And then it happened, down the street came a van, in it...GUYS WITH GUNS! They drove near Marty and the Doc, then proceeded to shoot the good doctor full of lead, right in front of a screaming Marty. Marty took off in the DeLorean, and when reaching 88 miles per hour, the car disappeared into the past.

Then, a few minutes later, Iron Man landed at the scene of the shooting. "I am Iron Man...and...I'm late. Dammit." He opened a panel on his wrist and typed some numbers in. "Guess I'll just travel back, and then kick their asses. And then get some donuts... "

Before he could disappear into the past, another DeLorean appeared behind him. Another Iron Man stepped out and ran to present Iron Man. "WAIT! Don't go back in time, me, disastrous things will happen!"

"Well hello there, handsome..." Present Iron Man said as he noticed another one of himself. "Wait, why aren't you using my...or your...our wrist travelers?"

"It blew up, I'll explain later! Just listen!" The other Iron Man quickly got distracted. "...Damn I'm sexy."

"I know, right? But whatever, my job is to kick fandom character's asses, and I'll be damned if I miss a day! LATER!" He pressed a button on the wrist traveler and disappeared into the past.

"NO!" The other Iron Man tried to stop him, but was too late. "Oh hell..."

And then yet another DeLorean appeared, and another Iron Man stepped out. "WAIT, DON'T GO..." He walked up to the other Iron Man. "Am I too late?"


"Fuck...well...want to go get some beer?" Iron Man asked Iron Man, pointing to a liquor store. "If it isn't open, we'll just blow the damn doors off and raid the place."

"Sounds good to me!"

The two Iron Men skipped off, holding hands, to the liquor store.