Title: Brotherly Love
Author: candy_belle and dreamscarred
Rating: NC-17
Serious Warnings: This is an AU fic in which the 3 guys are brothers. As such it includes the following warnings: incest, consentual teenage sex (see the ages listed below in the pairings), brief mentions of past implied rape (nothing explicit), voyeurism, sex, masturbation, angst and brotherly teasing
Pairing: Randy (21) , Evan (18), Cody (16)
Summary: The brothers go on one last camping trip and what started out as a normal camping trip will end up changing their lives and relationships forever.
Beta: none all mistakes are our own, so please forgive us for any errors.
Disclaimer: We own nothing but we wish we did.

"So what do ya think?" rumbled Randy, getting out of the car stretching his back out as he gaze out around the clearing.

In his opinion the campsite he'd chosen for them was perfect. Only 30 minutes from the nearest town but far enough into the woods that they were totally alone. Which mean it was perfect for one final camping trip before they split up.

"Wow!" breathed Evan stepping up beside his big brother, "It's gorgeous," the smile spiting his face was almost as bright as the sun.

Glancing down at him, Randy winked before asking, "Good enough for one last campfire before you go off and abandon us for ever?"

"I'm not abandoning you," protested Evan ducking as a large hand aimed a playful swipe at his head, "And its not forever. I'm only going to Japan for one year. I'll be back before you know it."

"You're still gonna miles away, Puppy" rumbled Randy, chuckling at the glare Evan shot him at the use of his old childhood name, "Its gonna be strange not having you scampering around the house!"

"How would you know?" exclaimed Evan, aiming a light punch at his elder brother's arm, "You haven't lived at home for the last two years! You joined the bloody Marines for god sake!"

"Yeah but even so," rumbled Randy his voice fading into a soft sigh as he gave his bother a fond smile. Evan smiled back the deep chocolate eyes sparkling behind his glasses as he gazed lovingly at his big brother. Randy smiled then realising they were one missing he glanced back over his shoulder and sighed. Taking a long drag on his cigarette, he ordered gruffly, "Baby, get your arse out the car. Now!"

Evan barely hid his smile as the youngest brother finally joined them in the open air. Cody, already taller than his middle brother even at 16, glared at them both, then pushing his sunglasses firmly back into place as he bitched, "Why are we in the middle of nowhere? You said this was going to be fun. This is not my idea of fun!"

"You are such a city dweller," mocked Randy taking a puff on his cigarette and absently ruffling Cody's hair. "Look its just for a few nights then you can go back to your metrosexual way of gelling your hair and waxing your…" he waved a large hand up and down in Cody's direction, "bits."

"So I like to look good," protested Cody glaring at his eldest bother, "Wouldn't hurt you to make an effort once in a while, you know."

"Why would I want to be bothered with all that crap?" chuckled Randy cockily. Then spreading his arms out wide, he turned in a tight circle showing off his near perfect physique to his two admiring younger brothers. Looking at each of them in turn, he growled salaciously, "You don't mess with perfection, boys."

Loving the way both his younger brothers were subconsciously eyeing him up, Randy took a final drag of his cigarette then crushing the stub under his heel he barked, "Right enough gawking at me. Lets get the tent set up and get this party started properly."

It was still afternoon and the sun was still high in the sky as they started setting up the tent in the wilderness. They had only brought one tent as they all were more than comfortable sharing it with each other, kind of like when they were really small and lived in the small 2 bedroom house. As they grew into teens their parents had purchased a new home and they each had been granted the privacy of their own room. Little did they know that privacy had made them a touch less close with each other than they realized.

Randy drove the final tent peg into the ground and wiped his brow the heat getting to him. He pulled his black wife beater over his head and wiped the dipping sweat off his body. "You two could of help me a little more."

"Yeah but you had training on erecting tents," Cody stuck his tongue out at his older brother. Both Cody and Evan were shirtless caring rocks to place in a circle for a fire pit.

"The sun is really hot we should all get some sunscreen on or we're all going to get burnt," Evan spoke moving to his knapsack to get the bottle of lotion.

"Always such a worry wart Evy," Randy pulled his pack of smokes out of the back pocket and put on to his lips. "So whose back do I have to do?"

"Do Cody's," ordered Evan chucking the bottle at Randy," He always burns the most with those freckles of his"

"Oh shut up!" snapped Cody fondly," You've got more freckles than I have!"

"No you've got more on your back but I've got more on the front," correct Evan smiling as Randy rolled his eyes. It was an age old argument and one that never got settled.

"Boys, boys," soothed Randy the cigarette hanging out the side of his mouth, "I'll be the judge of who's got the most freckles. Will that shut you two up?"

Evan and Cody looked at each other then looking at Randy they replied in perfect unison, "Nope.

Randy chuckled then squeezing a good dollop onto the palm. "Okay Baby," called Randy, "Come here and let me slick you up."

"Randy!" protested Cody blushing slightly, "That sounds so gross!"

"What? Me slicking you up?" chuckled Randy, "Only sounds filthy if you've got a filthy mind, Baby." He glanced over at Evan who was watching them innocently. Shaking his head Randy rumbled, "See Evan didn't find it suggestive, did you, Evy?"

"No...why - should I?" asked Evan suddenly worried he'd missed something.

Cody rolled his eyes in exasperation. Then as Randy started to rub lotion onto his back, he teased "God Evan - you are such a virgin sometimes!"

Randy chuckled expecting Evan to snap back as normal but he didn't. He just stood glaring at his bothers before spinning on his heel, calling hoarsely, "I'm gonna go fetch some water."

And before the others could reply Evan grabbed the water flasks and disappeared from view leaving two very confused bothers.

Evan was fuming at Cody's comment. He did not want Randy to know that. Sure Cody had said it in a playful manner but only Cody knew the truth that he was actual a virgin. He knew if Randy found out the teasing from his older brother would never stop, well it would be teasing or him getting dragged to a strip club or maybe even worse.

Evan kicked a stone as he wandered down the path to the water station of the campground sighing. Sure he'd had a couple girlfriends and he'd kissed them, touched them but there was never any type of spark. Evan didn't want to just give himself away without that flame of passion without it meaning something to him and the one he gave his virginity too.

Evan was just confused that's why he was going to school in Japan to give himself time to figure out what he truly wanted from life. Time to sort out his thoughts and emotions on his own without his brothers helping him for a change so he could stand on his own feet.

Japan would give him a mountain of opportunities and experiences. Yet as Evan opened the water jug and began filling it he knew it would hurt to be so far away from his brothers the two people that understood him the best in the world. Hell it was killing both him and Cody that Randy was in the marines now and they barely saw their older brother. "I swear I won't come back a virgin," Evan vowed as he spun the top on the jug and began his way back to the camp site.

By the time he rejoined the others Randy was sprawled on a blanket sipping a beer and chuckling as Cody cursed and swore as he tried to get to light the fire. Sighing Evan set the water flasks down then just strode over shooing his little brother away from the stove snapping, "Oh for god sake…" within a few seconds he had the fire lit and the first pan gently bubbling away.

Cody smiled at him then wrapped his arms around Evan he hugged him praising, "You're the best Evy."

"Yeah well just...just stick to doing what you do best," huffed Evan still hurt by Cody's comment earlier.

"And what's that?" asked Cody the trademark smirk on his face.

"Being a bitch!" yapped Evan instantly regretting his words. As Cody's arms fell away Evan turned and looked at him. For the first time in ages Cody actually looked his age. The young face flooded with hurt.

"Sorry," breathed Evan rubbing his nose, "I just...what you said before I…"

Cody gave a loud sniff – a sure sign he was upset – and just padded away. Flinging himself down on the blanket beside Randy he pulled his knees up to his chest and glared at the fire.

Watching his younger brothers Randy shook his head fondly. Slowly standing up he walked past Cody whispering, "You asked for that!" and carried on ignoring the hurt puppy pout Cody was throwing him. Draping an arm around Evan's shoulders he gave him a half hug and whispered, "Don't let him get to you, Puppy."

Evan glared at him then slowly smiled and wrapping and arm around Randy's waist he turned into his elders brother's body and asked, "When did you become so insightful?"

"Amazing what you learn in the marines," replied Randy softly, his voice suddenly sounding very strained. Frowning Evan glanced over at Cody and saw his own expression mirrored on his baby bother's face. Sharing a look they both nodded – something was bothering their big brother and they were determined to find out what it was.

Randy looked down at the fire he didn't want to tell his younger brother he's been discharged from the marines for disappearing on two separate occasions or that now he was getting by doing odd job after odd job. He also didn't want his brothers to know the reason he left the marines.

No they wouldn't understand that he had to follow his heart, that when he had left it was for love. Cody would understand, Randy was almost positive his youngest brother was gay but what would Evan say when he learnt that Randy was bisexual and in a serious relationship with another man? He didn't want to think about the possibility of loosing his middle brother just because of life choices he had made.

Randy let a smile come to his face as he thought of his lover encouraging him to take his brothers out camping. Wishing him a safe trip and telling him that he'd be waiting with a sexy surprise when he returned. Randy licked his lips, the man sure knew how to surprise him. He walked to the cooler and opened it quickly, he could tell Evan and Cody were staring at him.

Randy let a sigh go and picked up a six pack of beer taking three cans out of the rings. One day he will tell them about his lover and the happiness he was enjoying, and probably the horrors he had in the marines with a certain drill instructor but for now he didn't want their judgment. No this weekend was for them to be brothers.

Cody worried his lower lip. He knew something was up with Randy and he knew too something was bothering Evan he just wish he knew what. As Randy threw him a can he caught it and opening it quickly he took a mouthful before asking, "So what's the plan?"

"The plan is to camp out for the next few nights, enjoy ourselves and watch you get shit scared by nature," teased Randy sinking back onto his blanket.

Cody flipped him the finger sighing dramatically before glancing at Evan and asking, "You okay?"

Evan took a moment before replying then favouring his little brother with a fond smile he nodded calling, "Yeah I'm cool. I just...I don't know I just..."

"You got prissy because baby-bro got too close to the truth?" rumbled Randy taking a drag on his newly lit cigarette. He paused then realised Cody's hand was reaching to take it, he slapped it away swear, "No fucking way! I am not getting the blame for you smoking as well as drinking!" He glared at his little brother then demanded, "And besides when did you start smoking anyway?"

Cody started at him then giving a self satisfied smirk he snapped back, "When I realised smoking would get me some action."

"Get you some action?" Evan exclaimed in shock. He knew his little brother was a flirt but Cody wasn't a virgin when he still was, was a hard pill to swallow.

"That's a true fact Codes," Randy took a drag on his smoke. True that some found it sexy and other not, yet again his mind drifting to his lover who always nagged him to quit yet when he got really hot and dirty loved nothing more than Randy to blow smoke in his face. "So just how much action have you been getting baby?"

"Plenty," Cody smirked cockily saying nothing more. He was hoping that nothing else would be asked about his comment about getting action, it had been somewhat of a slip. It was true smoking attracted some of the schools hottest to him. The hottest bad boys that is.

Cody had known he was gay since he was twelve. He had kept it a secret from his entire family because he wasn't sure if his parents or Evan could handle it. Randy however was a different story, Cody knew Randy would accept the truth because Cody had came to the realization that he was gay from what he saw Randy do during his senior year. Well no so much do, as doing - a threesome with one girl and another guy, with Randy being fully comfortable with both of them.

"What do you mean plenty?" asked Evan still un-nerved by the fact his little brother wasn't a virgin and he was.

"Just that," shrugged Cody a blush starting to creep up his face, "Speaks for itself, doesn't it?"

Evan shook his head in disbelief, replying, "Well I guess that explains why your grade average is so low! You're obviously far too busy to actual do any schoolwork!"

"Oh piss off!" snapped back Cody, "My grades are just fine. We can't all be grade A nerdy genius like you Evy so don't start all that crap with me"

"Boys enough!" ordered Randy, "God now I know why mom says you drive her crazy! Cody shut you mouth and Evan..." he softened slightly as he looked at his middle brother, "Just come over here and have a beer Evan," Randy smiled and held a can out towards him, soothing, "Come on, come here and forget the fact we've a snarky little sod with us."

Evan gave a little snort of annoyance but obeyed nevertheless, sinking down beside Randy and opening his can. Without looking at the other two he started to down the contents.

Randy watched him drink it then reaching up he grabbed another can and tossed it at him rumbling, "Here have another to drown your sorrows with as well."

Evan didn't reply but he snatched the can and sat cradling it, staring far too intently at the label. Cody sighed then huffed, "What's your problem, Evan? It's not like I'm the only person who's ever slept their way around high school!"

"Aint that the tru..." began Randy. But then as he realised what Cody had actually said he sat bolt up right, snarling, "Slept? Cody you're only 16! What the fuck do you mean slept around high school?"

Cody gulped realising too late that once again his mouth seemed to be operating without the consent of his brain. He was regretting what he had said and praying that Randy and Evan would think he just meant some girls, but he knew his poker face was failing. He had been sleeping around to kept people tight lipped about him being gay and to get out of some failed tests and missed assignments. Yeah he had slept with two of his teachers on more than one occasion and one time he had both of them at the same time.

He couldn't not confess that, not ever. Being gay sure he knew in time he would need to come clean but being a whore and sleeping with every man with a dick that was something he really should not admit. There was a lot Cody couldn't admit, all the dark desires he had that could ruin the relationship with his brothers if they ever knew.

Randy looked on at his youngest brother, he knew Cody wasn't talking about someone his own age. He wanted to have a heart to heart with the young man to let Cody know he can confided in him and he would be able to accept, listen and give advice not a lecture. Yet Randy wasn't sure Evan could handle the things Cody might say.

Evan drank his beer confused by all of this, it just seemed like there was a lot about one another they were all keeping locked inside from each other. Maybe there was something he could do so that would all open up to each other not matter what might be said.