maka sat waiting in the death room as shinigami-sama stood with his back to her. spirit kept his head low not daring to look at his daughter. maka looked around the room in worry, she had been called out of class and now was sitting in a room full of her teachers, stien, sid, marie, azusa, nygus, even her father was there and shinigami-sama looked upset. "maka-chan" shinigami-sama began staring into his mirror at the reflection of her "have you had any news from soul-kun recently?"

maka looked shocked, soul had left to train for personal reason almost three months ago right after they had defeated the kishin ashura he had been sending her letters everyday but she hadnt recieved any this week, maybe they knew why "no i haven't i was worried, did they send you m letters by accident?" she asked standing to walk foreward her hand out to accept the precios papers that gave her comfort while her love was away.

"maka wait" spirit criedout softly reaching his hand out toward her gently taking her hand. she met his gaze "papa why do you look so sad?" he only became more heart broken as she tried to comfort him. he pulled her into a hug holding her close "im sorry maka" maka's eyes got big something is off about this, she looked around the rom only to find the same look of sympathy coming from all the other adults.

"maka we have recieved word from the officials in sycilla, the town soul-kun was staying in...he's dssapeared." maka pulled away from her father turning to shinigami-sama "dissapeared?" "yes maka dissapeared" stien answered standing "as in noone knows where he is or if he's even alive for that fact. probly died already." the slap to his face came quick and unexpected noone had even seen her move and yet there was maka standing over stien a look tht alone could kill him.

"no!" the loud voice echoed through the room and for the first time since the meeting had been called shinigami-sama looked at her his eyes holes wider than normal looking shocked at her sudden outburst. spirit jumped to his feet to comfort his daughter. "this is not happening" she took a deep breath before letting all out in a string of curses that left alll the inhabitants with wide eyes and open mouths. "i won't accept this! he can't just go die on me!" with that 12 year old maka albarn ran from the room slamming the door behind her.

spirit albarn immediently jumped to his feet takingoff after her his hand closing around the door knob about to turn "leave her be!" a cold unnatached voice commanded startling him. spirit stared back at his meister, franken stien. "she just needs time besides we need to figure out what happened to that brat"

maka stood outside the door to her apartment. the apartment she shared with soul-kun. her hand had been on the door knob for a good twenty minutes but she just couldn'tfind the strength to enter after all he wouldn't be there. she leaned her forehead against the cool wood beggin some invisible force that if soul was alive to come to her and assure her this was a dream more time passed with no changes finally giving up she turned her back to the door and leaned against it sliding to the floor. she set her sachel full of her school books beside her not bothering to care she was skipping school.

she curled her knees to her chest and laid her head onto them folding her arms around her legs to keep them there. reality finally set in for her soul eater evans, her wepon, her partner, the person she loved more than life itself, was gone. she didn't cry, she couldn't, if she cried it would be like accepting it and that would mean she had to move on, beliving he was gone meant forgetting him. she closed her eyes to stop the pinprick of tears that wanted to fall.

almost two hours later she reopened her eyes to a bright white light looking up she noticed it was early evening , the sun setting vibrant red and it was now snowing. white and red mixed together almost in an unreal way. she shifted a tad trying to stand only to find all her limbs had gone numb from sitting that way in the cold of winter for so long. a shuffling sound caught maka's attension and she loooked left to see blair coming up the steps to the apartment

thier eyes met for only a moment but in that moment it was as if everything ceased to exist. then it was over. bags full of groceries were dropped and blairs arms were around maka holding her close as if letting go meant she would break. "what happened?" it wasn't a question. they both knew that. but maka couldnt find her voice to answer.

blair removed her coat and drapped it over maka's shoulders picking up the bags, taking out the keys she entered the apartment set the bagsdown and went back out to the porch. to see maka's face filled with horror "maka come inside" it was a command but maka couldn't move a step closer, her feet felt like lead were in them and her heart was doing flips, her stomach churned painfully and she fell to her knees. soul's door was open and everything was gone.

the room was empty.