Okay, well, hi.

I just randomly thought of this last night so I'm writing it down. I might delete it; it's the first time I'm writing something like this. It's a bit of a mature subject, but I'm keeping it in between the borders of PG-13.

But, like I said, I might delete it.

Woopdedo. Have fun reading.

Also, CHECK THIS OUT NAO: http:/games(dot)nakayosi-net(dot)com/image/hayayomi/contents/201009/09syugo/page01(dot)html

I wanna fangirl about it with someone.

*Hint hint: The link is about Encore! Chapter four; AMUTO-ness ;D

Everything is © to their respected owners.

How should I feel?
Creatures lie here
Looking through the window …

Prologue: Silent Pain

She woke to the same of sweat, urine, and mold. She jolted upright, and scanned her surroundings. She was in a truck, she realized with surprised, surrounded with steel walls and a dirty floor, as if something raw had sat here for days.

"Hey," Something cold breathed down her neck—no, not a thing, a person.

The next thing she knew, her back was on the floor, and a man hovered above her. She gasped in surprise as she looked at him; he had the darkest blue-colored hair she had ever seen. His skin was almost paper-pale, and his eyes—

Oh, his eyes.

She stared at them, hypnotized, and it seemed like she was staring at the ocean filled with nothingness—there was no emotion, nothing in his intense gaze as he stared at her. Her cheeks flushed. Barely audible, she whispered, "W-w-who are you?"

He didn't answer; instead, he closed his eyes, and leaned closer that he was grazing his lips against hers.

She opened her mouth to speak—

—and felt her lips against his.

She felt herself tense, and she whispered again, more hoarsely, "Who are you?"

He didn't say anything yet again, but pressed his lips firmly against hers, so that he was kissing her.

His hand rested on her back, and he pulled her up into a sitting position. Moving his hand so that it rested on the back of her neck, he dipped her head, deepening the kiss into a passionate one.

She heard him moan in pleasure, the first real sound she heard from him besides 'Hey.'

And, then, suddenly, she broke off.

Breathing heavily, she climbed out of his arms and backed up against the wall. His eyes were open now, a predatory look in his dark eyes.

Swallowing the lump in her throat, she whispered, "Who are you? What do you want?" Her voice cracked. "Where am I?"

The male walked forward, trapping the girl against the wall and himself. He leaned forward, his cold breath blowing across her face. His lips were on the bridge of her nose. "Who am I?" he mocked, in a rich, delicious, deep voice that vibrated in the inside of his throat. "I'm yours." She felt him grin against her eye and she shivered.

"L-l-let go of me," she whimpered, struggling in his arms and avoiding his eyes. "I don't know you. Get away from me." Her voice was hoarse.

His expression was fierce as he gripped her bare thighs under her school skirt. She whimpered as his hand traveled up and down. She screamed as his hands gripped her petite waist.

That night, Hinamori Amu was raped.

Short? Yes, I know. Like I said, I wrote this last night, when I was bored. And, also, like I said, the idea is different than most of my stories; and a bit mature. So, if no one likes it, I might delete it. This is just the prologue. The idea just came up in my head last night, and I had the urge to write it. So, tell me if I should continue this into a story or not.



