade later on that afternoon. The familiar smile was, she felt, permanently stuck to her face. As the door chimed letting Andrew, and Mina, know that a new customer had walked in, the arcade owner peered from the back room and saw the blonde walk in.
"Hey Serena!" He called out and was shocked to see that there was a smile on her face. "What's going on? What's with that smile on your face?"
"Hey Andrew," she replied still chipper. "Where's Mina? I want to tell the both of you at the same time. I have really, really good news!"
"I'm here," Mina said rushing from the back room as well. Serena raised an eyebrow, curiosity burning in her mind as to what Mina was doing in the back room, but she refrained. "So what's the good news?"
"Well, remember how I've been having those monthly check ups with Doctor Kingsley? When I went last week for my appointment, I brought up some concerns that I was having and so she ran some tests…" She trailed off.
"Some tests?" Andrew asked concerned. "Are you okay?"
"Yes, I am, Andrew. Remember, I said that this was good news? Anyway, she called me last night and asked if I could come in this morning so she could talk to me about the results. So, I went in and well, those concerns I was having? They weren't really concerns, but me recognizing the signs of pregnancy. I'm pregnant again!"
Mina squealed, "Oh. My. God! I can't believe that you're pregnant again! How do you feel? Are you okay? How are you dealing with all of this? Don't you think that it might be a little too soon since…." She trailed off looking at Serena with a worried expression on her face. Andrew mirrored her.
"Okay, slow down, Mina, one question at a time. First, I did think it might be a little soon since, well, what happened six months ago, but then I realized that it's been six months. I need to move on and well, now I have the opportunity to bring a new life into this world. Second, I'm really excited and I'm going to try and do things right this time around. And lastly, I'm okay. Truly." She smiled at the couple in front of her.
"Oh, I am so happy for you, Serena!" Mina exclaimed hugging her best friend. "But one more question. How are you going to tell Darien?"
Darien walked into the apartment that evening feeling like the weight of the world was off of his shoulders. Finally, after almost a year of constant negotiations and late nights, the contract had been signed. Sapphire Dawson and his company were now a part of Shields Inc. He felt like celebrating, and was very tempted to take Serena out on a night on the town again. However, when he looked up, all thoughts of taking Serena out went out of his head. She was sitting on the couch, watching him with an interesting expression on her face. It was a mix between happiness and wonder.
"Are you okay, Serena?" He asked striding forward to her side, instantly concerned. Why, he had no idea, considering that the look on her face was happiness, not sadness.
"I'm fine, Darien," she replied. "More than fine, really, but I wasn't expecting you to be home so soon. Is everything all right with you?" A trickle of concern laced her voice.
"Yes, everything is fine. Sapphire Dawson signed the contract today, if anything I'm in the mood to celebrate." He took Serena's hands in his and lifted her so she was standing in front of him.
"Oh, that's fantastic, Darien!" She exclaimed hugging him. "But I have news of my own too…"
"What's your news?"
"Well, I went to go see Dr. Kingsley today and she had some tests run the last time I went to go see her. We discussed the results today, and I'm…" she smiled. "I'm pregnant."
"What?" Darien stared at her in complete shock. She was pregnant? But it had been so soon since she miscarried. Was she really up to this this time around? "You're pregnant? H-how are you handling this?" He couldn't help but stutter out, but he wasn't expecting Serena's reaction to his question.
She laughed, "You and Mina are on the same wavelength. She asked me that too this afternoon when I told Andrew and her at the arcade. But like I told her. I'm okay, and I'm really excited. Aren't you?"
"Of course, I am. I was just worried about how you were dealing with this. I know it's only been six months, but are you really sure that you can handle this, Serena? It's not going to be too painful?"
"Darien, you worry too much," she replied with a smile on her face. "Please, just be excited about this, okay? It's been a crazy and outrageous year already, I think it's time that something in our lives finally went right, that we're finally happy. Don't you agree?"
"Yes, yes I do. God, I'm going to be a father!" He exclaimed and then bent down to capture her lips with his.
Three weeks later…
Darien stood surrounded by people, not that he knew who any of the people standing next to him were. They were all wearing masks of different colors and fabrics. His mask wasn't so outrageous as the other's that he had spotted so far already this evening. His was a simple white mask that only covered his eyes, and actually looked like he was wearing a pair of sunglasses instead of a masquerade mask. He glanced around the room again, surprised that he couldn't spot his wife anywhere in the room. She was supposed to be here by now, and he instantly felt worried.
"Darien, my friend," a man with a blue mask with sapphires walked up to him and clamped him on the shoulder. "I hear congratulations are in order for you again."
"Sapphire, is that you under that mask?"
"Yes, it is!" He exclaimed and fell into a bout of laughter. "You're really good at identifying people, aren't you? Anyway, where was I? Oh, yes. I heard the news! Your lovely wife, Serena, is with child again." Darien felt a smile spread over his lips. Sapphire knew of what had happened to Serena six months ago, because Darien had not returned his call when Mina had told him that she was in the hospital. Looking for an explanation, he had told Sapphire the truth, that Serena had miscarried and needed his support. Sapphire was real supportive, and technically was the reason that Darien didn't have to go back to Los Angeles that often during the rest of the contract negotiations.
He was also the reason that they were now holding the celebratory party of the two companies becoming one back in Tokyo. It had taken some convincing on Darien's part, but once Sapphire was aware of the situation, he was more than happy to accommodate.
"Thank you, Sapphire," he replied. "Serena and I are really excited to become parents. Thank you also for switching the part location to Tokyo."
"Not a problem, none whatsoever. Once I heard that this party was the same day as your best friend's wedding, I couldn't let you choose between the two. I hope that the party started late enough for you?"
"Yes, I was able to do my best man duties before I had to duck out," he replied frowning as he searched the crowd again for his wife. She was supposed to leave right after he did, but he still didn't see any sign of her. "I'm just wondering where my wife is, at the moment. You two still have to meet."
"Ah, yes, yes we do. No sign of her though? Didn't she come with you?"
"No, she didn't because she still had some matron of honor duties to attend to, but she wasn't supposed to be too far behind me." His eyes still raked over the crowd, but he knew already that she wasn't there. Where could that girl possibly be?
"Is that her, up there?" Sapphire asked and pointed to the staircase. Darien turned his gaze and felt his mouth open in surprise. Sure enough, coming down the stairs at that exact moment was Serena. Only she had changed. Instead of wearing the pink spaghetti strapped matron of honor dress that she had been wearing a few hours ago, she was now wearing an ice blue full-length gown. Her hair was still pulled back into a high ponytail with wisps of her golden hair around her face and curled into slight ringlets. On her face was a silk mask the same color of her dress and studded with rhinestones. The crowd, which seemed to have noticed her arrival, parted as soon as she reached the last step. She spotted Darien and began to gracefully walk over to him and Sapphire.
"Hello," she whispered when she got to them. "I hope I haven't been keeping you waiting too long?"
"Not at all," he replied, taking her hand in his. "Serena, I want you to meet Sapphire Dawson. Sapphire this is my wife, Serena."
Sapphire took Serena's hand within his and kissed her knuckles. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Serena, and congratulations on your pregnancy."
"Thank you, Sapphire. It's nice to meet you too." A slight blush had appeared on her cheeks. This guy reminded her too much of Darien. "Shall we dance then?" She asked her husband.
"Of course. You'll excuse us, Sapphire?"
"Yes, go on and have fun you two. We'll have plenty time to speak later." He ushered the two off to the dance floor. Darien, with as much suave as he possessed, led his love out to the dance floor. Once there, he put his hand on her waist and the other in her hand. They then began to twirl around the floor.
"I see you changed on your way over?" He whispered into her ear.
"Of course I did, you don't think I would show up to a masquerade in my matron of honor dress, do you? It wasn't appropriate."
"Just admit it," he chuckled. "You just wanted an excuse to buy another outfit. How much did this one cost me?" He joked with her. Serena glowered at him for a moment and then her face was lit up by a magnificent smile.
"You're horrible," she whispered. "But I still love you."
"As I love you," he replied kissing her forehead. The two of them had been through a lot in their first year of marriage, but they were still together. Not to mention that they were also expecting a baby, which would bring about a new set of challenges for them to face. But Darien knew that after the year they just experienced, they would be able to handle anything.
Author's Notes: I can't believe that that is the end to Another Black Tie Affair! Wow, I'm just amazed, and I hoped everyone enjoyed the sequel! Thanks again to everyone who's reviewed, story alerted, added this story to their favorites, and/or added me to their favorite author's. I am truly humbled by it all, and I hope you guys know that this story wouldn't have gone anywhere without you! So thank you very much!