Authors Note: I'm so sorry for the late update, my life has just been hectic what with starting University and the workload we've been given and with important exams coming up I've hardly had time for writting anything. I know that this chapter is short, but I'm not happy with the chapter that was going to come before this of Harry doing lessons I've sent it to a friend to look over and should get it back by the end of the week for me to post. This chapter was originally going to be posted after the big long chapter with Harry starting his lessons and the important events that occur leading up to christmas at Hogwarts but I wanted to give you all something to read and this fits in quite well here.

Second Note: Thankyou all for being patient with with and I'm amazed with the amount of story alerts,favorites and author alerts (115 since the last chapter) and as always a very special thanks to those who have taken the time to review. Also I'd like to say thanks to dead feather, after reading your review I have decided that it would be wise to state in the summary that Harry ends up in the marauders era. Thanks for the suggestion.

And now, on to the chapter...although it it short, it should put you on until the end of the week.

Harry Potter in a Different World Chapter 11- The Potters

Cheshire, Alderly Edge, Potter Manor 00:56

Charles Potter could be found sat at his desk in his personal study, with mounds of books and odd bits of parchment with various annotations and scribbles scattered around him. One pile was dangerously near the edge of the large desk and wavered slightly.

In the dim light that the candles were providing, Charles was sat slightly hunched over his desk, head bowed with his left hand burried in his hair, the other hand turning the page of yet another thick book. Several quills lay around the desk where they had been dropped or in some cases thrown down in frustration. His black cloak was thrown in haste on the back of the red and gold armchair in the corner of the room; his deep red wine waistcoat was open revealing a white dress shirt that was untucked with the top three buttons undone and his tie was somewhere under the bits of parchment.

He sighed deeply before closing the book with annoyance and dissatisfaction. Charles closed his eyes and let his head fall back against the back of his chair as the chimes in the grandfather clock started to ring.

And this is how his wife found him.

Dressed in a red cotton dressing gown, hair slightly out of place and a lit wand in hand; Helen Potter approached her husband.

"Charles, is everything alright?" Helen quietly asked her husband, moving closer to the desk. Her slippers making no sound on the wooden floors.

"Hmmm" Charles breathed as he exhailed, leaning forwards once more to sort through various bits of parchment.

"Charles," Helen said in slight annoyance, "Do you know what time it is? It's one O'clock in the morning and you said you were coming to bed shortly."

"I am" Charles insited as he reached for a quill. "I'll be no longer than fifteen minutes dear, you go back up to bed. I'll be up soon."

"That's what you said nearly half an hour ago, come on now. Whatever your doing can wait until morning...what on earth are you doing at this time anyway? If it's that thing you mentioned to me last week about Benson wanting a favour then you can tell him-"

"No, no Helen it's not that," Charles interrupted his wife as he crossed something out quite firmly.

"Then what is it?" Helen nearly shouted.

"This balsted family tree I've been researching and putting together. It just doesn't make sense. My aunt Elvina's three children are on the Potter tapestry with their children and not one of them are named Harry, Harold or Harrison. Peyton died four years ago and there's little probablilty that he sired any offspring as he prefered his own gender according to those three letter there." Charles stated as he pointed to three long looking letters.

"And what about the other child of Elvina? Was it Lindsey that was disinherited?" Helen asked, looking over her husbands work.

"Yes, but there's another thing! There is no record of her since she was blasted off the family tree, the last recorded sighting of her was when she ordered a one-way portkey to America. And nothing since then..."

"Charles, I know that your set on proving that Harry is a Potter, but your taking this a bit too far. Now is not the time to be doing all of this, you'll make yourself ill...staying up merlin knows how long at night and well into the morning and I'm telling you that I will not stand for it! Yes, I care for Harry too, but for now he is safe at Hogwarts and away from that dreadful orphanage-" But Helen was cut off before she could finish.

"Don't you get it? He is a Potter! I just have to have official and trustworthy proof, he shouldn't be at that godforsaken orphanage anyway. For merlins sake woman if you cared about that little boy-"

"Don't you 'woman' me Charles Henry Leonidas Potter!" Helen fumed, "I am your wife, don't you dare speak to me like that and accuse me off not caring!"

Charles winced at the use of his full name and stood up to comfort his wife.

"I'm sorry dear, it's just getting to me..." Charles said softley as he hugged Helen.

"No it's not," Helen snapped, but there was no real bite in her words as her husband rubbed slow circles in her lower back, "Your sleep dreprived and worrying over this too much."

They stood in silence together, just holding each other. Helen could feel the tention leave her husbands body as they embraced each other; the sound of the clock ticking in the background.

"Charlie," Helen started, using his nickname that never failed to make him smile, "What about using a potion? Get some of his hair, blood, nail or something..." She trailed off as they looked at each other, Charles shook his head softly in the nagative.

"You know that it's considered Dark Magic Helen" Charles said as he went back to his desk, sitting down heavily and reaching for a quill once again.

"Don't stay up too late dear," Helen sighed, "You have a meeting at ten O'Clock with the Goblins, lunch with me at twelve thirty and a meeting at the Ministry at quater past one. You've also got to reply to those letters that came today or should I say yesterday? Oh, and you'll have to pick up your set of formal robes from the tailors as we've been invited to dinner at the Richards tonight."

"Yes dear" Charles mumbled without looking up.

Helen headed towards the door, she tapped the nearest candle that was on the wall twice with her wand and all of the lights in the room lit up to an acceptable brightness that wouldn't strain the eyes.

"You do hear me don't you Charles? Not to stay up too late, I'll give you fifteen minutes to come up to bed or I'll be sending Bingo to fetch you." Helen said with a wide knowing smile and she wasn't dissapointed when she heard Charles snort with laughter.

"Must you send that house elf? And what sort of person allow a house elf to be called Bingo?" Charles muttered the last, a grin on his face, not expecting his wife to have heard.

"A man, Charles. That is who lets a four year old mischievous little boy to name a house elf Bingo." Helen laughed, fondly remembering the memory of how her son named the elf in question.

Helens soft, musical laughter echoed the corridors of the near empty manor as she made her way to bed. Charles chuckling deeply as he packed up and cleared his desk; intenet on being in bed before the fifteen minute time frame was up.

No one would want to be escorted up to bed by the stern house elf named Bingo.

Thankyou very much for reading and please leave me a review :)

The next chapter, which will be longer I promise you, and it should be uploaded by the end of the week.

As always, here are the answers to the questions asked so everyone can know;

1) Will Natalia have a big role? Im not sure, I wasnt planning for her to play a big role, but if you wanted to recommend or suggest anything then I will take note of what you suggest. I may/my not choose to include your suggestion but If it do then I will acredit you for the initial idea :)

2) Can he get a break? Or will it all be plied on him? Things will be get better for Harry after christmas, I promise!

Again, thankyou all for reading and I hope you all had a Happy Christmas (if you celebrate it) and a belated Happy New Year!