After months of waiting and meetings and paperwork, Puck and Tina were finally able to take their new baby girl home. With blonde hair and blue eyes, she was going to stick out like a sore thumb in their Jewish-Asian family, but the couple fell in love with her as soon as they saw her and there was just no turning back.
"Her name is Alannah, isn't she pretty?" Tina said as she vid-chated with all of her former Glee club teammates.
Everyone agreed that she was just perfect and even Santana admitted that she wanted to steal the baby for herself.
Tina's parents feel in love with her as well, but Puck's mom considered it another one of her son's many betrayals (first he didn't marry a Jewish girl, and then he adopted a German infant). Puck kept telling her that there was no way the tiny girl could be Nazi spy but the old woman still didn't trust the newest Puckerman. "She's going to be trouble" his mother said. Tina and Puck thought she was just slowly slipping into dementia, but the old woman may have been on to something. After a few days of living relatively drama free, Alannah went into a gargantuan crying fit that seemed to last all day, every day, for about two weeks.
"Tina, she won't stop crying, how do I make her stop?" Puck whined as Tina was sewing together Evan's (their second son) Godzilla costume for his class party.
"Ugh, I don't know, plop her in front of the TV or something" Tina knew in her heart that this was not very good parenting, but she promised Evan she would finish his costume. And when Tina focuses on something, it consumes her and puts her in a trance-like state. Come hell or high water she was going to finish that costume.
"She hates everything, there is not one cartoon, toy, or movie she likes" Puck held the screaming girl at arm's reach like he was holding an alien, but it was probably just to protect his own eardrums.
"What's going on?" David said as he entered the living room with Evan trailing behind.
"Nothing sweety, your sister is just having a fit." Tina said.
"That's all she does." Evan pouted.
Puck felt like he was about to snap and handed David the crying girl. "Here, you two do something with her. Bond with her or something, daddy has to take a soothing quiet drive." With that, Puck was out the door like a bat out of hell.
Tina was so caught up in her sewing (that stupid tail, next time Evan was going as a ghost, and why would his class have a random costume party? It wasn't October.) That it wasn't until forty-five minutes later that she realized the house was dead quiet. No kids screaming, no Puck half-cursing at the TV, what happened to everyone?
Then she started remembering, Puck left Alannah with the boys. He left their fragile new baby girl in the care of the Sons of Puckerman.
She scrambled around the house looking for them, "Evan!" "David!" she called. Tina knew her boys weren't bad, but they definitely pushed the limits of what was good. For instance, the boys are obsessed with Drago from Rocky IV. They kept trying to pummel each other in bad Russian accents. After Tina punished them, they started beating up kids at school in bad Russian accents. At first she thought this was Puck's doing in attempts to turn her sons into little macho sociopaths but he swears that the boys found the movie on their own.
"Yeah Kill him! Kill him!" Tina heard coming from David's room.
She rushed to the door and flung it open to find her three children playing on David's bed.
"Mom, Alannah's Drago and Evan is Apollo Creed!" David cheered. Evan was using his little sister's hands to punch himself in the face as he made fake sounds of pain. Alannah looked like she was having the time of her young life.
"What's going on up her?" Puck said as he stepped behind Tina.
"Holy mother- you scared me, where have you been?, how could you leave the kids unsupervised?" Tina yelled.
"They weren't unsupervised; you were here the whole time." Puck smirked
Tina slapped him on the chest.
"I was busy sewing a costume for your child; I wasn't out for a beer."
"How can you tell?" Puck responded; he wasn't denying anything, he was just curious as to how he got caught this time.
"The mouth-wash was a nice try but you smell like cigarettes and you got a little of it on your shirt."
Puck sunk his head in defeat; he would have to start packing an extra shirt in his car.
"Hate to spoil the fun boys but it's Alannah's bed time." As soon as Tina tried to pull the little girl away, she let out a deafening scream that caused all the boys to shield their ears.
"OK! Geez, go back to your brothers." Tina sighed
"What now?" Puck asked.
"You already gave her a bath, and it's a Friday night, I say let em be."
"Wow T, look at you cutting loose." Puck said, and he wasn't being sarcastic, when David was a baby she nearly had a schedule for the boy's on a pooping cycle.
"I got three kids now; I don't have the energy to be uptight anymore." She looks down at her watch. "And I just spent 4 hours making a costume that Evan will probably only wear once." Tina sighed.
"He's gonna love it though, and look at it this way," Puck said. "Alannah could wear it later."
"My daughter will not dress up like a dragon" Tina proclaimed
"This coming from Goth girl?" Puck looked puzzled.
"I was a feminine goth though. Look at her, punching away. I hope she still likes girly stuff" Tina pouted.
"OK she doesn't have to wear it, but one day we'll look at it and get nostalgic over how small they used to be, because they won't be this age forever. " Puck said as he pulled his wife closer to him.
Tina looked at her three babies and got kind of sad, she loves her kids just the way they are, even with all the headaches they give her. She knows that she worries about the future too much, but even when her kids are pretend killing each other, they're still so innocent. Growing up brings pain, problems, disappointment, and she wants to shield her kids from that even though she knows they have to grow up eventually.
"They're going to leave us one day" Tina said.
"I know, maybe then I can get laid again" Puck said.
Tina shoved him off and closed David's door "We were having a moment you pig!"
"Good lord, why didn't I stay at the bar?" Puck groaned as he headed for their beadroom.
"Because you thought coming back early would save you an ass kicking." Tina smirked.
"Forget the Puckerman genes; Alannah gets her rage from her mother."