9 years ago(a/n: or is that before)

"Rasengan!" exclaimed naruto as he let it loose into a tree in the training fields. He laid on his back and began thinking about sasuke. "I have to find him" he thought to himself. With that, he was off to tsunade's office to pester her a little more.

On getting to the front of her office, he overheard a discussion between shizune and tsunade with shizune saying "she does look like a combination of naruto and …" On hearing his name mentioned, he barged in and yelled "Hey! What do you mean by a co…." But was interrupted when a young girl ran and hugged him.

What is this he tried to ask before he was cut off by the girl who just called him otou san. "Otou san" repeated naruto tsunade and shizune.

"N-nani…." Naruto stuttered "…. me" he said looking towards tsunade.

Tsunade started explaining the circumstances in which she was found but naruto didn't pay any attention. He was busy observing the little girl that didn't want to leave him. He observed that she had whisker like marks just like him and was also having his hair style. But something else caught his attention it was her eyes. "Those eyes…." he thought to himself "….they look so familiar." The little girl broke him from his thoughts when she stretched out her arms indicating that she wanted to be carried. He couldn't resist the look in her eyes and carried her.

"….said her name is tami and that's all we know about her" tsunade finished.

"Tami" naruto said while looking at her. "Tsunade no baachan, I will like her to come with me."

"What! We need to keep her closely monitored. She could be a s…."

"Tsunade no baachan, I will watch her and besides, she looks like she likes me a lot" naruto said interrupting tsunade.

Tsunade noticed his point as she looked really relaxed In naruto's arms. She sighed and then responded "Okay. Just keep an eye on her and also try to find out where she's from."

"You can count on me tsunade no baachan" naruto said and with that, he was off to figure out where she was from.

Naruto walked hand in hand with tami when she suddenly gasped. Pointing she asked "Otou san, why isn't your face there anymore?"

Naruto followed her gaze and realized she was pointing at the hokage monument. "not yet" naruto replied. "I do look like a future hokage don't I?" naruto asked while grinning at her.

"Haa…." She seemed like she was going to ask another question when she spotted neji and tenten in the distance. They were just returning from the training fields.

"Tenten san!" she yelled before running to hug her. Before tenten could respond, tami asked another question: "Why is your stomach small?" she looked towards neji and asked "Where's your baby?" while pointing at tenten. This embarrassed tenten as she started blushing. She had feelings for neji but she hadn't thought about it to the extent of getting married and…. She trailed off as she felt her face becoming hotter. Neji was not left out as he too was blushing.

"Okay…" naruto said trying to break the awkward tension that had built up "Tami, we've got to go now" he completed while grinning. "See you guys later." He said while waving at them and moving off at a frantic pace.

With naruto and tami gone, neji and tenten just stood none able to look at the other until neji spoke. "It's impossible. Those eyes and hair." "They look just like a combination of naruto and…" neji and tenten said in unison but stopped when their eyes met. "So I'll see you later" neji said in an attempt to avoid the prolonged moment of awkwardness. "Yeah" said tenten as they both went their separate ways thinking about the mysterious girl accompanying naruto.

Naruto looked down at the little girl as she smiled at him. Somehow, she had been able to pick up on the budding romance between neji and tenten that he got to know through sakura and ino's constant gossiping. "heh maybe it's because she's also a girl" he dismissed in his mind.

Elsewhere in konoha, the older naruto had just arrived in a secluded part unlike his daughter who had appeared right in the front of the hokage tower. At lightning speed, he swept round konoha in the blink of an eye and smiled when he found his daughter in the arms of his younger self.

"So ka. Captain yamato said he wants to see sakura chan hinata and I before we leave on our mission tomorrow" said naruto as he had been trying to remember what yamato had told him earlier. He looked down at the girl sleeping comfortably on his shoulder and decided to take her with him.

The older naruto realized where he was heading and decided to get there before him. This was his first time of using the new jutsu and he wasn't sure if he could allow his younger version see him. "I can't use the jutsu for another few minutes anyway and I need to know something" he said to himself.

Naruto had just laid her down when he felt another presence. He swiftly brought out a kunai and swung it in the direction of the presence in the shadows who seemed to have deflected it. "who's there?" naruto asked.

The older naruto stepped out of the shadows and replied "I am you."

Naruto looked in surprise at the close similarity he shared with the stranger. Having the konoha headband and the hokage robe, it looked he was talking to one of his shadow clones only with additional clothing. He sheathed his kunai and began pondering. After a while, he spoke up and said "if you are me and I am me then…." He paused before continuing "….who are my kagebunshin?"

The older naruto sweat dropped. There was no way he was that stupid he thought to himself but he did need an explanation. He explained that he was hokage and as hokage, he created new techniques and one of those new techniques brought he and his daughter here from the future.

"Daughter!" naruto yelled "where is she?"

The older naruto sighed and answered by pointing and smiling to the little girl sleeping by his younger version. Naruto looked down at tami who just snuggled closer to him and whispered otou san in her sleep. He smiled and whispered to himself "so I become hokage huh?"

The older naruto saw this as a chance and decided to ask the question that had been disturbing him about his wife. "So how is sakura?" he started.

"She's alright. We are to meet up here with hinata so captain yamato can explain tomorrow's mission" naruto answered.

"But how do you feel about sakura?" the older naruto asked

Naruto hesitated for a moment but realized he was talking to himself and answered "Well, when sasuke left and sakura sobbed begging me to bring him back….." he paused before continuing "I realized she was never going to like me as more than a friend but I just keep pestering her for old time's sake" naruto finished grinning at his older self.

The older naruto was shocked to say the least. That wasn't what he thought. "I thought that….."

"Speaking of sasuke, what about sasuke? Is he ever going to come back?" naruto asked interrupting his older self from his thoughts.

"I'm sorry, I don't think I can tell you that?" the older naruto answered.

"Why not?" naruto pouted.

"From my research before creating a time control technique, if I tell you something that you don't ought to know, it will alter…" but he stopped as he saw a look of confusion on his younger self. He sighed then put it in a simpler way. "It will be really bad for me if I told you anything about where I'm from."

"Oh" said naruto as he looked at tami who was just stirring awake. "Can you tell me who her mother is?" asked naruto.

"No I can't. but I can tell you that she is the prettiest, kindest and most loving person you'll ever know dattebayo" answered the older naruto while giving him a thumbs up.

Naruto grinned before saying "wow dattebayo" causing he and his older self to enter a fit of laughter. The older naruto made a few handseals and the portal opened up. He carried his daughter who thought she had been dreaming when she saw her father with the hokage robe grinning at her.

"N-naruto kun?" they all heard with tami looking over her shoulder and screaming "Kaa san." The older naruto took this as a cue and carried his daughter and left leaving a very shocked naruto staring in the direction his name had come from.

Hinata stood a few feet away with a slight blush on her cheek and also looking confused at the pronouncement of the little girl calling her kaa san. A smile slowly formed on naruto's cheek as he rushed to hug her causing her blush to intensify. "Yes. She has hinata's eyes. How could I be so stupid" naruto mentally asked himself

"N-naruto kun. Who was th…?" she asked while trying to remain conscious.

"Hinata…" naruto started interrupting her "thank you for being the one to give me my child" he completed. There was no response and naruto freed himself wanting to see her but, she had fainted with her face as red as a ripe tomato.

A/N: Now, back to the future. I'm sorry it took so long to update but I have been really busy with my school work and all. I will TRY to update the next chapter as soon as possible.

Special thanks to mwto sasumio-fjp BABY-E and UZUMAKI-RICKY for reviewing. You guys are really great DATTEBAYO.