Sunday, August 15

Dear Diary,

Last night, Mustang came home drunk. As a punishment, I decided to take his gloves and have some fun. I ended up...burning some stuff...I'll mention it later...and before he could even wake up, I had put them back. The fool. That's why I don't drink. Actually, it's because I'm too young. If I was old enough, I probably would drink...yeah...

Also, since we're not currently searching for the Stone, Winry replaced my automail with a simpler design, so I can do maintenance. The nerve ending always go in properly, so I don't slap myself. However, it comes off easier (so does my leg) so I can only use it around Central City. She said that if I have to go anywhere, I should call her, or just visit Resembool. I asked her why she can't just let a Central mechanic do the replacement. She was not amused, so she hit me with a wrench, calling the city mechanics "Idiots who just want money, and don't know anything about automail." I could have taken spare automail on the train, but I don't want to risk getting hit.

-Later that day-

Edward was taking a nap outside Mustang's room out of boredom, when Roy and Fuery walked up to him quietly.

Fuery handed Mustang a wrench and screwdriver, as he began to take off Ed's automail.

"I almost got court marshalled after you set that car on fire, even if it was an accident," he mumbled, "You take my weapons, I take yours."

Ed woke up, and started to stand up, when he fell to the ground. He looked around and saw Mustang standing in front of a filing cabinet, on top of which was his automail. Mustang grinned, but he quickly stopped smiling when he saw the look on Edward's face. In his eyes was a look of such pure malice, that Mustang took the automail and put it on the floor, before running into his room in fear of the young alchemist.