Legendary by GlassSuicune

Note: Pokemon belongs to Nintendo. This is a novelization of a fangame idea that I had posted on a Spyro the Dragon forum called darkSpyro. A few people ( meaning two XD) liked it, and I decided to write this so they could at least see the story, since I have no idea how to actually make this a game ( though I did start an RP based on it on the site). But anyways, hope you like. Now...

"This" is speech.

'This' is thought.

This is narration, memory lane, and emphasis during speech.

This is any song I quote.

Chapter 1: Treason.

Years ago, when the world was young, there was a city known as Mu...

It has long been foretold that this city was built by the Legendary Pokemon...

After its construction was complete, the Legends created Orbs, halving their ultimate power...

The Orbs were then given to the humans of the city, so that they could protect themselves...

But Helios, Arceus' wicked sibling, was enraged that such power was given to Mortals...

Unbeknown to the good and just Legends, he and his Legends plotted to destroy the city...

Eventually, the Legends felt they could leave the city...

They disappeared into the depths of the oceans, and the heights of the sky, to restore their power...

And then Helios and his hellish army attacked.

"Burn them all! Leave no one alive!"

The cold and maniacal voice of the dragon-like Pokemon rang throughout the city, motivating the demons and Legendary Pokemon, whom he had 'made'. He watched with wicked amusement, as the Murians fell one by one. Mu was burning and crumbling, and the humans were unable to do anything about it, as they tried in vain to fight off the army.

The humans who had control of the Orbs were strong, Helios hated to admit, but they weren't strong enough to fend off such an attack. The other Legends didn't prepare them for this, simply because they did not expect such treachery.

'What a fool my sister is...'

Helios flew over the city and fired a blast of flames down into its streets, as if he enjoyed adding insult to injury. He burned the humans armed with only swords and spears to ashes in a matter of seconds.

"Stop this now!"

Helios frowned as the human who had the Pearl Orb flew to him, her silvery wings reflecting the flames. Behind her were two others, a man with the Emerald Orb, and a woman with the Tidal Orb. All three were greatly wounded, but their fighting spirit was unwavering. Helios turned to face the 'usurpers' of Palkia, Rayquaza, and Lugia's power, a sadistic look in his blue eyes.

"I don't have to answer to you..." Helios said darkly, his claws twisting into an unimaginable shape, "I am a god!" In one swift motion, he slashed through the armour protecting the first woman, cutting her ribcage open. She then slammed into the ground, completely lifeless. The man and woman stared in horror, which ended up being their undoing, as Helios wasted no time in ripping them apart.

Helios then watched as the remaining Orb holders were finally killed by his soldiers, a sense of triumph filling him. He then flew all around the city, looking for any other Murians. Now they had no hope of defeating him, as it should be.

"Now! All who remain, witness my power as you draw your last breaths!"

A cloud of lava and fire surrounded Helios, but he did not burn. After a dreadful moment of silence, he released a devastating blast of all that energy, destroying the city and killing all but his followers. Afterwards, he slowly floated to the ground, a maniacal grin on his face.

"We have won!"

That simple declaration made his army cheer, and without any other words, they left the ruined city with great triumph. However, it was short lived, as Helios suddenly felt a presence greater than he and even his sister Arceus. The demons suddenly were destroyed, and the Legends who had helped him were suddenly unable to move. He found himself in the same predicament.

"What...is this?" a fox-like Legendary shrieked, her green eyes huge. She struggled to move, but to no avail. "This...power...AIYEH!" a snake-like Legendary screamed, as if he was in great pain.

"I Am..."

Helios felt both rebellious and terrified as he heard the voice. A cat-like Legendary's pupils shrank and his mouth was agape. "Master Helios...!" he cried desperately, well aware his 'master' could do nothing. Another dragon-like Legendary cowered behind her wings, as if she thought she could hide.

"I AM!"

Helios screamed as he felt much of his power ripped from him. The same thing befell the other Legends. "Helios... What have you done?" the Voice asked with a tremendous calm. Hatred filled Helios and he refused to answer.

The other Legends were purely terrified, and wanted nothing more than to run away, but they knew it was futile. "Helios... Ezasar... Xuriteri... Shaden... Imperia..." the Voice said, still with a tremendous calm, "You have fallen..."

With just three words, it was over. The five Pokemon were cast into the darkest and most fiery depths of the earth, and imprisoned there.

After that had taken place, a golden Luxray appeared within a swirling light. The Lion gazed upon the ruined city with sadness, before letting out a loud and powerful roar, which shook the remains of it and echoed throughout. He then stood and waited, and after a long while a handful of children and a few adults crawled out from under the rubble, having taken refuge in the deepest sewers. The Murians were dumb struck at first, before noticing the Luxray, who smiled warmly.

"Mu may have fallen, but I promise you this. It will rise again."

...And it is with those words, that our tale begins...

Note: There's Chapter 1. Review please? Also, I'm Christian, and this story will reflect that. *looks at chapter* Actually, I think it already is... O.O Anyways, I'm aware the whole 'humans gaining the powers of the Legendary Pokemon' concept has been used at least a few times, so if this is similar to anyone else's story, I apologize. Also, this is not related to my other Pokemon story 'The Starlight Legacy: Colosseum', in any way, shape, or form.