Disclaimer: I do not own Sonny With A Chance.

A/N: Okay, so this is dedicated to Camilla Monet who inspired me with this wonderful idea. It's just a standard one-shot written in Lucy's POV about her friendship with Sonny Monroe and how it's faded away.

Summary: The same question fills my mind to the brim: 'What ever happened to you and me?' Lucy reflects on losing her Best Friend. Lucy/Sonny angst friendship oneshot.


A long time ago there were two young girls:

They liked to play with their dolls,

Tell each other jokes,

And stay up late at night having giggly, whispered conversations about sex

And boys.

They wore matching purple friendship bracelets

That they never took off

Because they were, well and truly, the best of friends.

Those two young girls used to be you and me.

A long time ago.

Before High School, Hollywood and everything else in between happened.

Before we came apart at the seams

Just like our purple friendship bracelets.

I remember when you used to live opposite me,

Right across the street.

When we used to text each other every night,

Because I couldn't get to sleep without knowing that you were just a ten second walk away.

I remember when you talked me into throwing water balloons from the top of my roof,

And we accidentally hit your cousin Ashleigh,

Who went and told your mom,

Who then told my mom,

And we both ended up getting grounded for a whole week.

But it was totally worth it.

I remember when we went on that school trip to the amusement park,

And I didn't want to go on the sheer drop ride

Because I was afraid of heights.

So you grabbed my hand

And squeezed it really tight

Before telling me that

It's okay

Because you'd be right next to me throughout the whole ride

And you'd never let go of my hand.


Because we were the best of friends

And we'd always stick together.

No matter what.

These memories keep on haunting me,

Every night, I always dream the same dream

Of us.

And, every night, the same question fills my mind to the brim:

What ever happened to 'you and me'?

I know we're on the opposite ends of the Continental U.S,

And I know we're living completely different lifestyles

With completely different people.

But every day I wake up,

I still look right across the street

At your house.

And, in a sense, I know you're there too.

I'm standing here

You're standing there

And a single stretch of tarmac is all that separates us.

Yet nothing changes.

We could be on the other sides of the planet,

Or we could be in the same room.

And it really would make no difference whatsoever.

Those glistening memories of the life we spent together

Are just memories.

They line our thoughts but have no real impact

Because the main emotion,

The important, simplistic emotion,

That feeds them

Is gone.


Something that was never built to last forever.

So, as we store our photo albums away,

Out grow our friendship bracelets,

And turn our backs on the smiling faces we used to call our own.

I know it may sound crazy,

But I have to say,

I miss being able to call you my best friend.