Darry came back about twenty minutes later saying that Soda left for work and that he talked to the doctor. He wasn't too happy with the fact that they didn't call him about what happened last night. In other news, the doctor said I was showing some improvement and if things kept improving throughout the day I could actually go home tonight as long as I was on bed rest for the next week. You can say I gladly agreed and said goodbye to Darry who was coming back after work to pick me up.

I fell asleep shortly after that and woke up to find Dally in a wheelchair sitting by my bed while holding my hand.

"Hey, " I greeted as I began to wake up.

"Hey babe," he greeted back with a smile. "How are you feeling? You look better than what you did last night?"

"It still hurts to breathe a bit, but I feel better. In fact, I think Darry managed to get the doctors to release me tonight to go home, though I'm strictly "to remain in bed for a week". Who cares though? I'll be out of here."

"That's great babe. I know you want out of here as soon as you can."

I looked down at our hands and started to play with his fingers. I had a question to ask him, but I was afraid to hear the answer. Dal seemed to know that something was up because he lifted my chin up to get me to look at him.

"What are you thinking about so hard?" he asked.

I shook my head free from his hand and looked down at the sheets. I knew I needed to answer him because he would eventually get it out of me. "Johnny. Have you heard anything on how he is doing?"

Dally sighed and leaned back into his wheelchair as he ran his fingers through his hair. "All I know is that he's stable. He's got some pretty bad burns on his back and he can hardly move because that beam fell on him. Soda was telling me that he passed out on him when he visited him yesterday."

He paused and started to look around the room frantically. I could tell that he was upset and wasn't used to having this feeling. My heart hurts for Johnny and what he is going through. He saved so many lives this past week, mine included, and deserves so much more than what is being done to him.

I pulled Dally close to me and made him lay his head on my lab. I gently began stroking his hair with my good hand to help calm him down. Dally loved Johnny just as much as he loves me. He feels, as well as the rest of the gang, like Johnny is his kid brother that he needs to take care but feels like that role is his only sole purpose in life.

"Dal, promise me something," I began.

"Hmmmm," he replied.

"If something does happen to Johnny-"

He sat up quickly, "Nothing is going to happen to Johnny. He's going to get better!"

I sighed and looked down at the sheets again. "I hope he does Dal. But if something does happen, I want you to promise me something." Tears started to fall down my cheeks. That seemed to draw Dallas back to reality.

"What Ads?" he asked grabbing my hand again. I started coughing again and Dal rubbed my back to make me feel better.

"Promise me, if something happens to him, that you will come find me before doing anything crazy."

"Ads what are you talking about?" he asked confusingly.

"Dallas, I know you. If shit hits the fan, you rush into something crazy without thinking it through. Please promise me that you will come find me. I just…I just don't want to lose you."

He looked at me with hurtful eyes. "Babe you won't lose me. Sure I've been locked up a bunch of times, but you're not going to lose -"

"Dallas I'm not talking about you being locked up," I yelled which resulted in another coughing fit.

"Then what is this about," he asked when I had calmed down.

I took a couple seconds to get my breathing back under control. "I'm talking about you hurting yourself. I know that you love Johnny and it's tearing you up inside to see him like this. I remember when he got jumped you sparked a fight with Tim Shepard for no reason and ended up on our couch for a week because he busted your ribs up so badly. I just don't want to see you like that again or worse. Please promise me," I sobbed.

He slowly got out of his wheelchair, sat on my bed, and pulled me into his arms. "Shh, babe. I promise okay." I nodded my head and leaned in closer to him. He held me until I fell back asleep.

When I woke up again, Dallas was still holding me and Darry was shaking us awake.

"Hey baby girl. Let's get you ready to go home." He handed me a bag of clothes to change into so that I could leave. Darry and Dallas stepped out of the room as a nurse helped me into my clothes and to put my sling back on. When everything was all set the boys came back in, Darry with an empty wheelchair.

"Alright Addie, let's get you out of here," he announced with a smile on his face. He lifted me up and placed me in the wheelchair. He tried to hide the frown on his face, but I knew what he was thinking. I was lighter than what I usually was. This past week had changed me in more ways than one would ever know.

"I'll see you later Ads. I should be out by tomorrow," Dal announced.

I nodded my head and turned to Darry. "Let's go home."