Okay, so this is a chapter for Enter HPfangirlish squeal here. After this chapter, I think they are going to adopt this story. I just have been caught up in my other fan fictions and don't really pay attention to this one anymore. So it would be great if they could finish this!

"So what was that whole Lee thing about?" Harry asked when we reached black lake. I just looked at Fred who shrugged and said something about a prank. I grabbed the large thick quilt out of the picnic basket and spread it out in between a bunch of trees that surrounded the lake. Everyone took a seat on the quilt as I started spreading out some of the breakfast muffins and foods that the kitchen elves gave me.

"Having a party Goldberg?" Draco voice came from behind me, sending shivers and butterflies to my stomach, I turned to him with a smile.

"Well now that here it's just started. And I thought I told you to call me Magz?" I smiled, moving over towards George more so he could sit between me and Ron. Harry gave him a dirty look.

"Actually I was coming out here for some quiet, but if your offering for me to join, how could I decline?" He sat and leaned back against a nearby tree.

Was it possible that I was falling for this….Malfoy?

"I thought I'd find you all out here." Hermione's voice came. Ron moved over, making room between him and Fred for her. "Malfoy? What are you doing here? Out torturing more souls again?" I frowned at her comment that most of my friends laughed at.

"Actually," I spoke up in his defense, "I invited him here." She raised her eyebrows at me for a second before looking away.

What was I getting myself into?

"Tired?" George asked. We had spent most of the day by the black lake. It was almost lunch time, and I was already tired. Fred seemed to be getting along Okay with Malfoy so I decided to leave the two to talk. I walked over to George and laid down, my head in his lap.

"No." I lied.

"Liar." George laughed, stroking my hair absent mindedly. I smiled up at him and let my eye lids close.

"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!" My eyes flew open and I barely remembered doing to sleep. It was considerably more dark out now and I looked over to where Hermione was yelling at Ron, who had just kissed her in surprise.

I looked up to see George asleep as well, and sat up. I smiled at George and quickly stood up.

"MAGZ! LETS GO!" Hermione screamed, grabbing my hand furiously and dragging me behind her back towards the castle.

"Wait!" I yelled and went back to wake George up so he wouldn't freeze. Then I ran back towards Hermione who was crying. We got a few steps away from the lake before she fell to the ground in tears. I plopped down on my knees beside her and held her in my arms, letting her cry.

"Come on 'Mione, You'll freeze. Lets go up to bed ay?" I asked and she nodded and stood.

I didn't really know why she was crying. I mean, I always though she liked Ron, so why did she care if he kissed her? Was she embarrassed.

"Goldberg?" Draco's voice was beside us.

"Hey, Draco. Um, were going to go back to the castle now okay?" Draco nodded and scooped Hermione up in his arms. She protested for a bit, but then resulted in crying all over his shirt.


"I can't believe you haven't told her you like her yet." Fred mocked lightly as we sat in the Gryffindor common room.

"George? You like someone! WHO?" Magz's excited voice floated to us as she skipped down the steps of the girls dorms.

"How's Hermione doing?" I asked, trying to distract her.

"She's fine…so, who's the girl?" She wiggled her eye brows as she plopped down beside me on the couch. I think she gave up on trying to stay away from Fred, instead she's just been rude to him in hopes he goes away.

"You don't know her." I said, blushing slightly at my lie. She rolled her eyes at me.

"George, I know everyone that you know." She pointed out. Damn she was right.

"Well you don't know this girl." I mocked with a small smile. She cocked an eye brow at me, her smile consuming her face.

"I bet I know who it is! Just tell me George, I mean, Fred knows." She said with a laugh. Did she not get that I didn't want to tell her?

"I told you! You don't know her okay? And Fred's my twin! I tell him everything." That last part was such a lie. I instantly felt bad for yelling at her. Her smile was gone and n its place was shock and anger. I never yelled like that before.

"Fine, I don't want to know anyway!" She screamed back. That was so unlike her. She was usually quite quiet.

I watched as she stormed off towards the girl dorms. What have I done?

"Good luck fixing that mate." Fred patted my shoulder before heading off to bed.


Was George bi-polar now? I mean, its not a bid deal if he doesn't want to tell me, but he didn't have to scream at me like that. Not that I would admit it, but it really hurt my feelings. How could he do that to me? Why would he yell at me like that? I left for breakfast early this morning in hopes of missing the twins on my way there. I did.

I walked down the corridor in silence. I didn't want to talk to anyone today. I wasn't in the mood.

"Hey! Hey, Magz!" Some one yelled from behind me. I turned around to see platinum blond hair flying towards me. Draco stopped when he was in front of me, silently trying to catch his breath.

"Hey Draco, What's up?" I asked politely. Just because I was mad, didn't mean I couldn't be nice. Draco seemed…nervous about something. Was it possible for a Malfoy to be nervous?

"Um, I was just wondering if…you know, you wanted to go out with me?"