Ok so I'm keeping from my Princess Debut story for reasons all my own (Rei and I have alot of things going on lately. If you read the story you'll understand what I'm talking about) So I'm making this in the meantime! Please R&R~ Welcome to Chapter 1: The day I met "the prince"
The ground shook and rumbled as Agete raised another island. Chelsea stumbled around like a fool trying to keep balance in the raising of an island. It wasn't her first island to raise, but why she didn't get used to it by this point, it's still a mystery. It was about her 4th time if she was correct. But in a split second, all the shaking stopped. And Chelsea fell flat on her butt.
"Phew... You should go check out that new island... I need a rest." And in a flash of light he disappeared. Chelsea simply nodded as she got up, legs wobbling. Once she felt the dock under her boots, she grabbed hold of the nearest thing she could. She was klutzy enough without being shaken up, she didn't want to fall in the water. Not like the first three times she raised islands.
"Can you take me to the new island today Kirk?" She asked steadying herself, preparing to get onto the boat. She made it that far, no time for slipping into the water this time. Ok one foot... Then the next... VICTORY! Chelsea thought in her head standing in the boat. It started to rock and she sat down without question. Kirk started up the engine and they started slowly moving through the surprisingly calm ocean. The wind blew her chocolate brown hair back and she pulled off her bandanna. With a short quiet boat ride to the new island.
"Wow, this place is awesome." Chelsea muttered under her breath taking in the beauty of the roaring volcano. Volcano Island... How unoriginal She thought staring at the sign for the new island. She gazed at the wonder of lava, before turning and walking back to the dock. Without having to say anything, Kirk took her back to Verdure Island.
The boat rides never lasted long, but she loved them. She stepped onto the dock in stride. It felt good that day, and the ocean breeze felt good on the skin on a Summer day. Chelsea got a good look at her watch. 4:30pm Perfect timing. She thought as she walked down to the shipping bin and threw in her corn, the herbs, some mushrooms, three eggs, a bottle of milk, and a flower. Chelsea skipped to the resident Diner for her dinner.
It was oddly bustling today. All the women on the island were there.
"I'd like my usual Nick." She said staring at the girls. They were giggling and whispering about something she was curious to find out about.
"Have you heard yet Chelsea?" A bubbly blond ran up jumping up and down like a puppy. It was her first friend on the island, Lana. The former pop star. Nick quickly gave Chelsea her order and she went back to talking with the excited blondie.
"Heard what? And if you dare say 'Bird is the word' I am going to hit you." It wouldn't be the first time she hit Lana for singing Surfing Bird. Lana held her head and looked up at her with huge pathetic brown eyes.
"Noooo, A new boy is coming to town!" She hopped up and down still holding her head. But as soon as Lana said new boy the diner exploded in a giggle fit. "Sabrina was just telling us about him."
Lana sighed dreamily and pretended to faint. She laughed at her and sat down next to Sabrina.
"So, what's so special about this new guy then?" Chelsea asked her usually shy friend.
"Oh, his name is Will. He's my cousin." Sabrina said with an unusually strong voice. "He is really tall, and blond with blue eyes. He's pretty chivalrous too, Father and I nicknamed him 'The Prince'"
Chelsea pretended to gag. Guys like that didn't sit well with her. Then again she was a huge tomboy that would of never really been friends with the other girls if it weren't for Lana. Lana was strangely tomboy for the way she dressed.
"I wonder if he would be my prince charming~" The resident brat, Eliza, cooed. Chelsea rolled her eyes and started scarfing down her curry rice. Felicia looked at her, well not so much as looked but turned her head toward her. Could Felicia even see?
"What?" Chelsea asked looking at Felicia. She started sipping a glass of juice as the pink haired woman stood up.
"You have such a lovely face Chelsea, you should really let us give you a make over." She said touching Chelsea's cheek.
"Yea, who knows. Maybe you'll turn out to be a princess." Natalie said pulling at the bandanna. Soon Chelsea was surrounded, and she couldn't tell who was doing what. She felt make-up brushes, people messing with her hair, and heard people commenting on her clothes.
"Guys knock it off!" She yelled jumping up, making all the other girls scatter. "I never said you could do that!"
"Yea she's right." Julia said. Ah the voice of reason. Julia was always the one to stop a fight or calm a crowd, she was just that good.
"Thank you." Chelsea sighed and finished her glass of juice. "The money's on the counter."
She walked out the front door, full and happy. She walked back to the farm, made sure her chickens were in the coop and the cow in the barn. She trudged through her corn fields to her house.
"Honey I'm home." She muttered before walking to her room and changing into a white pajama top and invader zim shorts. Chelsea didn't even go under the sheets, she just curled up in a ball ontop.
Chelsea awoke to the sound of a boat horn in the distance. But she didn't pay any attention to that, she just had to get her chores done. She reluctantly slid off her bed and threw on a red tank top, a pair of denim shorts, and tennis shoes. She put her rubber boots on over her tennis shoes, so they wouldn't get dirty.
"Eating time chickens!" Chelsea yelled as she walked into the coop she took some feed and squatted down to feed them by hand. She always thought that having them eating out of her hand felt good. She never knew why. She dumped the rest on the ground for them and she gathered the eggs they laid. She put one in the incubator and put the rest in her bag. Skipping to the barn she took the pitchfork and threw fodder into Her cow, Betsy's food container.
"You have such a nice coat." She cooed as she brushed the cow as it ate. She squatted down and pulled out the milker. Chelsea quickly ran and got a fresh bottle for the milk and attached it to the milker. She hummed as she milked. "Good girl Betsy. Now for some sunshine."
She pushed her cow out into the fenced off field she left for her animals. She watered the corn in a flash and she walked back to her house. She kicked off her boots and put away the eggs and bottle of milk.
"Now for foraging and I'm done for the day." Chelsea sang as she skipped merrily to town.
Silence. The town was complete silence. It didn't phase her much, but Chelsea noticed it. But she went along her business, picking herbs and flowers. While she was picking an herb near Natalie's house, she peeked in the window. No one was there. Worry started growing in her, and she cleaned out all the herbs and flowers in a haze. Then Chelsea moved onto Sprout island to continue her work.
"Look out!" was the first and only thing she heard. Chelsea dove to the left just in time to see the biggest horse she's seen in her life skid to a stop.
"OH MY GOD!" Chelsea yelled staring at the huge white horse. A man hopped down and ran to her side and tried to help her up. She pulled away from him and got up on her own.
"I am so sorry! I would never be able to forgive myself if I hurt a maiden." He said in a kind tone. Wait, MAIDEN?
"Well I don't know what planet you came from, but I'm no maiden. I'm a straight up tomboy." She pushed her brown hair out of her face "And don't forget it."
The man's head reeled back and he stared at her like she was crazy. He was tall, way taller than her. He had soft blond hair and light blue eyes. Wait is he... He is! He's wearing a hoodie under a white jacket! Now Chelsea was staring at him like he was crazy.
"Ehem, well I'm William Terry Louis Andrew Carrick Jonathan Dredge Hams," He started introducing himself, but before Chelsea could say her name, He continued, "Reading Roger Southwark Alnwick Plymouth Junior Regison III."
"I'm-" Chelsea was cut off, because he wasn't done here.
"But that is such a mouth full, so do please call me Will." He had a contented smile, and Chelsea had no more patience.
"WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST SAY WILL!" She yelled throwing her arms in the air. She started rubbing her temples and said, "I'm Chelsea Anna-Marie Rose. But for the love of god call me Chelsea."
"Chelsea such a fine name for a maid-" Chelsea gave him a glare, "Tomboy. Well I assume you are a resident as well here? Well please do say hello once in a while. Au revior!"
"Yea, yea, yea so lon- WAIT YOU ARE LIVING HERE?" She had a look of utter shock. All that she got in return was a laugh. She pulled off her shoe and threw it as hard as she could. When she heard a grunt, she had a triumphant look on her face. But that melted away when she saw who she hit. None other than her cowboy friend Vaughn. Oh Shit.
Well If you haven't guessed yet I don't own Harvest moon. Guess I shoulda mentioned that earlier. BUT OH WELL! So if you like this please leave a review so I know people are reading this. Because I need to know people read it! Other wise I'll probably forget to update. Chapter 2 will be up in a few days~~~
Sayonara bye bye!