Hey everyone! This is the first Private Practice story I've ever uploaded. Constructive criticism is welcomed and reviews are love. (:

Summary: Before Charlotte and Cooper's relationship can take off, they find themselves thrown into an unplanned pregnancy. Will they find their way to the happily ever after they both want? Full of friendship, family, hurt, comfort, hopefully humor, and just a little bit of angst.

Disclaimer: I've checked left and right, but I don't seem to own any trace of them. Anyways, the writers seem to be doing a pretty good job with them...

Chapter 1: Uncertainty

Oh shit. No way. No way. Uh-uh. No freaking way. Please God, no. Fuck, this isn't possible. Is it? Charlotte King sighed heavily at her desk. Since accepting a job at Oceanside Wellness, life had gotten inexplicably more complicated. And now, well now she had a feeling complicated wouldn't even begin to describe the mess she's in.

You could be overreacting; after all you don't know anything yet. She told herself logically, trying to calm her racing heart and quiet that voice inside her that said something was definitely different. Feeling a wave of nausea rise from the bottom of her stomach, Charlotte stumbled from her desk chair and leaned over the garbage can. Immediately, her breakfast was swimming before her and she was breaking out into a cold sweat.

Charlotte collapsed against the wall, sitting next to her garbage can and sweeping her bangs out of her clammy forehead. Just then, there was a sharp knock at the door, and she was forced to look up from her position on the floor, wearing an irritated glare.

"What?" She called, not bothering to get up for fear of upsetting her stomach again. She craned her neck to see who was bothering her, today of all days.

"Why… are you on the floor?" Her intruder asked, before stepping around her desk to gaze down at her kindly.

Shit. It was Cooper. The last person she wanted to see at the moment, when everything was just so unsure.

"Because I just love the view from down here, that's why." Charlotte spat sarcastically. Immediately afterward, she felt bad. Cooper meant well, she knew it. He just had such bad timing.

Cooper was shocked into silence. It was 9 am on a Tuesday morning for God sakes, and there she was, almost in tears on her office floor. Doctor instinct kicking in, Cooper dropped to a crouch next to Charlotte. "Are you feeling okay?" He asked in concern.

"Just peachy." Charlotte replied without missing a beat. She pressed her fingertips to her mouth, trying to suppress the waves of nausea that just wouldn't seem to abate. "Coop…" She expelled his name in a pained whisper. "If there's nothing you want, could you just go away please?"

Cooper stood up and leaned on her desk, "Actually I wanted to talk about… what happened last week."

Charlotte groaned, pulling herself up from the floor to meet his gaze. It just didn't seem fair if he was on higher ground. Fixing him with the fiercest glare she could muster in the current situation, she said, "Do I look like Violet to you? If you wanna talk about your damn feelings, go some place else."

She made a move to escape her office, go to the hospital and check on patients, go to the washroom, go to the coffee shop… anywhere she could avoid his questions, but before she could bolt, Cooper caught hold of her wrist. "We had sex-" He began.

"Stupid, drunk sex that is never going to happen again, now let go of me." Charlotte whispered, glancing around the office surreptitiously. She yanked her arm out of his grasp, but immediately regretted the sudden movement as dizziness and nausea overtook her once again. She swayed slightly, closing her eyes, and giving cooper time to take hold of her shoulders and look at her with added concern.

"I may be a pediatrician." He began again, "But I am a doctor, and I know you're not fine so… out with it Charlotte King."

"It's nothing." Charlotte maintained, looking at the floor, the window, the ceiling, anywhere but him.

"Nothing?" He asked, with a raise of an eyebrow. "Cause you seem to be tripping around the office over a whole lot of nothing."

"Just leave it alone." She pleaded. "I probably have a stomach bug or something."

"Try again, Char. You were absolutely fine when I saw you yesterday." Cooper responded immediately. Normally, he might have let her get away with the brush off. Just let her say she was fine, had some stomach bug, and go on with his life. But… but they'd had sex Goddamnit. And now, now he couldn't get her out of his mind, and he had to know.

When Charlotte continued to stare at the ground, chewing slightly on her bottom lip and refusing to say a word, Cooper figured some humor might help the situation. "What are you, pregnant or something?" He asked with a chuckle, waving his arms with mock exasperation.

She remained silent. And cooper had his answer, "Holy shit, you're pregnant?"

After making sure the woman's washroom was empty, Cooper and Charlotte locked themselves inside, armed with a pregnancy test.

"If one of your swimmers got up there and got me pregnant, Cooper, I swear to the Lord that I will…" She waved the pregnancy test threateningly and Cooper dodged the stick before sliding his arms around her waist and holding her in place.

"Results first…threats later, okay?" He asked, using the same voice he used when speaking to his underage patients. Charlotte scowled, but couldn't help but nod, feeling his words calm her nervous rambling.

"About the sex, Coop." She said, pulling out of his arms and backing up a few steps. "I'm sorry, that absolutely should not have happened. We work together, and well… Sorry, okay?"

Damn it. Cooper thought, looking to the side to avoid her gaze. If he could have told her now, he would tell her that what she said broke his heart. Shattered it into little pieces that he couldn't find. If he was the kind that took risks, he would say that since that night, well all he wanted was to be around her.

Instead, he said, "I'm not." And he took a step closer toward her.

"You're not what?" Charlotte asked, feeling all of a sudden cornered, as her back met the cold plastic wall of a washroom stall. She tilted her chin upward, meeting his gaze defiantly.

"I'm not sorry." He whispered, leaning forward so that their lips were less than an inch apart. "You can't tell me, that this hasn't been all you can think about for the past week."

Oh God. She wanted to kiss him. She wanted to him to lean in a little bit more so that their lips would touch and she could get lost in their soft, firm, tender pressure. This was wrong. They worked together, and after one drunken night that started off embarrassing, with the two of them realizing who they'd arranged to meet on the internet, and ended off with nothing less than spectacular, the lines between them were forever blurred. She had to say something, anything, or else he would kiss her and the professional front she'd been putting on would be blown to smithereens.

"Coop…" She muttered, "I-We, can't… so stop, please."

Disappointed, Cooper backed off, but he couldn't help adding, "Just so you know, if you are… pregnant. I want to be there, every step of the way, I'll even move in like I did with Violet. I would take care of you and the baby and do my best to make sure nothing bad happens to you two."

Despite her best efforts, his words took her breath away. God, she'd never met someone so caring, so sensitive, so… kind. After a one night stand, he was ready to promise his life away to her, and she knew it wouldn't just be out of obligation.

Charlotte looked down at the pregnancy test, "It's negative." She said quietly.

Cooper broke their gaze in disappointment. Damn it. He thought furiously. This, this almost baby, well this was probably his only chance of being around her anymore. The one chance to prove to her he wanted more than the occasional booty call. Now, she'd just go right on pretending he didn't exist. Ignoring him, or else snapping at him whenever he got too close, exactly like it'd been the past week.

Unable to bear the tension in the room any longer, Cooper backed away to the door. Charlotte's heart ached for him when she saw shutters close over his eyes, eyes which a second ago had been wide open with excitement and emotion.

"I guess that's that." Cooper said with a touch of finality, pursing his lips together in a straight line. He opened the door.

"Yeah." Charlotte replied, turning around so the tears in her eyes wouldn't be too apparent. She didn't say more, for fear the tell tale waver in her voice would give away her tears. Charlotte King didn't cry, damn it.

"You should, uh, get something for that stomach bug." Cooper suggested sadly, before shutting the door behind him.

The moment he closed the door, Charlotte walked up to it and bolted it shut again. Leaning heavily on the sink, she sighed. Once again, she picked up the pregnancy test, almost wincing when she saw the blue plus sign. With one hand on the baby growing inside her, her back met the cold stone wall, and before she knew it, Charlotte was sliding down toward the floor, dissolving into tears for the first time in years.

What a sticky situation they've gotten themselves in. (: Please let me know if this is worth continuing. You see the review button... you know you want to click it. Even a few words are appreciated, thanks for reading!