Title: Pretty in Pink

Pairing: Tommy/Adam, Jason/Rocky

Summary: When Jason and Rocky come to visit, they get the shock of their life. Kind of a sequel to 'Pink'.

Disclaimer: None of it is mine. Sadly.

Tommy sighed as he let himself into his house. Anyone who said teaching high school students was easy had obviously never done it. He was tired, his head was hurting, and his body was aching. He felt so old.

The worst part was that he wasn't even going to be able to lay down. He had tests to grade, the other Dino Rangers were coming over soon, and he was expecting Jason and Rocky tonight. They had decided to come visit and celebrate their engagement with their best friends.

Walking through the house, Tommy decides it is too quiet. Adam should be home by now. Adam had opened a dojo in Reefside, but had enough help that he was able to be home when Tommy got home.

Entering the kitchen, Tommy realizes why Adam hadn't greeted him at the door. It was times like these that Tommy really wondered what was wrong with his boyfriend. Maybe his years as a Ranger had caused brain damage. It could also be years of being friends with Rocky. Adam Park was dancing around the kitchen to 'Pretty in Pink' by Psychedelic Furs. That wasn't so strange. It was the hot pink leather pants and pink t-shirt he was wearing.

"Adam, what are you doing?" Tommy asks.

" I'm cooking dinner…I figured you'd like to eat…" Adam replies.

" I meant your clothes…Jason and Rocky will be here in 20 minutes! You can't wear that!" Tommy demands.

" Of course I can wear it… Rocky bought it for me for Christmas…like 5 years ago…and I don't want him to feel like I don't appreciate it…" Adam frowns.

" He bought it as a joke! He doesn't really expect you to wear it!" Tommy groans.

"Well, I like it and I'm not taking it off!" Adam says, stubbornly.

" Adam, we have 4 impressionable teenagers coming over, too…" Tommy explains, softly.

"so? They've probably seen worse…I refuse to change…" Adam pouts.

Tommy sighs and decides to leave it be. Adam was the one that was going to be embarrassed later. He heads into his study and works on grading papers until he hears two cars pull in simultaneously. He heads out to the driveway to see the Dino Rangers getting out of Trent's car. And Jason and Rocky getting out of theirs.

" Hey guys!" He calls.

" What's up, T?" Jason smiles and pulls Tommy into a hug.

" not much…I missed seeing you…" Tommy says, hugging Jason back.

" Rocky! Jason!" Adam says from somewhere near the porch.

Tommy sighs and looks at the others. The four teenagers are just staring at Adam like he'd lost his mind. Rocky was almost rolling on the ground laughing. Jason was looking between Adam and Tommy.

" what the hell were you two doing when we pulled up?" Jason asks.

" nothing…I was trying to talk him into changing but he refused…" Tommy replies.

" interesting…I think he should stick with black and green…" Jason says.

" Hey! Those leather pants look hot on you, Adam!" Rocky calls out.

" Thanks, Rocky!" Adam responds.

" Dude…is Adam gonna be our new ranger, Dr. O? Because he should, like, probably go for another color…" Connor says, obliviously.

"Not that we don't want you on the team, Adam…just…not in pink…" Kira gets out through her giggles.

" It's okay, Kira…I just thought I looked pretty good in pink…" Adam laughs.

A/N: Ta-Da! My family is visiting from VA so I didn't think id actually get