I am Selena Malfoy and I am Malfoy's twin so we look very similar but I have bright blue eyes and long hair like our father. I am also a few inches shorter than him and a little skinnier.

He is a little older, by a few seconds I am told, and a guy, so he's in charge of me. I tend to get into trouble with him and my family by disappointing them a lot…

My alarm went off. I got up excitedly for this is my first day attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry . I already know almost everything about the school from the stories my father and mother tell me.

They don't seem to care to much about the place, but I am positive that I will love it. Father has asked our godfather snape to watch us while we are at school. This is something that I am not so positive I will love, at all.

I ran to the closet and quickly put on my robes before running to the kitchen to see Dobby making breakfast.

He smiled warmly at me and paused to give me a hug, "Selly! Are you excited? What is it, what's wrong with Selly?"

I smiled and wiped at my eyes trying to hold back the threatening tears. I took a deep breath and squeezed him tighter, "I shall miss you Dobby, so much!"

"Dobby shall be missing Miss Malfoy even more," Dobby smiled, is big round eyes glistening as well.

I smiled, "I doubt it but you can try." I whispered, "I love you Dobby."

Dobby smiled "I love you to Selly. Now hurry out before your father gets angry with us."

I nodded and hurried to the dining room, and as predicted Father came out first. "Good morning Father." I said handing him a plate of food.

"Don't get cocky now or I will make you stay here," He warned.

"Yes father I am sorry." I knew I didn't do anything wrong but it was always better if I just agreed with him. Draco came downstairs next.

"There's my favorite new slytherin." Father said.

Draco shrugged "Whatever I'm tired."

Father got up and smacked Draco across his face. "Don't ever talk to me like that again!" He warned, "What do you think now that you're off to school you can test me? I will be seeing you both a lot in between, and I will hear every little thing do you understand me?"

Draco flinched "Yes, I'm sorry father." He nodded and walked back offering Draco a seat next to him. I

rushed over quickly handing Draco his plate. I was not going to get in father's way today. He tugged me around by my waist, "And you my dear?"

I swallowed and nodded hastily, "Y-yes father I understand." I breathed a sigh of relief when he released me and pointed to my chair, "Sit. Eat."

Later on I sat on the train seat beside Draco looking down. He was talking to his two best friends Crab and Goyle. They come over to the house a lot, and we already knew them well.I grasped the seat excitedly trying to ignore the lot of them.

Suddenly Draco turned to me, "You better not embarrass me today or you are so going to be in for it got it?" He asked.

I looked up quickly. "Yes Draco." I said before looking down again.

He grabbed me tightly by my arm and wrapped his other free hand firmly around my chin glaring at me.

"Oww please Draco!" I begged unsure of why he was so angry with me at the moment.

He tightened his grip, "Selena what have I told you about calling me Draco while we are here?" He asked.

"I'm sorry brother I forgot please forgive me sir!" I whined. He pushed me away roughly. I continued to sit beside him quietly looking down at the floor.

A girl with light brown bushy hair came in unexpectedly. "Has anyone seen a toad? A boy name Neville lost one." She asked.

"The only toad I've seen around here is you." Malfoy said as crab and goyle burst out with laughter.

"Wait!" I called before she left. She stopped and turned around.

"I am Selena Malfoy I am so sorry about my brother's behavior it's a pleasure to meet you." I said standing and gracefully holding out my hand.

She shook it immediately. "I'm Hermione granger." She said.

I felt a hard tight pull on my hair, "Ack!"

Hermione pulled out her wand. Malfoy released me and threw me backwards on the floor as he drew out his wand.

"No wait! Please just leave Hermione," I pleaded. She glanced at me in pity before turning back to Draco, lowering her wand, and glaring, before leaving. Draco turned around towards me pocketing his wand.

"Get over here right now!" He ordered. I stood up and brushed myself off before slowly walking towards him. I worriedly looked down at my feet. Draco clasped my arms and pinned me up against the window roughly.

"Oww!" I looked away from him.

"P-please don't hurt me sir." I begged as my eyes started tearing up. "Do not ever talk like you are better than me! Never talk to that girl again do you understand me?" He yelled.

I nodded vigorously. "Yes, yes sir, I swear I won't ever do either of those things again please!" I whined looking at him. He let go of me and watched as I fell to the floor before going over to sit down. I tried to follow by him getting up and taking a step forward.

"No!" He said harshly. I stopped moving, "I don't want you to sit by me right now stay sitting there."

He said. I couldn't believe he is making me sit on the floor. He is so mad at me I hope he doesn't tell

Snape about this.

"Yes brother," I answered before sitting down on the floor. Crab and Goyle laughed at me.

I resisted the urge to make a rude face at them even though I longed to so badly but I decided not to get myself into more trouble. The rest of the ride was pretty fun for me though. Every time we turned I'd start sliding in that direction.

I laughed to myself each time, but they were too busy talking to notice. When we got off I followed rushing behind Draco. We rode in canoes to the castle it was brilliant, even more beautiful than I could have ever imagined on my own.

The lights shimmered brightly in the darkness. We met a guy named Hagrid. Draco was making fun of him because he took up a whole canoe. Apparently he is half giant, don't ask me how that works. I have no clue. We went up a huge staircase and we were told about the houses which we already knew all about.

"So it's true then Harry potter has come to Hogwarts." Draco announced smugly. People started whispering among each other immediately after.

"This is Crab and Goyle, and I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." He said stepping towards Harry without bothering to introduce me.

A red haired boy laughed, "You think my name's funny do you? I don't need to ask you yours, red hair and a hand me down robe you must be a Weasley." He said. Father worked whit his father. We had heard all sorts of stories and were under the direct order not to befriend such low lives.

However I was never the best at taking orders, and I still didn't think that meant that we had to be enemies, "Brother leave him alone." I said.

"Shut up." He said quickly, glaring at me before turning back to Harry and continuing. "You'll soon find out that some wizarding families are better than others Potter, you don't want to go making friends with the wrong sort." He said looking at the weasley. "I can help you there." He held out his hand.

"I think I can tell the wrong sort for myself thanks." Harry said. I laughed and quickly covered my mouth.

"Do you think that is funny?" Malfoy said. Crab and Goyle grabbed my arms on each side. "No wait malfoy it wasn't funny." I said quickly but it was too late, Malfoy walked swiftly over to me and smacked me in my face. I let out a yelp in pain.

"Stop!" Harry said. Malfoy whirled around. "Go ahead Potter, keep talking and see how much more trouble you can get her into." He threatened.

Harry looked anxiously at me, "Please don't try to protect me Harry you'll just make it worse."

Draco smiled back at me. "Good girl now you're learning." He said smartly. I rolled my eyes at him. He raised his hand to hit me again but stopped when he heard footsteps. Crab and Goyle released me. "I will deal with you later." He whispered turning around before the lady came back.

Dinner went rather smoothly the sorting hat put us into Slytherin with no hesitation. The Weasley, first name being Ronald, Harry Potter, and Hermione Granger were all in Gryffindoor. I learned that we would be grouped with their house during classes. Draco was too busy excitedly chatting and gloating to pay any attention to me.

After dinner we all went to the common room and Snape gave a long speech about rules and other really boring things. I was extremely tired and tried to stay awake but I must have fell asleep because the next thing I knew I felt a cold painful grip on the back of my neck pulling me up off the couch.

"Uhh!" I moaned.

"Do you think of yourself as being better than your other classmates?" Snape asked.

"No sir I'm terribly sorry. I am just really tired is all." I answered.

"Well don't worry my lecture is over now, every one besides Draco and Selena go to your rooms now." He said.

Every one ran up the steps in a rush as we followed Snape to his office, "Now I want to see you two every night at this time before bed to go over the day. So did anything happen today after you left that I should know about?"

I hung my head again as I stood in front of his desk. I saw Draco smile out of the corner of my eye. I waited as Draco told him about 'My horrible friends Hermione, Harry, and Ron' that I met today he included everything, even that I rolled my eyes at him.

"Is all of this true?" Snape asked me coldly.

"It's not that it matters whether I say yes or not anyways."

Snape slammed the potions textbook down on his desk causing me to jump.

"Answer the question!" He yelled.

"It I-I..."I stuttered trying to explain.

"The only thing I want to hear out of you at the moment is yes sir or no sir!" He scolded me harshly.

"Yes sir," I replied as a tear rolled down my face. He got up walking towards me. I continued to step backwards. He put a silencing spell on the room so no one outside could hear us.

"What are you going to do to me?" I asked nervously.

"You will be spanked." He said.

"No please can't you just ground me to the common room or to your office, please?" I begged. "Not this time." He said. I walked backwards until I reached the corner of the room and fell to the floor crying, "Get up!" He ordered, trying to grab me.

"No!" I cried trying to smack his hand away.

"That's it I will give you one more chance!" He yelled furiously walking to the desk and picking up a slim black walking stick that looked exactly like fathers. I hesitated knowing how badly that would hurt but stayed there sobbing. He walked over and began hitting my back with it. smack smack smack

"Ow wait please I'm sorry I will cooperate!" I whined. He lifted me up by my hair dragging me across the room as I continued to bawl my eyes out. He laid me swiftly over his lap pulling up my skirt and pulling down my panties.

"P-please no, not bare!" I begged. "You don't get to decide, now shut up and don't struggle or it will be worse. He pulled a paddle out of the desk and began to use it.

After a few minutes He stopped and fixed my clothes before standing me up in front of him. "Now you will go back to the common room with your brother. He and the teachers will be watching you for me. So do not think you will get away with anything just because your father isn't here. You will never talk to those students again either." He said.

"Y-yes s-sir." I stuttered. I followed Draco to the common room as he went on and on gloating about being able to get me into trouble and how I had to listen to him blah blah blah. I wanted to tell him just to leave me be but I was too scared, and so my life at Hogwarts had officially begun.