Truth Be Hidden

Chapter one


It was 1 am.

It had been 2 hours, 43 minutes, and 12 seconds that Tyki had been watching the white haired exorcist.

He never admitted it, but he loved the boy.

He soon began having an inner debate with himself whether he should go lay down with the boy or to keep sitting in Allen's chair, watching him for a couple more hours.


He would control his desires.

So he watched Allen with his golden eyes. Stopped breathing every time the boy moved.

It was 6 am.

It had been 30 minutes, and 14 seconds since Tyki went to go hide in Allen's closet.

He could sense the sun coming up, and wanting to stay with the boy, he went to go hide until the boy woke.

Straining his eyes to listen for any movement whats-so-ever, he heard the shower turn on.

Tyki relaxed, not wanting to get caught.

He thought about what he should do when Allen came out.

Tyki didn't just want to watch. That would be such a... Tease.

Thinking that his white haired exorcist wouldn't come out anytime soon, Tyki walked out of the closet, to the bathroom that Allen was showering in.

Allen was almost done washing the cinnamon scented shampoo out of his snow-white hair. He was enjoying the soft water-droplets splashing on his back. Feeling his muscles tense when he heard a faint click, he dismissed it as nothing. He wouldn't let anything interrupt him. Nothing was going to bother him.

Wow. Could Allen have ever been so wrong?

After thoroughly washing his hair, he turned of the hot water, grabbed the towel from the hanging rack, and stepped out of the tub.

Smiling at his reflection, a dark figure took shape from behind him. The smile vanished.

The 14th's shadows was back with that grin that bothered Allen oh-so-much.

Removing the towel from his body, he went on to drying his hair, then brushing it.

What Allen did next would be a secret.

HA. just kidding I'm not that mean. XD

Allen couldn't help the blood rush to his cheeks. Or should I say, HER cheeks.

They grew again. And fuck. Was puberty a bitch.

The once size A cup breasts she had easily once covered up, were now a size B+.

Dammit. Can't they stop growing?

Allen was pissed. She couldn't keep trying to hide her breasts.

Not caring to hide them yet with her wrap, she pulled on her lacy black underwear, a black tank-top, (she didn't own any bras since she always covered her breasts up) and her exorcist coat, she walked out of the bathroom.

Only to find a visitor, once calm and expecting a shirtless boy with boxers, was now taking in the black panties and her uncovered lumps that were the size B+ breasts that even Lenalee would never have.

Allen's eyes widened as she looked at the speechless Noah.

Tyki turned around, trying to make sure that his favorite exorcist didn't see his erection in the dark.

More importantly, he was trying to wrap his mind around that Allen Walker.

Was a girl.

Review~ Reviewwwww~ Or I'll send Tyki to stalk you when you're half naked too~


Until Next Time~
