Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. You all know that, right?

Summary: Sakura Haruno. She's finally happy... and whose fault was this? Karin's. Now, she has nothing. And who was to blame for this? Karin. High School Fic. No pairings yet.

Warning: Rated T for swearing and mild suggestions... O.o

Note: Sakura-centric.




(Author's Note)

Hey everyone. I'm back. :) Sorry about the delay. I'm working on another story as well and it's kind of hard swapping off day by day. :P


Mwto: Thanks. :) It really is different than what I usually write... but it was fun. :D

MrSakuraa: I feel for you... Sorry. Oh and yeah, I was gonna bring them in. Bwahaaha! Karin is going DOWN!

-Gothic-Porcelain-: Good idea... hehehe... this is gonna be good...


Every day was nothing short of hell. At school, she was hated. After school, she was beat. She wanted to escape all this, but as long as Karin was alive, her nightmare won't end.


"Sakura? What's the answer to the equation on the board?"

Said girl glanced at the problem and answered, "354."

Kakashi blinked in surprise and turned to look at the board, and then the teacher's edition textbook in his hands before replying, "That's correct... but please at least pretend to listen to my lectures, alright?"

Sakura sighed and turned to face the front of the classroom instead of looking out the window. School was torturous and dreadfully long. How can others actually like attending this place?

Then again... those other students weren't hated down to the core for something they didn't even do.

Sakura's emotions became jumbled. Sadness erupted within her one minute and absolute hyperness the next. After a while of this, she got tired of the constant mood swings and just decided to lock her feelings away... but once in a while they leak out from between the bars.


"Hey. I haven't seen you around lately. What's your name?"

Sakura looked up from her large book and stared at the newcomer with cold eyes.


The blonde sitting in front of her sat back in faint shock, but then bounced back.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki, dattebeyo! You seem very pretty. Why'd you dye your hair pink?"

Emerald eyes didn't leave the page she was reading. Maybe, if she ignored him, he'd go away. After all, this is for his own good... but she mentally carved his name inside her brain.

But... he didn't leave. Instead, he sat there waiting for his questions to be answered.

Hands slammed the book shut and she jumped up, shouting, "GO AWAY! Stay away from me!"

Naruto was startled by her outburst and scurried out from his seat and back to his friends. It was then that Sakura fell back in her chair, reopening her book. Once the book covered her face, her angry expression melted away to one that was full of guilt. She really didn't want to shout at him... his eyes were so full of life and happiness... but it was so that he wouldn't be shunned as she was. So that everyone else wouldn't hate him... because if it looked like he was her friend... then everyone would turn against him like they turned against her.

And no one deserved that.

Already, furious murmurs rose from around her. It was lunchtime, the time where many students crowded around for food... and the time where there were the most glares sent in her direction. These murmurs were all about her outburst and how mean she was to Naruto... but it's ok. She's already hated. As long as that happy, innocent blonde stayed away... she would be happy.


Dismissal. Escape from the dungeon... into another, more violent one at home. On the way out, Sakura ran into the blonde kid again who was waving goodbye to his buddies.

'He has many friends...' she observed.

Then, he did the unexpected- he walked right up to her and slung and arm around her shoulders, greeting her with a, "Nice meeting you again!"

Sakura hurriedly grabbed his arm and made it look as if he slapped her. In reality, it was just a light push, but she swung her head to the side as if the impact was immense. She even fell to the floor, holding her (unharmed) cheek, her things scattering all around her.

Naruto stood there in shock, unsure in what to do. A few students saw it and gave him a pat on the back, congratulating him.

A few muttered things along the line of, "She deserved that..."

Sakura sat there, giving Naruto a look that told him to walk away, and he obeyed. The pink haired girl slowly picked her things up from the floor, silently begging for Naruto to leave the bush he was hiding behind, but he stubbornly sat there. After she was done picking up all her things, everyone had left... except for Naruto.

He walked up to her with a puzzled expression on his face and asked, "What... was that?"

The girl struggled to keep her eyes void of emotion. He was still talking to her after she screamed at him? Shouldn't he hate her?

"You can't be seen being friendly around me!" she blurted out. "Can't you see that this is for your own good?"

At his confused expression, she explained with a small voice, "Everyone hates me. If you're seen around me... actually speaking to me in a nice tone... then everyone will hate you too."

To her surprise, Naruto laughed out loud, slapping her on the back merrily.

"So you are really nice!"

Sakura blinked. No one had ever complimented her before.

He looked down at his watch and panicked, "OH SHIT! SASUKE'S EXPECTING ME AND I'M LATE! SORRY, BUT I GOTTA GO, DATTEBEYO!"

Off he went in a cloud of dust. Jade eyes stared after the retreating figure getting farther and farther away.

"Goodbye... Naruto."

'Did I... just... make a friend...?'

She hoped with all her might that she didn't... or else she'd have sent him to his doom.


Lunchtime. Once again. Every time Sakura moved her arm, she'd flinch in pain. Last night, both of her foster parents came home drunk. Instead of just lashing at her back, they went for her arms and legs as well... so today, she wore a collared sweater with long pants that covered over her shoes. Her lunch was scarfed down in a record time of 5 minutes since she didn't have dinner last night and her breakfast would've made her vomit whatever was left in her stomach, so she didn't bother.

Right when she took out her book again, it was pulled out of her hands. She looked up... right into aquamarine colored irises.


And right behind him were his group of friends, who each warily looked at her and then sat down at her lunch table. Dread filled inside the pink haired girl. Oh. Crap.

"L-Leave! At once!" she hissed.

Only a few of them were fazed.

A dark haired boy with onyx colored eyes challenged, "Why should we?"

She turned now to Naruto and pleaded with her eyes while snapping, "You! Why'd you bring them here? How in the- you know the consequences! LEAVE!"

The blonde merely sat down next to her and grinned, "No thanks."

Sakura's shoulders slumped.

"No... no... this can't be happening... so much hate... all my fault! You guys can't be involved! More guilt on my conscience!" she murmured mindlessly.

"A-Are you alright?"

Sakura turned her attention to Naruto. This... innocent, happy boy. Tears welled up inside her. This was just like how she was when she was younger. She didn't want him to lose his innocence.

"P-Please," she begged with her head lowered. "Leave. If you don't want everyone to completely hate you..."

There was a small awkward moment before she heard the shuffling of feet and of trays being lifted off the table.

'Thank Kami.'


Sakura was walking through the halls when one of her ex-friends came up to her.

"Hey! Bitch!" she called.

The pink haired girl knew that this was her nickname now. Since everyone calls her that, no one remembers her real name anymore. Despite the cruelty of that, Sakura still went up to the girl with her bangs covering her eyes.

"What was Sasuke-kun's group doing at your lunch table!" she demanded.

Sakura looked up slightly. Who was 'Sasuke-kun'? It was probably one of Naruto's friends.

"T-They were... scolding me... about Karin... and how I should be nicer to her. But it's all bullshit. Why listen to those losers?" she answered softly.


The girl slapped her. Good. That meant that she bought the lie.

"How dare you call Sasuke-kun a loser! You're even a bigger bitch than I thought!" and with one last slap, she stalked off.

Sakura put a delicate hand on the red mark on her cheek and a small smile graced her lips. This bruise is a sign of her victory. Now... Naruto and the others will be safe...


Walking out the doors of the school, the smile was still there. There was no use. She couldn't wipe it off her face. If she did, it would come back unconsciously. Stubborn smile...

The minute she walked out of the school was the minute that her new classmate came up to her.

The first thing he yelled was, "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE?"

Sakura's hand moved by its own and reached up to cover her cheek.

"Nothing. It's no big deal."

Another male, the one with dark eyes and matching gravity-defying hair pushed in to their conversation.

"It doesn't look like it. Were you in a fight?"

Sakura smiled again- a soft smile, just the slight twitching of her lips. In a way she was in one... and she won.

"Hey Sasuke-teme! Weren't you going home?" Naruto asked his friend in surprise.

A light bulb flashed over Sakura's head and she asked, "So you're Sasuke-kun?"

His eyes darkened over with annoyance.

"You're one of my stupid fangirls?"

A pink head shook from side to side as a 'no'.

"Gomen-nasai," she apologized. "But this other girl called you 'Sasuke-kun'... and I was wondering if that was your name."

She added Sasuke to the list of names she knew.

Naruto leaned in closer to her face and asked, "You don't know about suffixes?"

Sakura inched back, unused to this close proximity and answered, "I-It's just that... my parents only taught me 'san', 'sama', 'hime', and I learned 'teme' by myself."

She then realized that this was the longest sentence she had said all year and her hand quickly clasped over her mouth and she glanced around. No one. A breath of relief escaped her. A large weight was lifted off her shoulders.

"Please, you can't be seen around me, you know this, Naruto! Sasuke, you too. If... if you don't want to be like I am-"

"I know your situation," Naruto interrupted.

Sakura paused when she saw the serious expression on his face. This was unusual. She was beginning to think that he was only capable of joyful expressions.

He explained, "When I was younger, everyone shunned me and hated me as well. I was alone and without friends. Then... I found them inside my buddies now."

Pink bangs covered over forest green irises.

"... Gomen, Naruto... but you only know part of it."

With that, she ran back home with unshed tears blurring her vision. Soon, she reached her house, breathless. It was such a long time since she ran like that...

Since she ran like that...

A shock ran down her spine as long forgotten memories flashed through her mind.

The doctor... Karin's lie...

"That's right..." she murmured to herself. "I... all these years I thought... if I ran... my bones would shatter... because my parents and Karin kept reminding me of the day that I became useless so many times that I started to believe it myself... Karin... she..."

A stray tear made a wet trail from her eyes to her chin. Then, a new determination rose.

'If running is the only thing I can do right, then I'll get better at it!'


Sakura fell panting on the grass, sweat rolling past her cheeks. Her limbs were fanned out, beads of sweat gleaming in the morning rays. She wanted so bad to pull up her long sweatpants and roll up her sleeves... but her scars would be revealed to the public. Instead, she let the morning breeze cool her down.

A 2 mile run to start the day. 5 mile run after school. She was going to be her own strict coach.

"What are you doing here?"

Sakura's head shot up and met with black eyes that were glazed over with curiosity and faint surprise.

"W-Why are you in my neighborhood?" she stuttered.

"I live here," he stated bluntly.

Sakura's pink lashes lowered.


"You haven't answered my question."

"I-I live here too."

Sasuke's eyes lit up with curiosity.

"You're the one who moved into that huge mansion?"

Sakura nodded.

"So you're an Uchiha?"


"The owners are Uchihas."

"I... I know."

With this, Sakura pushed herself up and headed for school, the boy close on her heels. Being followed by someone really shook her nerves, and Sakura burst into a full sprint. He followed not far behind, but the gap between them kept widening instead of closing in. This gave Sakura a boost of encouragement and she worked her legs even faster into the school building and stumbled to a stop once she entered through the doors. From there, the stoic mask slipped over her face and she slowly dragged herself forward.

Behind her, the tag-along caught up. Not wanting more of this questioning, Sakura sped up her pace and fast-walked to her homeroom.

'Thank goodness...'

But her problems weren't over. Of course... one of Naruto's friends had to be in this class. He had a strange, black bowl-cut that was shining in the light.

In a flash, he was by her side with her hand in his.

"My name is Rock Lee and your youthfulness astounds me! You are my beautiful Lotus Flower! I will protect you with my youthful life! Please, be my girlfriend!" he exclaimed, his eyes glimmering with 'youth'.

Taken aback by the sudden request, Sakura snatched her hand back and noticed some people watching. As strange as this 'Rock Lee' person was, she couldn't bear to get him hurt.

"I heard that person dare you to do this, baka. Go back to your seat because I won't, nor will anyone else, be your girlfriend! Your eyebrows are completely ridiculous!"

Lee visibly deflated, and soon a mob of girls and boys pushed him out of the way to stand in front of Sakura.

"You're such a bitch! Lee was just trying to be nice!"

"Meanie! How could you hurt Lee's feelings?"

"You're more of a bitch than Lee is youthful!"

"You don't deserve to be in his presence!"

There was a feeling and a thought inside this pink haired 'menace'. The feeling was victory. She once again pushed someone away from her path.

Her thought was, 'So many 'you's but no 'Sakura's... it's amazing how that can work...'

When she looked up again, she saw the students helping Lee and comforting him- to his surprise. They locked eyes and Sakura offered a soft smile before turning her head to look out the window again.


Another name to the list.

Another name to leave her in the end.


"Oi! Over here! Hey!" shouted a familiar voice from the bushes.

Emerald eyes flicked to the bushes in alarm.


She crawled into the bushes as well- after making sure that no one was watching- and noticed that Sasuke was there as well.

"W-Why did you call me here?" she whispered softly.

Naruto seemed confused and concerned all at the same time.

"We heard that you declined Lee's offer rudely and there was a rumor spreading that during lunch, we were trying to correct you about something and you shouted at us for it. What's the meaning of this?"

Sakura lowered her head and mumbled, "Gomen... but it me who told them this. If you are deemed innocent, then I've succeeded."

Once she was done speaking, Naruto settled a hand on her shoulder and sighed, "Stop it. You're hurting yourself by this too! The hate around you is growing!"

She nodded. The consequences had been thought out way before. Her reputation drops, the other's reputation rises. It wasn't fair, but it was sometimes satisfying to know that she's helped someone.

"What's your name?" Sasuke grunted, his eyes averted to the side.

Sakura tilted her head slightly, wondering what was embarrassing him. She'd never seen him embarrassed before. It was new. "My name... means cherry blossom."

It took a while for her blonde friend to guess it, but Sasuke found out in a second.


She nodded.

He gazed at her with a strange expression on his face as he tested her name out. "Sa-ku-ra..."

Naruto beamed and hooked his arm around the girl's neck, yelling, "SAKURA-CHAN! It fits you!"

A dark blush appeared on her face to match her hair and green eyes softened to hear that they accepted her so easily. It was such a long time since her name was called by others... and it was a great release... but then a dark cloud floated over that thought.

Was she reopening herself to the outside again? She did it unconsciously... it was just that these two seemed so friendly... her personal information was revealed so naturally as if it was an accessory to be thrown around.

These two... Sasuke and Naruto... what were they doing to the hard rock wall she built? How were they able to melt it in 3 days when it took months for her to make?

For her sake and theirs, she had to stay away from them. At least, that's what she told herself.


Brown hair, strange markings on his face... and a large dog. "Your name is 'Sakura', right? Naruto told me. You're not half bad looking!"

Sakura mentally groaned. Another one of Naruto's friends? Just great. He seemed nearly as stubborn as Naruto was.

"Yeah? What of it?" she snapped, hoping to get rid of him.

"I'm Kiba," he winked. "The 'kun' is something that you may add. Are you single?"

Eyelids closed in frustration. Of course he's hitting on the most hated girl on campus. "Fuck. Off."

"Ooh. Feisty, eh? I like 'em li-"

There was a dull thud as Kiba was sent flying across the room, and when he landed, there was a bruise already forming on his chin. He touched the place where she punched him and- to her dismay- grinned like a maniac.

"You got a wicked right hook, babe."

"Get away from me pervert!" she growled, sending him a withering look.

Unfortunately, Kiba had a rather large group of fangirls. Sakura had noticed that mob seething around them but didn't take the time to think it out. After her insult, the crazy, foaming girls all lunged at her, ripping at her hair and clothes.

Sakura let them tackle and scratch at her, enduring every hit with closed eyes. As horrendous as they were, a voice inside her told her not to fight back, and she listened. Long ago, she learned to listen to the strange voices since they brought good results.

They didn't fail her this time either.

"H-Hey... I think she's unconscious..."

"So? She deserves it for punching Kiba-kun!"

"But... Anko-sensei going to come in any time now... and if she finds her unconscious..."

"Maybe you're right..."

"Oh no! We might get suspended!"

"And then we'll be separated from Kiba-kun!"

Now there were many concerned shouts emanating from the group.

There was one voice that rose above the rest, "Give her some space and see if she regains consciousness!"

The weird thing was that the voice sounded as if it came from behind the group, but the girls obeyed anyway.

In a few seconds, Sakura felt her body being pushed up into a sitting position. Her eyes fluttered open, acting as if she just woke up. There was a hint of surprise when she found the girls standing only 2 feet away. 'So that's how they give people some space, hm? That's already enough to make me nervous...'

"She's alive!"

Kiba pushed through the crowd to examine the wounded. Sakura then realized that his voice was the one that told everyone to give her space.

"Well just a few scratches. You'd think that they were mauling you or something!" he laughed and stood straight.

Sakura wanted to yell at him to go away like she did with the others... but she couldn't be mad at someone who just saved her. "A-Arigato..."

It was then that Anko came into the picture.


Sakura jumped to her feet, eager to get away from the boy with the strange markings and ran over to a lane. Her long legs carried her to the front and past everyone.

(A/N: Lee isn't here.)

When she was done, she fell panting on the grass outside the track. A dark figure stood above her, blocking off the sunlight. Alarmed, Sakura shot up, only to find that it was her gym teacher.

"You're very good at running, Haruno. Maybe you'd like to join the track team. We need people who can actually run."

The girl quickly declined the offer since she detested any type of team. She didn't like competing against others.

"Well, think about it, maggot."


After she left, yet another person blocked her sun. It was a male with dark brown hair that fell past his shoulders. His eyes were a strange color of light blue. "You run fast."

It was a statement.

Sakura hoped that he wasn't as resistant as the others. "Well you run like a turtle."

His eyes narrowed, "Do you not know the meaning of manners?"

"I do. I just choose not to use them," she barked. 'Leave, leave, leave, leave, please leave!'

He took a step closer, his glare intensifying. "Do you know who I am?"

Sakura decided to go for the long run and batted her eyelashes sarcastically.

"Hai, Hyuuga-teme."

There was a growl from the back of his throat, but they were interrupted by Anko's, "HYUUGA! GET YOUR ASS BACK ON THE TRACK! YOUR 10 LAPS AREN'T FINISHED YET!"

The boy gave her one last glare before continuing his laps. Sakura then collapsed on the grass again. It was actually pretty tiring, being sarcastic... but it was starting to grow on her.

She mentally checked over her list and grew frustrated at the number of people she couldn't exactly 'chase away'.






Neji still hated her, but that didn't mean he was going to leave her alone. Sakura placed her arm over her eyes and sighed. "The students at this school... they're impossible."

She didn't notice the red hair peeking out behind the bleachers. Nor did she notice those exact names on the list being written down by her ex-sister.

Karin scowled at the pink haired girl and hissed, "Time to track down those boys... and turn them against you.


Sorry this chapter is sort of short, but I'm rather low on ideas. Oh, and the other girls might come in later. :)

Now... we're going to need to take a vote.

What should be the pairing for this fic?

Saku x ...?

Tell me your opinions~! Thanksss. :)