Okay, so this story is a little….oh, I don't know…bad? To me it is anyway. But I just liked the idea a lot. So I hope you like it too! (=

When me and George Weaslely first met, it was at his house, New years day. Our parents were the new neighbors, and of course the Weasley's invited us over for a celebration. So the drunken parents sat outside in the cold weather, Ginny, Harry, Ron, and Hermione, were up stairs playing some muggle game, my sister, and best friend(Us being only half a year apart, she being the oldest), Naomi was sucking faces with one of the red head twins, Fred, and Me and george sat awkwardly on the couch, being the quiet people that we were. I looked around the living room. Fireplace in front of me, George to the left of me, Fred and Naomi snogging to the right.

It wasn't that my sister was a slut, even though you might think so since she was introduced to Fred a good half hour ago, she was just very…comforting. You could tell her anything, get attached to her in such a short amount of time, she was someone who knew when something was wrong and made you feel better about it. That's probably why she's slept with basically every guy she's ever met. According to George, Fred was quiet the…how do I put this…whore himself.

I looked at George. He was quiet, just like me. I didn't like meeting new people. Not one bit. And first impressions were everything to me. My first impression of Fred, I hate him, first impression of George, he's just like me. I liked George. We sat on this couch for about an hour, not saying a single word to each other, just blushing awkwardly when our eyes met, yet I liked him. He seemed like he would open up when you got to know him, just like I did. Hell, when I opened up, people wanted me to close again. I was pretty pushy, and kind of…a loon?

I looked at George again, who smiled and blushed when he caught my eyes.

"Do-do, you maybe, want some, um, we can make some Sundays?" George asked. Now what kind of girl wouldn't want a Sunday? I nodded hyper and jumped up, following him into the kitchen. And that, my dear Watson, is how me and George became best friends. It's been a couple days since then, but I felt like I knew George for years. We immediately found our common interest, and learned that we both liked the same sort of things. Of course the thing with my sister and Fred was only a one night thing, and niether of them seemed bothered by it. Life was good. I lounged at the Weasley house often with George, Harry, and Ron. I stirred clear of Fred at all costs. I still didn't like him. He was just so…loud and liked to embarrass me a lot. He made jokes about how me and George were in love, but in truth, we were just really good friends.

"Hey Magz? Wanna go out by the lake?" George called from the bathroom where he just got out of the shower and was getting changed. I loved how he used my nick name. MAGZ, short for Melissa Anne Goldberg…with a Z on the end of course. I smiled into his pillow that I lay face down on, on his bed.

"Yeah! Lets go crazy!" I called back and laughed slightly. He came out moments later smiling and ruffling his hair dry with his hands. I frowned to myself. Boys. I rolled my eyes and got up off the bed, grabbing a towel from the bathroom and drying his hair for him. I swear, the boys in this house were incapable of doing anything! I sighed when I was done and grabbed a pair of sneakers from under his bed, slipping them on and grabbing a sweat shirt out of his closet to cover my tank top. It was way too cold out.

"Ready?" I asked, heading for the door and heading out of the room, hearing his foot steps behind me.

"ARRRGGGHHHH!" George battle cried and bent down to knock me off my feet so I was sitting on his shoulder. He straightened up to his full height and ran down the steps with me screaming wide eyed like a little girl and clinging for life to his shoulders. He put me down at the door and burst into hysterics after seeing my face.

"I hate you!" I said, my eyes still wide. George would do that when I wasn't expecting it. Saying that it was what I get for being so short and light. I'm almost 5'2 and I weigh no more the 105 pounds….I'm 16.…sigh.

"Oh, you love me and you know it." He rolled his eyes with a cocky smirk on his face and opened the door for me.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's what you think." I murmured walking out into the cold. I don't know why we were going to the lake. It was probably frozen and was a good half a mile away. But George wanted to go so what was I going to do?

George POV

She was so beautiful. There she was, sitting only a few feet away, leaning against a tree by the lake, the wind making her chest length, dark brown silky hair, now covered in snow flakes, blow around her face. She closed her ice blue eyes and shivered slightly. I smiled and sat down next to her.

Should I tell her that I like her? I've known her what…two weeks? Yet I was already in love with her. I couldn't wait to start Hogwarts with her. She tells me constantly how bad of a witch she is, but I know from her parents that her and her sister harvest more powers then the Malfoy's did. She was so cute…and small. I thought of what Fred told me the other night. About how he thought she was hot and how he wanted to get her to be his. He knew I liked her, but of course he thought that I didn't have a chance. And he's probably right. Then again, she hates him. I shrugged mentally and relished in her warmth. She was always so warm. I don't know why, because she always claims to be freezing, even if were in a heated house. Maybe she's pushing all of her warmth off of her, and that why she has none for herself?

"Can you take me shopping for school tomorrow morning? I've been meaning to ask you, I don't know where to go." She laughed at herself. I nodded my agreement. School started tomorrow night. I couldn't wait for her to see Hogwarts.

I also couldn't stop myself from starring at her cherry red stained lips. How badly I wanted to kiss those lips! It was way to soon. I know it is. She probably doesn't even like me. I couldn't blame her. I mean, she was so pretty…and I was so….not. I sighed.

"What's wrong?" She asked, turning her eyes to stare into mine while she rested her head on my shoulder.

" Just a little tired is all." I lied easily. She frowned.

" Well we should probably go then. I'm about to drift off as well." She cracked a smile while she stood. "It's a long way back, and I wouldn't want to freeze to death in my sleep." She held out her hands to me and I took them, even though I didn't use her weight to help me up. She was so weak, it was cute. I kept my hand in hers as we walked back through the snow.

"Hey George?" She asked. I turned to look at her and she quickly smashed her snow cover hand into my face. Giggling like crazy she ran ahead of me, throwing back the snow balls I fired at her. She eventually fell to the ground in the snow from exhaustion when she saw our houses only a few feet away. I collapsed beside her, our chest heaving, and us laughing like goons.

"What's all this then? A snow ball fight with out me?" Fred smiled as he towered over us. Magz frowned slightly as she made her way to get up, shaking off Fred's hands when he reached out to help her.

"I should really be getting home." She sighed, extending her hands to me and helping me up. She really didn't like Fred. I took her hands and got up slowly. "Sorry about your sweater. I'll give it back when it's dry." She smiled and kissed my cheek lightly like she always did before running off to her house.

When she got inside I turned to give Fred a disapproving look.

"I think she likes me." He grinned and winked.

"I think she hates you." I retorted with a wink of my own.

"What makes you say that? I've not met a single girl who doesn't like me." Fred stated triumphedly as we started walking back to the house.

"No, You haven't met a single girl who doesn't want to sleep with you! But I think Magz is that girl." He scoffed loudly at my comment.

"Her name isn't even Magz you git, it's Melissa." He corrected me.

"Magz is her nickname." He said irritated as we entered the house.

"Hey Fred, didn't know where you went off to. George. Where's Magz?" Harry greeted us as we walked in. I knew what he meant by the last part. Me and Magz were basically inseparable. She went somewhere, I followed like a lost puppy. We were always together…except when Fred was around. I just shrugged and bounded up the steps to my room, planning on taking a nap.

"Wand?" I asked Magz as we sat in a small café on diagon alley.




"Everything else?" I said lazily. She giggled and nodded her head yes while taking small sips of her coffee.

"You ready for school?" Harry asked. She nodded again.

"I plan on making the most of this year." She said proudly.

"To making the most of it then!" Ron said, holding his cup in the middle of the table. We repeated his words and bashed our cups against his.

"I should probably go pick up the books I ordered before I forget." Magz said smiling and standing up.

"Want me to come?" I asked, not really wanting her to go alone, even if it was only across the street and I could see the entire store. She giggled lightly.

"I can manage." She said, putting her cup down and headed out of the shop.

"So when are you going to ask her out?" Ron nudged me. This is exactly why we left Fred at home. I didn't want to be bothered with stupid questions about Magz and I. How did they even know I liked her?…Fred.

"What! I wasn't planning on it." I shrugged indifferently, "I don't like her like that….she's my best mate."

"So I can ask her out then?" Harry raised his eye brows in question.

"Absolutely not!" I nearly screamed. A knowing smirk came across him and Ron's faces. "Oh, shut up." I muttered looking out the window and across to the shop Magz was in. There she was, standing outside the store, talking to no other then Draco Malfoy. Yes, he is a powerful wizard, yes, she is a powerful witch, and yes, I had to stop them before they broke out into a fight. Or worse, Draco tried to steal my beautiful ice princess.


I swirved in and out of the few people that crowded the streets and headed towards the book shop across the street when someone grabbed my arm. I turned around thinking it was George, but instead saw a platinum blond boy standing there.

"Hello. Are you the Goldberg girl?" He asked and I was momentarily shocked by his grey eyes.

"Hello. And yes. You can call me Magz…who are you?" I smiled charmingly.

"Draco. Draco Malfoy." He stated, looking proud of the name. From what Harry said, it was nothing to be proud of. "Are you here by yourself?" He asked sweetly.

"No, I'm with some friends actually…how about you?" I tilted my head to the side politely.

"My father." He smiled. "So where are these friends of your?"

"Oh, well there right over in that-"

"What are you doing here Malfoy?" George asked as he walked up next to us.

"Hello Weasley." He sneered. "Can't you see I'm having a conversation here."

"Come on Magz. I'll take you to get your books." George snapped, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Don't be mean." I sighed and turned back to Draco. "I really should be going. I have to head off to school soon you know? Still have to pick up those books." I smiled my 'please don't hate me' smile and turned with George to go into the book shop.

"I can't believe that you talked to Draco Malfoy!" Harry complained as we took a seat in the compartment containing Ron and George. I sat down next to George who sat next to the window, while Harry took the seat opposite me next to Ron. They chattered lightly about teachers and Quiddich that I couldn't care less about while we waited for people to finish boarding the train. I only looked away from the circle I was tracing boredly around my ankle when the compartment door opened and Fred, Hermione, and Lee walked in.

I think my heart just stopped. Why oh why, cruel world must I share a compartment with Fred! I felt George put his arm around my shoulder. He knew how much I loathed his brother.

"Ello there Magz." Fred said, sitting down next to me, and quiet close might I add, and slinging his arm over my shoulder. Lee sat down on the other side of him. Hermione sat next to Ron and smiled slightly at me.

"What did you just call me?" Confusion knit my brow. Only my friends could call me Magz.

"Um, Magz?" He looked nervously around.

"Don't." I said as nicely as I could and stood up, causing him to drop his arm. There were three people on each bench. Benches that normally fit two. I sighed, looking around with no where to sit. Now's as good a time as ever to get my robes on. I reached up and tried to haul my robes down. I kept pulling tightly on the robes but they didn't budge. I was getting angry. Not at the robes, not at being so god damned short, but because Fred was standing up to help me.

"Get away." I sneered as he tried to reach up over my head. He held his hands up in defeat and backed away, going back to his seat. I sighed in frustration. "George." I mumbled and he quickly stood and handed me my robes. I lookd at him and thanked him with my eyes. He just nodded. I turned quickly and marched into the bathroom.

I entered the compartment seconds later to find Fred still there. I looked around. No bloody place to sit.

"I'm going to go find and empty compartment." I sighed and grabbed my stuff.

"I'll come with you." Fred and George said at the same time.

"No, really." I said mostly to Fred, until a bright idea popped into my mind. "Oh, well I guess you could come Fred. Why don't you go find us an empty compartment while I get my stuff together." I smiled.


"Told you she wants me." Fred nudged me and winked before he got up and walked out of the compartment. Magz smiled and closed the door behind him, locking it.

"Now that he's gone." She sighed, taking his seat in between me and Lee. Everyone started bursting out laughing. Magz only giggled.

"Poor guy thought you wanted to shag him." Lee chuckled, leave it to Lee to be the perverted one. Magz didn't seem to mind though, she just laughed along.

"Mind being my pillow for a bit George?" She asked me, a smile still stuck on her face. I nodded my agreement, and she quickly fell asleep with her head resting on my shoulder. She was just so….cute!

Woah, did I just say cute? Well yeah! Because she is! Her face was so pale. Like a creamy beige color. Her dark brown hair was falling across her face and I continued pushing it away from her closed eyes. I bent my head and kissed the top of hers, freezing automatically when I heard my friends laughing. I had forgotten all about them being here! Crap! I felt the blush making it's way onto my cheeks.

"Really George, when do you plan on asking her out?" Hermione laughed steadily.

"Oh, shove off." I said crossly.