Okay I just saw The Sorcerer's Apprentice in theatres and it was awesome! So before I lose my mood to write this lemme get this down. This is my version of a sequel to the hope you enjoy

The Sorcerer's Revenge

Why did Becky have to come in my room at the exact time I was changing? Out of my underwear? Really? Why?

Becky stared at me like I grew another head. Then as I quickly lowered my hands to protect my private business, I didn't really remember that my dragon ring was on and so, I conjured up some fire by accident and guess where it went….Yep. Well at least I didn't need to cover anything because I passed out cold…..

So when I was conscious again, it was obviously Balthazar's face that I first saw. He was looking like he was holding back a tremendous laugh.

"So Becky tells me that you were getting in the shower when she came in and you…..you conjured up fire to come right up your….!"

He burst into laughter at the same time as Becky did but Becky immediately stopped. But Balthazar was literally rofl-ing.

Since I was aware that a towel was around my waist. I marched up to Balthazar.

And yes of course my towel came loose and I stumbled. Luckily it stayed on.

Becky was in a fit of stifled giggles, and Balthazar was turning himself purple. I don't think I've ever seen him like that.

Veronica came up to the room and was looking very confused.

"What's all the commotion about?"

Becky stopped her giggles.

Balthazar just calmed down enough to change his face back to its usual gray-ish pale. He was breathing heavily.

I realized since Balthazar was at mercy, I made my threat.

"Balthazar, I swear if you weren't my master then-"

"You'd be out on the streets…..Without the towel!"

He burst out again in his little rofl-disease. When he finally stopped, Veronica asked him what happened.

As Balthazar retold the story, I took the opportunity to go to the bathroom and have my shower.

I heard fits of laughter from outside the bathroom door. I was surprised that Veronica didn't even chuckle.

Sheesh! Can't a have a shower in peace?

Then I heard something that made my day:

Veronica scolding Balthazar!

This was a golden opportunity!

I flung on a shirt a sock and my favorite pair of tidy whities.

Then I heard Veronica's speech coming to an end. I was not going to let go of this chance.

I raced out the door and took one look at Balthazar and burst in wails of laughter.

In between snickers, I managed to say, "Oh Balthazary's a bad bad boy! HAH!"

My laughter nervously broke down when I saw their incredulous expression.

Then (of course) they broke in laughter…What else did I expect?

"What day is it? 'National Laugh at Dave Day' ?"

Balthazar in between howls of laughter, said,

"No I'm pretty sure its ' Dave Forgets His Pants Day'!"

Which sent him into a fresh load of laughter.

I froze.

Oh no.

My gaze shifted downwards.

Some soap on my chin…

The soaked top half of my dark red shirt…

One sock….

Tidy whities….Of course.

I bent my right leg over the left one and nervously tugged my shirt down and cleared my throat.

Becky headed for the door. When she saw I was about to protest, she told me she would come back tomorrow and gave me a dazzling smile.

"And besides….Your in no position to talk!" added Balthazar.

After she left, Veronica threw her hands in the air and followed Becky out the door.


I mocked his laughter.

"Mehehehe! Mwaheheheh!"

Over and over again.

"Hey at least I'm not dancing in my underwear."

I blushed. Half in embarrassment and half in anger.

"Oh and by the way I'll give you another lesson at about….5:00. Now I have to go find Veronica."

Halfway to the door, he turned to me with a pleading expression.

"Oh and please, for my sake and for the sake of beauty please please..."

His face crinkled in disgust.

"Put some pants on."

While I was looking around for something to throw at him he turned back around.

Improvise I thought.

So I sent a plasma bolt straight toward his back in record time.

He lazily waved his hand over his shoulder without turning around, and muttered to himself,

"Definitely more practice."

Okay that's the first chapter but the next one is coming very soon Please, please, please please, please, please, review. I really want a lot of reviews