Alrighty the sequel to Bleeding heart...if all goes well I will post this sequel into two storries or seassons. but idk yet it depends.
Lisa stood in the doorway of her adoptive daughter JAzz's room and watched her pack her things. "Make sure you call us when you get there Jazz." Lisa reminded with a smile.
"No worries Lisa I will. Don't worry I am going to school not war." Jazz replied absentmindedly.
"Speaking of which make sure you focus on your medical degree and those ghost battles a little less." Lisa instructed. Ever since Danny had been toddelerized Jazz had taken over his job plus doing her school work. It was hard for a bit but she was slowly learning to let others take care of the ghost jobs, like valerie and those other ghost hunters. It still didn't stop her though from helping out in her spare time though.
"No worries. well thats all." jazz said as she grabbed her now fully packed suite cases. Lisa helped her cary them down and into Jazz's car. "Where is Danny?" she asked looking around she had wanted to say goodbye to him before she left.
"I think Greg brought him to work today." lisa said after a moment.
3 year old Danny followed his daddy down the hospital hallway. He was wearing a pair of black overalls and White and red stripped shirt. He tried to mock his dad's actions the best he could as he watched his dad carefully. Right now he was wearing a frown and trying to limp but he got bored of that and tugged on his dad's pant's leg. "Dadda up?" He asked hopefully. House looked down at his son and frowned deeper. "Tell you what the day I can look at your mummy strait in the eyes and not any lower, will be the day I lift you up." House replied curtly.
Danny wouldn't budge though. He started to tug harder and when that didn't work He started to wail..unfortunently For House and everyone close by that meant danger. His ghostly wail caused the very walls around them to shake. The sound even carried up stairs where House's underlings sat in his office waiting for them. They didn't even flinch as the lights flickered and the wail filled their ears. "Sound's like Danny is not happy." Chase commented.
A few minutes later the crying stopped and no more than 10 minutes later House came in with Danny sitting happily on his shoulders. "Chase take my spawn of Satan or so help me I will fire you." Dr. House ordered. Chase rolled his eyes but took him from his boss none the less.
"You know raising a kid really isn't as hard as you are making it out to be. My wife and I are having no troubles at all with Sam and even Foreman has been taking care of Tucker plus all his neice and nephews from time to time and yet they are still alive." Chase commented as he handed the toddler to his wife Allison.
"In fact just last night she recited the whole poem nevermore for us with such talent. I think she is going to be an actor when she gets older." Allison smiled still remembering.
"That's all nice and sunshine and rainbows but we have a case we need to work on right Son?" House asked sarcastically.
"Rainbows are colorful." Danny replied clapping enthusiastically.
"yea..sure." House replied absentmindedly as he started writing syntomes on the board . "40 year old really obese man passes out in front of Burger King. Ideas?"
Danny raised his hand eagerly and waved it. Everyone eyed him with humor except for House who just eyed him with a small smile and a unreadable look in his eye. "Yes Danny." house asked raising an eyebrow.
"fat man eat to death." Danny answered proudly.
A small chuckle escaped House as Danny started to clap again. "So true score one for Danny zero for the other team." House cheered. Danny in response turned to the others and stuck his tongue out at the others. "Nyaa." Danny taunted making faces at the others.
"Nice tauntng you keep them in line while i go pretend to do something important." house said as he walked out of the room.
Everyone rolled their eyes and went back to discussing what could be wrong as Danny started to color on a piece of paper.
a half an hour later Jazz and Lisa walked into the office to find Danny now playing with blocks. He looked up and smiled wide upon seeing his older sister."Big sister!" he squealed as he ran over to her and promptly hugged her leg.
"Hi little brother." she said ruffling his hair. "I just came to see you before I go on my trip." She said smilling softly.
"Sister go bye bye?" Danny frowned not fully comprehending. "Be back tonight?"
"No I am going away but don't worry I wont be gone long." Jazz assured. "I will be back for a visit soon." Danny sniffed buy nodded and gave his sister a kiss.
"Bye bye sissy." Danny said as he waved goodbye.