Hey guys. Can I just apologize first? It's been 4 freaking years since I last updated this story. After I got back from the Philippines I literally forgot about it. But not to worry! This story is coming back! Might even throw in the new characters from the series like Jason and Piper and the rest. Stay tuned! I should also note that since the story was from 4 years ago, I can't edit the horrible mistakes from before sorry guys. But from this chapter on, I swear I'll edit more carefully. As always, reviews are welcome!

Disclaimer: I do not own PJO or Disney


I woke up in a daze. One of the first things I saw was Percy leaning over me with that concerned look on his face.

"What the heck just happened guys?"

I mumbled as my mind began to clear up

"Well, for starters, you just got chuck norris'd by a psycho chick who was stealing your man and turned out to be a monster."

Rachel told this me like she was telling a joke. Unfortunately, the punch line wasn't that funny. I looked over at Percy, who was sitting next to me on the floor holding my hand. I started blushing, and immediately pulled my hand away from him.

"Well look who's concerned now. Shouldn't you be chasing after your girlfriend right about now?"

"Annabeth, gods I'm so sorry. I didn't know what she was!"

"Like that makes up for it! She was so irritating! And-"

"Will you two shut up?" Nico scolded.

"Listen, we've got bigger problems than a lovers quarrel right now. So listen to me. Since Lauren turned out to be a monster, we have no way of knowing exactly how many more there are here at the park. Now, I'm not saying that we shouldn't enjoy ourselves, but we have to be more careful from now on. Am I clear?"

Nico could be very intimidating when he wanted to be. One of the perks of being the son of Hades. Percy and I just nodded our heads silently. After that whole debacle, we waited for Thalia and Clarisse to get back, but they never showed up. After about 2 hours, we decided it would be a good time to just get some sleep.

I hopped in the shower to wash off and forget what happened.

"Stupid Percy, and his stupid seaweed brain…"

I mumbled under my breath. He was such an idiot! But what could I do? I liked him way too much to let that deter me. I hopped out of the shower and threw on my pajamas, and was about to climb into bed when I heard a knock at the door.

"Hey Annabeth? It's Percy. Can we talk?"

I was torn between letting him in, or just not answering. I decided on a compromise.

"No. You can stay out there, and we can talk. I'm still mad at you."

"Ok, fine, but I just wanted to know if you wanted to go on some rides together tomorrow. Just you and me?"

I sat there for a good few seconds, letting him stew in his juices. I eventually responded.

"I'll think about it."

As I heard his footsteps retreating from my door, I put my head on my pillow and smiled till my cheeks hurt and I fell asleep.