Title: Zutara Week 2010 - Family
Summary: Katara can't seem to answer a simple question. Zutara one-shot.
Disclaimer: I don't own Avatar: The Last Airbender.
A/N: It's that time of summer again! I haven't really touched fanfiction in quite some time so I'm sort of jumping back in it. I decided instead of a series of separate one-shots I'd make a compilation. I'm enjoying seeing all the Zutara works out there already and I think this could be considered Kataang friendly as there is no bashing (but yes, there is Zutara). I thought I'd start off this week with Aang closure because everyone deserves closure. Happy Zutara Week!
"I'm going to kill her."
Suki laughed at how unrealistic the threat sounded. "Let me know how that works out for you."
Katara gave her Maid of Honor a helpless look. Ty Lee had been in charge of the festivities earlier that evening; mistake number one. The girls gathered separately the night before Katara's wedding, Katara being excluded from any plan making so she would remain surprised.
Honestly she thought it would just be a simple get-together considering Katara didn't like big events or being the center of attention. Instead, Ty Lee led her to an absurd location where she was surrounded by numbers of strange males.
When she and Suki arrived everyone was already drunk off their cactus juice or some other form of alcohol. The space seemed cramped and untidy and Katara didn't approve at all.
"At least you were able to have some fun." Suki tried as Katara began removing the make up…of course another of Ty Lee's ideas. Intricate patterns of rouge and ebony coated her face, not really bringing out the sharp blue in her eyes.
"Are the boys back yet?"
"No word yet from Sokka," Suki sighed, as she collapsed upon the guest room's bed. The Fire Nation Palace held a number of rooms which was why Suki pestered her best friend to sleep in a bed as far as possible from her future husband.
"It's always bad luck if the groom and bride see each other before the ceremony."
"Hi. Am I at least allowed to come in?"
Katara glanced towards the hesitant voice at the doorway while Suki sat up easily.
"Does this mean you boys are back?"
"Yeah, Sokka's waiting for you in your room."
"How drunk is he?"
Suki hopped to her feat. "I'll leave you two alone while I go take advantage of your brother. Call me if you need me." Katara smirked as Suki exited the room.
"He's gone isn't he."
"Completely." Aang laughed.
She shook her head, turning back to the mirror.
"You know it's bad luck to spy on the bride before her wedding right?" She teased.
"I'll take my chances."
"How was your night?"
"Pretty fun. Sokka was the only one of us who drank a lot. Zuko and I just had a few shots of fire whisky."
Katara smiled.
"Actually, I came over to ask you something."
"What's up?"
She kept an eye on Aang's reflection in her mirror as she removed the last bit of make up.
"Are you happy? You know, with Zuko?"
She considered her answer before replying. It was on the tip of her tongue but she knew she had to choose her words carefully.
"Why are you asking me that?"
Aang averted his gaze from the mirror. "I just need to know. You're my best friend and I just want to see you happy."
She knew he was being honest. He wouldn't have any type of ulterior motive that would upset them both in the end. She turned to face him, and his eyes locked upon hers.
They were both aware of what was truly bothering him. Suki always warned Katara that if a romance ended, the friendship might end along with it.
Katara knew that she loved Aang, but she wasn't in love with him. She never had been. Yes, she initiated several kisses and often dreamt of the years they would spend together. Only, she also knew those were just dreams. In reality, it was hard dating the Avatar. It was hard dating her best friend.
Aang actually had been mature about their relationship. He wouldn't hover; he'd trust her and respect her. When Katara came to the conclusion that they couldn't be he wasn't broken over it. He wasn't furious. He was sad and hurt, but he didn't let that control him and his feelings for Katara.
Katara and Zuko became a spontaneous couple weeks and weeks after Zuko and Mai realized they weren't heading towards any future together either. It wasn't planned, Katara appreciated the friendship she and Zuko shared.
She appreciated the way he would be neutral, how he would listen to her problems and how he would always be there for her when she needed to cry. She would be there for him when Mai gave him a hard time, when nothing seemed to be going right, when the world seemed to expect too much of him.
Zuko always held her gently, and his touch was never awkward. She loved the way he smelled, the way he kissed her. When she touched the faded scar on his chest he loved the fact that he risked his life for her.
For a while, she felt torn between the two. Aang had been her longest friend, the one she went through everything with. Zuko was the handsome prince she had grown to love.
Some things just weren't meant to be.
"I am happy with Zuko," Katara admitted. "It…it's different, the way he makes me feel. I feel at ease, I feel like nothing bad can go wrong."
"Did you feel that way with me?"
She expected this much but continued to answer graciously.
"I felt different with you. We're best friends Aang. I always felt the need to protect you and I always want you to be at your happiest. I'd do anything for you, but we just felt…incomplete." She gave him a sad smile as his face fell. "I'll always love you but my heart belongs to someone else."
"No, I didn't want you to think I came in here trying to make you feel guilty." Aang said quickly. "I'm happy you're happy. That's all I want for you."
"Are you sure you're okay?" Katara asked him.
"I think I will be," he smiled. "Besides, if you were going to marry anyone other than me? I'm glad it's Zuko."
Tears welled up in Katara's eyes as she approached her best friend, arms open. Aang returned the hug, inwardly breathing a sigh of relief.
I'll always love you, you know." Katara assured him as they pulled apart.
"I'll always love you too."
They hugged again, Aang extremely happy that he finally attained the closure he had been yearning. They weren't meant for each other, he could accept this.
But they would always be family.